At two o'clock in the afternoon, Nagano Ningci heard about what happened last night.

When he rushed to Huaishi restaurant as fast as he could, Sakuma's patience had been completely consumed.

Nagano Ningji didn't have much contact with Sakuma ryuno. His impression of Sakuma ryuno was also very single, because the people of the whole shimakawa Society said that although Sakuma ryuno had a burly and terrible body, his heart was very gentle.

Therefore, Nagano Ningji didn't care much. He still felt that Sakuma ryuno wouldn't have any emotion.

But when he was brought to sasukuma longer by Ishihara Jieyi, he realized that his idea might be wrong.

The atmosphere in Sakuma ryuno's room was very low. There was no relaxed color on everyone's face. These people had seen what the angry Sakuma ryuno was like, so they had great pressure in their hearts and could not be absent like Nagano Ningji.

"Zuo Jiujian Jun, I heard about yesterday. I feel very..."

"If you want to talk about yesterday, you can just shut up." sasukuma ryuno interrupted Nagano's words impolitely.

Nagano Ningci was stunned for a while and only recovered for a long time. In fact, his status and identity in the shimagawa society are on an equal footing with Sakuma longer, so Sakuma longer's attitude towards him is obviously unacceptable to him.

Although this is China, Sakuma longer has been granted a special right by the eighth generation project, that is, any member of the shimakawa society should listen to Sakuma longer's orders when he is in China, even if he is a high-ranking big man, even if he is the leader of all ninjas.

As long as it is on the land of China, Sakuma ryuno is the highest commander.

Nagano Ningci tried his best to calm his emotions: "Sakuma, I think you shouldn't be angry with others for what happened to you."

"Vent your anger on others?" sasukuma longer sneered: "Nagano Ningci, don't you think something will happen in Huaishi restaurant, which has a great connection with you?"

"Zuo Jiujian Jun, I don't like to listen to such words. This matter has nothing to do with me at all." Nagano Ningci said: "I know something about this matter. It's obviously your friend who gave you a woman to help watch. The person yesterday was also recruited by that woman. What does it have to do with me?"

"Do you know who came yesterday?" sasukuma longer's voice was colder.

Nagano Ningci nodded: "I heard that it was the guy invited by the Korean people to dinner that day..."

"Now do you still think the meal that day was so simple?" sasukuma longer said, "obviously you and your people exposed the Huaishi restaurant, so the Huaishi restaurant was watched, so the next thing happened."

Nagano Ningci was a little upset: "if you say so, it's meaningless. Look back, I will."

Sasukuma longer was obviously angry: "aren't you already checking the Chinese? But you haven't found anything all day. The man also took someone to invade Huaishi restaurant! Isn't it your responsibility!"

"Zuo Jiujian longer, don't go too far. Let me emphasize again that I'm not here to do things for you. I also have my task to come to China. The focus of the task I want to solve is not here at all." Nagano Ningci also means to turn his face.

"Then I also remind you that what you want to solve must have something to do with the Chinese!" Zuo Jiujian longer said impolitely: "you'd better remember that all your mistakes will bring us trouble!"

"Zuo Jiujian Jun, if you have enough strength, you shouldn't let the Chinese leave." Nagano Ningci countered: "don't blame me for your mistakes. I wasn't here yesterday, so everything has nothing to do with me."

"Originally, you should stay in the store. Not only you, but also those people you brought should live in Huaishi restaurant." Zuo Jiujian longer said here more angrily: "if you and your people were in the store, they couldn't come and go freely yesterday."

Nagano Ningci was stunned: "are you blaming me for not living here?"

Sasukuma longer didn't reply, but he did mean that.

He thought it was the trouble brought by Nagano Ningci, which made the other party familiar with the situation in Huaishi restaurant, so the rescue operation would be so smooth.

But with this, Nagano Ningci should bear the responsibility, which he must bear.

"Zuo Jiujian Jun, don't joke with me any more. Can I live in the room you prepared for me?" Nagano Ningci said, and he was also angry.

"I don't know what kind of place you live in on weekdays, but I tell you that all the people in China in Daochuan Club live. I've given you the conditions I set. It's already the way to entertain guests." sasukuma longer said seriously.

Nagano Ningci sneered: "ha ha... If you say so, I really should thank you?"

"You don't need to thank me, and I know what you think." sasukuma longer said coldly, "if you think the conditions here are bad, it's not my reason, but your reason. You're doing so well."

"Well, I know, all the people of shimakawa society know, and the eight generations also know that Sasaki didn't enjoy life in China." Nagano Ningci laughed: "is that ok? Hahaha... It's ridiculous. In order to let everyone know that you don't enjoy life, you have to be right..."


Sasukuma longer didn't wait for long, and Nona Ningci suddenly stood up.

Because his momentum was too heavy, Nagano Ningci made a backward defensive action in conditioned reflex, and swallowed all his words.

"We are all our own people! Don't be so tense!" Ishihara Jieyi quickly came forward to reconcile.

But now Sakuma ryuno's anger can't be contained. Even if Nagano Ningci kneels on the ground and sincerely apologizes, Sakuma ryuno won't forgive him.

"Zuo Jiujian Jun, I think Miss Ishihara is right. Even if there are some small misunderstandings between us, it won't be like this?" Nagano Ningci still has some scruples about Zuo Jiujian longer more or less.

At this time, Nagano Ningci made concessions and showed weakness first.

"Not bad." Ishihara Jieyi hurriedly said, "Sakuma, no matter what happens, we all sit down and talk well. Don't do this. It will hurt the harmony."

Nagano Ningci didn't dare to relax his vigilance at all before Sakuma longer sat down, for fear that Sakuma longer would suddenly teach him a lesson.

Sakuma longer's suppressed anger still didn't burst out, but he knew that Ishihara's words were right. He had to control his emotions.

Now there are foreign problems, he can't let his people make trouble, and he can't have emotion first.

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