Ziche Xingjin finally spoke first: "I heard that Daochuan will have many experts in Tianhai, so I want to ask Zuo Jiujian to lend me some people to deal with some difficult things."

This request is obviously impossible. Without thinking about it, sasukuma directly refused: "sorry, I can't decide this matter."

"Zuo Jiujian, I know very well that the members of Daochuan society in China are dispatched by you." Ziche Xingjin said faintly: "after all, we know each other, and we won't refuse me for such a small matter."

Zuo Jiujian longer shook his head: "it's not that I don't help you, but it's a matter of principle. Although the eighth generation head handed over the Chinese side to me, I still need to ask the eighth generation head for instructions on the power of employment."

When Ziche Xingjin heard this excuse, he couldn't help shaking his head: "if the eight generations don't even give this power to Mr. Zuo Jiujian, why should Mr. Zuo Jiujian stay in Daochuan club?"

Zuo Jiujian's second face was expressionless: "the eight generation eyes are not thin on me. Of course I am loyal to him."

"But some things I heard don't seem to be like this. If it hadn't been for the eighth generation project bureau, would Sasaki have become the youngest 'Henggang' in Japan?" Ziche Xingjin smiled.

"I don't want to talk about the past." sasukuma longer reminded Ziche Xingjin for the first time: "some of your hearsay words, it's best not to say more in front of me."

"Hearsay... Hehe, Sakuma Jun, I respect you very much. I say this because I treat you as a friend. If you think it's inappropriate to say these words as a friend, I'm sorry, then I sincerely apologize to you." Ziche Xingjin said seriously: "but I hope you can believe me. I really treat you as a friend."

Sasukuma longer didn't waver: "if you think I'm a friend, don't embarrass me."

"It's difficult to borrow a few people... Ha ha..." Ziche Xingjin was a little unhappy: "did Mr. Sakuma forget the troubles encountered when Daochuan tried to enter China? Who helped you?"

Sasukuma longer said quietly: "I didn't operate shimakawa to enter the Chinese market. I really don't know those things."

"Since Mr. Zuo Jiujian has said this, I don't need to say too much." Ziche Xingjin said: "I hope Mr. Zuo Jiujian can ask the eight generations of eyes. Shimakawa will be in China. Who do you rely on for the wind and water?"

"If I have a chance, I will ask badaimu for advice." sasukuma longer smiled.

"Arms smuggling, human trafficking, drug trading, money laundering..." Ziche Xingjin suddenly put away his friend's identity: "we can let you go with the wind and water in China, and also let you sail against the current in China."

"Is this a threat to me?" sasukuma longer said coldly.

Ziche Xingjin indifferent spread out his hands: "if you think so, that's it."

Sakuma longer didn't speak for a long time.

Ziche Xingjin added, "if I'm right, you seem to have used our China live broadcasting platform to wash a lot of black money."

"What on earth do you want to say?" sasukuma's voice was much colder.

"The live broadcasting platform invested by a listed company was delisted from huge loss insurance, and it was found that nearly 2 billion yuan was given to its anchor..." Ziche Xingjin smiled: "I heard that the company will be connected with Daochuan, and it is not only this company that will be connected with Daochuan."

"It's not a good thing to know too much about some things." sasukuma longer said faintly, "it's getting late. I won't bother. I'll go back first."

Sasukuma longer threw down his words and got up to leave.

Ziche Xingjin stopped: "although everything that Daochuan will do in China seems to be very smooth, you still don't know as much as we do."

Zuo Jiujian was stunned: "if you really have something to say, don't beat around the bush."

"You need to pay attention to human trafficking in China." Ziche Xingjin obviously can keep sasukuma longer: "have you heard of the United Nations global plan to combat human trafficking?"

Sasukuma longer was silent.

In fact, he is well aware that international organizations and countries are paying more and more attention to combating human trafficking, but in recent years, human trafficking has become more and more intense all over the world.

Perhaps it is hard for ordinary people to imagine that today, with the rapid development of human civilization, the barbaric act of trafficking in human beings has become more and more intense. But the number of people trafficked in the world every year is really as high as millions!

Worldwide, the scale of transnational human trafficking has reached nearly one million every year!

The Middle East, Western Europe, North America and the Caribbean are the main inflow areas of human trafficking.

East Asia, Eastern Europe, sub Saharan Africa and South America are the main export areas of trafficked persons.

Human trafficking in East Asia is obviously more serious.

"I don't understand why this ancient illegal profession has been around for thousands of years and still exists." Ziche Xingjin smiled: "your Japanese black organizations attach great importance to this."

Sakuma longer stared at Ziche Xingjin: "this is nothing more than affected by the relationship between supply and demand. It is like the skin business, which can never be eradicated since ancient times. Due to market demand, we will naturally do things with a market. The world market is so large, and there are enough resources in East Asia."

Ziche Xingjin sneered: "I really admire you Japanese for being so inhuman."

"Do you think you don't have such a inhuman guy in China?" sasukuma longer said coldly: "as long as there are enough interests, what is human nature?"

"So, this kind of business will never decline?" Ziche Xingjin wondered.

"Unless the interest chain is destroyed, the selling cost is increased and the profit is reduced, when there is no sufficient interest drive, naturally no one is willing to do it again." Zuo Jiujian's analysis of this matter is very clear: "Or change the social status quo. When our society develops to the point where there are no more buyers to buy, the market disappears. But no one knows how long the transition period will take and how much it will cost. It is difficult to estimate in the current East Asia."

"You really know this market." Ziche Xingjin is still indifferent: "it seems that you Daochuan will do evil in China..."

"When you said this, did you think about yourself?" Sakuma longer stared into Ziche Xingjin's eyes: "how many 'test articles' do you need every year? I'm afraid this number is much more than the number we sell..."

Ziche Xingjin's face changed: "have you forgotten that this is China? Our identity is different. This is our territory."

"But what we do is the same." sasukuma longer cut the nail and cut the railway: "it's also a loss of conscience!"

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