The speed of the wind was very fast. In a twinkling of an eye, it entered the courtyard of the foreign house and climbed up the outer wall of the foreign house in an instant.

A dark shadow flashed, and the wind had climbed onto the terrace on the roof of the foreign house.

Just when several people thought it was a success, a huge black Lexus, with a larger white Infiniti in the front and back, drove in front and back, and slowly stopped in the parking space outside the fancy foreign house.

These are the full-size luxury brands in Japan, which are absolutely ranked in the automotive industry.

It's impossible for Chen Yuyue and them to start now. Feng Yu hides himself in a hidden corner on the top terrace.

The rest were also in the dark without any movement.

The four of them still had great control over their breath, almost completely covering up their existence.

After several people jumped out of Infiniti, the black Lexus driver opened the door and an unusually tall figure came out of the car.

Chen Yuyue recognized it at a glance. This man was the Japanese man who seemed to be of low status they met in Huaishi cuisine that day. Judging by his size, he knew he was a professional sumo wrestler!

It's Japanese!

Chen Yuyue was stunned. In fact, he can almost guess from looking at the car. Maybe Japanese luxury cars also have a place in China. The "super running" of civilians such as fit and civic also fascinates many Chinese, but it is almost impossible for rich people to buy all Japanese luxury cars.

These three cars are very valuable. You can buy German luxury cars at the same price.

Therefore, it must be Japanese people who will only buy Japanese brands. Although Japanese people are not as "patriotic" and "foolish and loyal" as Korean people, it has been proved that Japanese car market has always been firmly occupied by local cars.

Some people may say that German cars also have a good market in Japan, but we have to admit that Japan can have a little position, but the sales volume is still not comparable to that of Japanese cars.

The sales volume of BMW and Audi may not match that of Isuzu in Japan. The number of cars sold by car factories such as Mazda and Subaru in Japan can hardly catch up with that of imported cars, let alone the overlord of Japanese car market such as Toyota, Honda and Suzuki.

"Did the Japanese do it?" Zhao Xiaoyao couldn't help whispering.

Chen Yuyue reached out and made a silent gesture. He was afraid that the other party would be surprised.

Just then, the door of the foreign house was pushed open, and a guy in slippers hurried over, his face full of flattery.

Du Po Wu was stunned on the spot: "it's him..."

Because the lights in the courtyard of the foreign house are also very dark, there is no way to see the faces of several people inside. Chen Yuyue and Zhao Xiaoyao can't help looking at Du powu, thinking that this must be an "acquaintance" to recognize it in this case.

"Zi Che Xingjin." Du Po Wu lowered his voice as low as possible: "the bastard who forced me to Siam..."

Chen Yuyue and Zhao Xiaoyao took a cold breath. It seems that they have not found the wrong place.

What Chen Yuyue didn't expect was that this bastard colluded with the Japanese?

"Mr. Zuo Jiujian has finally come. Please come soon." Ziche Xingjin politely invited Japanese Zuo Jiujian longer into the room.

Sasukuma longer was only accompanied by Ishihara Jieyi to enter the house with him. The rest stayed outside the foreign house. Ziche Xingjin also arranged several people under his command to stay outside.

At this point, it can be seen that Sakuma longer is very cautious about the safety of the environment here in China, but he trusts Ziche Xingjin and doesn't even bring any personal bodyguards around him.

After the important people entered, the door closed slowly.

Chen Yuyue, they are now completely trapped outside. As long as they move a little, they will be detected and found. Although their hiding place is safe, no matter where they leave, the shadow illuminated by the street lamp will be thrown out. Unless the dozen people outside the foreign house are blind, they will be detected.

"Elder brother, what shall we do now?" Zhao Xiaoyao can clearly judge the situation here.

"Can't get out." Chen Yuyue was very clear: "don't act rashly first."

Du Po Wu worried: "the wind is still up... He won't do anything stupid."

"If we are the one above you, we may worry about what stupid things you will do. It is sure that there will be no accidents." Chen Yuyue could not help but Tucao, he was not worried. "It's you, hold me back, don't be so depressed. You can't make complaints about me without my orders."

Du Po Wu said well and stayed where he was.

Chen Yuyue's words were all said in his heart. He really felt that hiding here was very oppressive. It was certain that the other party was Ziche Xingjin. Then he could be sure that he had caught Bi Ying!

Now he wants to abandon these bastards for the first time. When he rescues Bi Ying, he can also teach Ziche Xingjin a lesson.

More importantly, he wants to know how he knows Bi Ying's identity in Ziche Xingjin's mouth, which is a very important thing for them!


In the room, Sakuma ryuno's quilt Che Xingjin went to the most distinguished position to sit down.

Ziche Xingjin should show more or less his respect for the heavyweight of the Daochuan society.

"Zuo Jiujian Jun, you should have had dinner by this time." Ziche Xingjin smiled: "but I still prepared some snacks. I hope you like them."

Sasukuma longer smiled: "you're too polite."

"Lao Bai, let someone bring Ramen up." Ziche Xingjin waved.

Soon, someone sent up a bowl of hell ramen.

Ziche Xingjin smiled: "I heard that Mr. Sakuma likes eating very much, so I found the best Japanese Ramen master in China and made you a bowl of hell ramen."

Hell Ramen is a famous Japanese ramen. Hell Ramen is a spicy Ramen among Japanese ramens.

This Ramen is made of fresh dolphin bones and chicken bones. The refreshing Ramen is covered with pepper, laver, barbecued pork and bean sprouts.

As for why it is called hell ramen, the main reason is that it tastes spicy, which is different from other ramens. If people who can't eat spicy food eat hell Ramen in winter, they will be sweating because of their spicy taste, so they will gradually be praised by people who can't eat pepper. In fact, hell Ramen is not really spicy.

Compared with some abnormal spicy in China, Sichuan and Hunan, that's really hot. People's eyes sweat.

The entrance of hell Ramen is full of mellow fragrance, and then the tongue will gradually feel spicy, but it will never make people cry.

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