"Don't talk so much nonsense!" Chen Yuyue banged the container driver on the door: "you can't see the outside from your perspective in the car!"

The container truck driver held his hands on both sides: "the traffic accident ahead is blocked, and it will not be unblocked for a while and a half. It's normal for me to play the game in the car. Leader? It's good luck. You just 'eat chicken', don't you know?"

Chen Yuyue frowned: "did you see anything, said."

"I really didn't see anything." the container driver insisted: "it's not illegal to play with mobile phones in traffic jam?"

"Just now I said I was watching video, now I say I'm playing games and bring my mobile phone. I'll check what you did just now. If you lie, I'll take you back to the police station now." Chen Yuyue can only use the other party's misunderstanding of his identity to solve the problem.

"I..." the container driver was speechless.

Chen Yuyue took the opportunity to ask, "I can remind you that the person in the car in front has a very important case. If you see her but don't say, it will hinder the case, your behavior will be intentional shielding, and I have the right to suspect that you are her accomplice."

In the face of Chen Yuyue's intimidation, the container driver was afraid: "no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

"How do you know there is a girl in the car ahead?" Chen Yuyue clenched his fist in an instant.

"I... I..." the container driver panicked instantly.

Chen Yuyue can now be 100% sure that the container driver saw the truth of Bi Ying's departure: "if she doesn't get off, you can't determine her gender. You can't see the outline of the driver in the car from the angle of your car, let alone distinguish gender."

The container driver can only admit: "leader, I'm just an ordinary little man. I don't want to get into trouble."

"Say, what do you see? Tell me everything verbatim." Chen Yuyue glared: "this is your only chance."

"Just now, the car in front hit repeatedly. I judged from my personal experience that it would be blocked for a long time, so I took out my mobile phone and planned to play 'eat chicken'..."

"Say the point." Chen Yuyue's fist crashed into the ear of the container driver.

The container driver was frightened and trembled: "I took out my mobile phone. Before I could open the game, I saw a man suddenly 'flying' down on my roof!"

Chen Yuyue was stunned.

"At that time, I was also very surprised. I was scared to death. It was so heavy outside and the ground was so slippery, but someone 'flew' down from my roof, but I didn't hear anything!" the container driver hurriedly said, "I know he must not be an ordinary person, so I was very afraid. They stepped on my car and I didn't even dare to say anything to him."

"Then what?" Chen Yuyue reminded.

The container driver is really a little out of focus.

"Then the man directly opened the door of the Wuling in front of him, and he pulled out the girl in the driver's seat!" the container driver said: "I was really scared and stupid. I even suspected that I was making a film, but I looked for a circle, but I didn't find the director and camera, and I didn't see any other actors. At that time, I was sure that something terrible really happened."

Chen Yuyue was a little angry: "a girl was caught in front of you. You didn't respond at all."

"Leader, please, I'm just an ordinary little driver. I can only deliver goods to people every day to earn some money to support my family. I don't have any background and capital. How dare I get into trouble! I don't have time to encounter such a thing!" the container driver was almost crying.

What he said was absolutely true. He didn't dare to say anything just now because he was afraid to get himself into trouble.

Although Chen Yuyue is angry, he can understand the fear in the other party's heart. It's no use blaming anyone at this time. Moreover, even if the container driver acts bravely, I'm afraid it's impossible to change the reality.

The container driver looked at Chen Yuyue with a sad face: "The only thing I know is that the man controlled the girl to run there. I don't know anything else. I really don't know anything. Please, let me go. My son is only two and a half years old this year. My family depends on me to make money. The child goes to kindergarten after the new year, and the tuition fee is 20000 or 30000 a year. I can't have an accident, I beg You, please understand me. "

Chen Yuyue let go of the container driver. He was really innocent.

The container driver was relieved.

Chen Yuyue didn't say any more and turned to the driver to tell him the direction.

It rained so heavily today that it was impossible to find any clues at the scene. Even if there were some footprints, the fingerprints would be basically destroyed.

Now Chen Yuyue can only rely on his intuition and experience to solve this matter.

Although it is still a rainy night, if you want to hijack a person and leave without being found by passers-by, you must take a hidden road to do it.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there are not many choices of hidden roads.

The container driver watched Chen Yuyue leave, and the heart hanging in his throat finally fell.

"What bad luck have I had and what bad things have I done? What's the matter?" the container driver said to himself. He was drenched all over, and the car was full of rain when he climbed into the car.

But he was lucky that at least the police didn't continue to trouble him. If he knew that Chen Yuyue was not a real policeman at all, it was estimated that even his ancestors would scold him for eighteen generations.

He was really nervous just now. He was really afraid of trouble to find himself.

These days, everyone is afraid of trouble, and no one has a good life in trouble.

The container driver was thinking about it. Two traffic policemen came again. They saw no one in Wuling and looked around curiously. Finally, they came to the container driver again.

Now the container driver has no psychological burden. He has said everything he should say.

"Hey, where's the driver in the Wuling car ahead?" asked the traffic policeman.

The container driver looked at him puzzled and pointed to the direction where Chen Yuyue disappeared: "a leader asked me just now, and I have told him that the Wuling driver was taken there, and the leader just chased him."

The little traffic policeman looked blankly: "what leaders here and there? Which leaders do you see?"

"It's your leader!" Muna, the container driver, said, "don't you see your leader?"

The little traffic policeman was nervous and hurried to another colleague: "go, go back quickly. Let's hurry up and deal with the matter. The leader is coming!"

"Who's here?" another traffic policeman looked confused.

"Here comes the leader!" the little traffic policeman pulled his colleagues and ran away.

The traffic police who were dragged back to the scene of the accident always wondered, is the leader coming? Are you kidding? What the fuck? It's raining so hard that the leader can't go out!

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