Sasukuma longer knows why the eighth generation Mu trusts him so much and arranges him in China because of his self-control ability.

"If I can't even control my desire, I won't be the one talking to you now." Zuo jiujianlonger said faintly: "Ziche Xingjin is Chinese. He should know what happens to people with desire."

Ishihara Jieyi pointed to bi Ying who was still in a coma in the box: "what does he mean by giving you this girl? Is it just a temptation?"

Zuo Jiujian longer shook his head: "you all think wrong. This girl is not a gift."

"Not a gift?" several people said in unison. They didn't understand what Zuo Jiujian longer meant.

"Don't you forget that he invited me this time to ask me to borrow someone to help him?" Zuo Jiujian longer said again.

"Of course I won't forget, because he forced us to promise him. I have to say that the Chinese people are too cunning. They can think of any way for interests." Shiyuan Jieyi said disgustingly.

Sakuma longer looked at the box: "if I didn't care about his threat and resolutely refused him, this box wouldn't appear in our yard today."

Ishihara Jieyi was even more angry: "he promised to help him, and he would give it to such a woman. Is the cost too low? As long as we want to do it, we can get as many beautiful girls as we want in China."

"I said, this girl is not a gift," sasukuma longer reminded again.

Ishihara Jieyi suddenly realized: "I see..."

The others didn't seem to understand. They looked at Ishihara dressed in fog.

"It turned out that he wanted us for this girl!" Ishihara Jieyi looked at the box in surprise: "although we promised him just now, he was afraid that we would change our mind temporarily. He simply asked us to bring this girl back. The hot potato has been thrown into our hands. We can't do it if we don't want to pick it up."

Sasukuma nodded: "yes, the hot potato has been thrown into our hands. We must catch it. If it breaks... Ha ha."

"They threw the potato over without making it clear. Even if it was broken by us, it's no wonder that we did." Ishihara Jieyi said.

"This is his intelligence. He knows I can understand him." Zuo Jiulong said.

One of his men said crossly, "but we can pretend we don't understand. If we pretend we don't understand, he can't do anything. He can only blame himself for not making it clear!"

"To be a man, we should stress credibility, which is my principle. Even for Chinese people, we should also stress credibility."

Ishihara Jieyi didn't understand why sasukuma longer was so stubborn: "but they are Chinese..."

"No matter who they are, I'm Japanese, and honesty is my principle." sasukuma longer is indeed a very stubborn person.

Shiyuan Jieyi shook his head: "in Japan, you can talk about credibility, but you don't need to do so in China. We've been in China for so long. Haven't you figured it out? China's windows need to be equipped with anti-theft nets to prevent crime. In Japan, even if there is no one at home, they can be opened!"

Zuo Jiujian was stunned.

"In Japan, we can safely and boldly put our wallet in the back pocket to go shopping. Even if it shows half of it, we don't need to worry about anything. Not in China! We can doze off safely on the subway in Japan, and Chinese people must always be careful whether someone will steal!" exclaimed Shi Yuan Jieyi.

The other men nodded in agreement.

"There are a large number of unmanned shops and vegetable stalls in Japan, but they are very rare in China! You can enter the supermarket in Japan without storing bags, while Huaxia supermarket requires to store bags in order to prevent theft!" Ishihara Jieyi said more and more excitedly: "If you go to the bathroom when you eat in the Japanese fast food restaurant, you can put your wallet directly on the table without scruples. What if you're in China? You may lose your wallet as soon as you turn around!"

When Ishihara dressed up and spoke, Sakuma longer didn't bother.

When she finished her words excitedly, he began to speak slowly.

"Do you know why? In fact, it's just because our law punishes theft very severely." sasukuma longer smiled bitterly.

Ishihara Jieyi was speechless.

"According to Japanese law, if the amount of theft is small, he shall be sentenced to less than three years' imprisonment or a fine. The most serious crime of theft can be sentenced to ten years' imprisonment." sasukuma said, "you don't know how low the threshold of theft in Japan is? Stealing ten yen, that is, RMB 60 cents, can be sentenced to one year or more. We have zero tolerance for theft."

"China's punishment is also very heavy. Those with a huge amount of theft may be indefinite!"

Zuo Jiujian long er shook his head: "the Chinese law has a premise. This heavy punishment only occurs when individuals steal public property, such as stealing banks. It doesn't matter if individuals steal. Ordinary thieves and petty thieves just admit their mistakes, return the stolen goods and accept administrative punishment."

Ishihara Jieyi breathed deeply: "well, but we can put our wallets in public places. Is this beyond doubt? Do Chinese dare?"

"We in Japan enacted the lost property law as early as the 32nd year of Meiji, and taking things as our own is regarded as lost property. The ownership of personal property has not changed, whether it is left at home or lost outside. Picking up property that clearly does not belong to us is no different from intentional theft!" sasukuma longer cut the nail and intercepted the railway.

As a member of a Japanese black organization, I know so much about the law.

Ishihara Jieyi has nothing to say. This is different national conditions, not a quality problem.

Therefore, although Japan has the largest number of black organization members in the world, the crime rate is not directly proportional.

In fact, it all comes from the constraints of the law.

Many people have seen that everything in Japan is in order. They say that Japanese people are of high quality. Do you know why? Jumping in line in Japan will be punished by a fine of less than 1 million yen and 24-hour detention!

Who would take such a big risk because of jumping in the queue?

In China, if you don't have to pay so much, a fine of 100 yuan and go to the police station to lose face, it's impossible for someone to jump the queue.

Many people know that there is almost no drunk driving in Japan, because Japanese drunk driving is sentenced to ten years and fined millions of yen!

In China? It's only one or two thousand, which is about the same as the penalty for Japanese spitting in the park. Detention for ten days and a half months is no deterrent at all. Huaxia drunk driving is also sentenced to a ten-year trial to see if there are any drunks who drink and drive to endanger public safety in the street.

All these seemingly high-quality backgrounds are strict laws!

When everyone was silent, Sakuma Ryuji sighed, "after the economic bubble, we are increasingly poor in material and spiritual terms. We are far from the past. The female students in Yokohama were killed, the Hokkaido women tourists were missing, and the hand pulled noodle shop customers were stolen one hundred and sixty thousand cash... Do you not see these news?"

Ishihara bows his head in shame.

"We are not qualified to despise the quality of Chinese people. Our only face has long been lost by the Japanese teacher who sneaked into the student dormitory to steal the living expenses of Chinese students!" sasukuma longer raised his voice and said angrily.

Obviously, he is a Japanese with a strong sense of honor.

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