Bi Ying calmed down and took out a suit of sportswear: "when I was a child, I only had this kind of clothes to wear. When I grew up, I always wanted to wear more girl clothes... I didn't have my first skirt until last year. I didn't expect to wear this kind of clothes again in the future, but fortunately, such clothes are more comfortable and more casual."

Chen Yuyue looked at BI Ying apologetically: "when I solve the problem, I'll take you to Paris, New York, Hong Kong and Macao, and all the shopping paradise in the world. I'll buy you whatever skirt you want and what clothes you want. I'll buy you all the things other girls have."

Biying smiled: "brother, I can keep this in mind. Don't change your mind. I'm waiting for that day. I'll let you buy a skeptical life."

"You don't have to be so cruel. More or less, you can leave some wife for me. It costs a lot to marry a daughter-in-law these days, house, car... Oh, don't mention it. It's a headache to think about it." Chen Yuyue joked.

"I don't think sister Xuefu is the kind of girl. Brother, the kind of girl who pursues material doesn't deserve you at all." Bi Ying said firmly: "the girl who deserves you won't care about those at all, because the girl who deserves you will never be so vulgar."

Chen Yuyue patted Bi Ying on the head: "you think so, but many people don't think so, especially people's parents. I can understand this. I just need to change my position. If a poor boy with nothing wants to chase you, do you think I will agree?"

Bi Ying asked, "why not? If he is really good enough, I don't think you will see people with that kind of colored eyes."

"That's not necessarily. Your brother and I are also a layman. We live in the secular world, and no one can avoid it." Chen Yuyue shook his head.

"If even you are so vulgar, is there still one in the world who doesn't eat human fireworks?" Bi Ying also shook her head.

"Yes, there are many people in the world who don't eat human fireworks." Chen Yuyue smiled. "But those people have a common characteristic. They don't worry about life. They don't lack material support. Because they have enough material conditions, they have the conditions to pursue spiritual life."

Bi Ying nodded, indeed.

In this world, only rich people will say they don't care about money.

The poor are even willing to exchange their lives for money.

If the world's richest man said that he would exchange 10% of his property for 10% of the life of a poor man, the poor man would never hesitate. If the richest man said that he would exchange 50% of his property for 50% of his life, his family would be crushed by the applicants.

Even if you exchange all your remaining lives for this money, countless people are willing to do it, because money can be inherited. People who are poor and afraid don't care about life at all. What's the fear of death if they can make their future generations live better?

Most people have heard a word called personality is valuable.

People live to eat. A person will never let his family and children starve. What is personality when the basic conditions cannot be guaranteed?

A teacher Cui, who has nothing to declare the birth of Chinese rock music, sings this in a song: if it's for love, the song is a fart. If it's for life, love is a fart.

To tell the truth, this word is definitely a big truth, although this kind of truth seems very offensive to the ear.

But Mr. Cui is definitely not a cynical statement to vent in the song, but a calm description of life by people who have the courage to accept reality.

Because many people believe in more than this.

That is - for money, life is a fart?

This is perhaps the most sad side of people.

Pay attention to spiritual life, pursue the true meaning of life, and don't eat fireworks among people are things that rich people can do.

Therefore, those famous thinkers and philosophers, both ancient and modern, at home and abroad, were born with excellent family conditions.

If a person doesn't even have an excellent living environment, can't even eat all day, and needs to beg on the street hungry, how can he have time to think?

That's why Chen Yuyue said he was also a layman.

Bi Ying doesn't seem to have considered her future, which is too far for her.

"I haven't thought about love at all." Bi Ying said faintly. Because she has been in society since she was a child, she has seen too many things more than her peers. For her, love can only exist in the world of rich people, and what she has witnessed is the decline of poor couples.

So Bi Ying has no longing for love.

"I am a very traditional person. Even if you want to implement an arranged marriage to me, I can accept it," Bi Ying added.

"Although I'm a layman, I'm not so old-fashioned." Chen Yuyue picked up the shaver with a wry smile.

Bi Ying reached out and touched her hair: "Brother, do you really decide to do this? Can't I take a wig and pretend to be a man? I'll dress up as a man so that others won't notice, but I'm not so strict... I must sneak when I wash my hair. Besides, don't you want to send me to a remote place? There are few people and few things in that place. Even if I don't dress up as a man, I'll be fine?"

"Women are not allowed to go there. If you wash your hair there and are found to be a long haired woman, it will bring unnecessary trouble. In this way, the friend I entrusted will not take you in. He is a person who is afraid of trouble." Chen Yuyue smiled bitterly: "you can only be wronged."

Bi Ying sighed: "I'm afraid it will take a long time to keep my hair back."

"We will solve the problem as soon as possible and will never let you wait until your long hair reaches your waist," Chen Yuyue promised.

"Long hair and waist? Brother, don't make fun of me. Do you know how many years it will take for long hair and waist?" Bi Ying cried and laughed: "are you sure it will take so long?"

Chen Yuyue pondered: "I calculate that under normal circumstances, the growth of hair is about mm every day, that is, it can grow about 14cm a year, but the sunlight can accelerate the growth of hair. The sunshine in the place you go should be pretty good, so it should grow faster. According to your current height ratio, it will take almost five years to grow from bald head?"

Bi Ying rolled her eyes: "are you sure I don't need a haircut after I go there?"

"You still have to push it often. I'll take this push for you. Don't let others find your hair." Chen Yuyue said, "as long as you don't have hair, even if others look like a girl, you can only suspect that you're just beautiful. If you have hair, you'll be in trouble. Even those with cataract can see that you're a girl."

Bi Ying suddenly grabbed the scissors and pushers on the table: "I'll do it myself. You can keep my hair for me."

Chen Yuyue nodded.

Bi Ying got up and went to the bathroom.

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