Remembering these painful things again made Chen Yuyue's mood very low.

Bi Sheng's death reminded him of many things. In the real war, those brothers wearing camouflage representing the country made too many sacrifices.

Not only Bi Sheng, not just their dragon group, but also too many people have made too many sacrifices.

The soldiers who have to swim in danger in peacetime are not only their brothers of divine sword, but also the brothers of war wolf, Falcon, snow leopard and Jiaolong

In the eyes of many ordinary people, they are a group of invincible soldiers. They are invincible and the brave are invincible.

They are the heroes in the eyes of ordinary people. The easiest day is always yesterday.

They have too many things to do. Saving lives is the most important thing they have to do. They can decide everything by their strong willpower. They can fight for the motherland and the people recklessly. They have only one idea at a time of life and death - the brave wins!

However, how many of these heroes have been trained for more than ten years, but have only participated in a real "battle" and will retire forever

How many people were seriously injured and could no longer stand up.

How many people were sent home only a cold body.

How many more people's bodies are even beyond recognition.

But they were lucky compared with those brothers who were broken by bullets, blown up by shells, or even lost their bones.

It is these people who are doing what no one wants to do in peacetime.

It is these people who guard the peace enjoyed by ordinary people with their lives.

Whenever the military parade, the people all over the country will be excited.

The sound of the military song rocked into the sky, and the soldiers marched past. What was behind the momentum of swallowing thousands of miles like dragons and tigers?

Is to let the common people see the rising sun in the morning and pay some blood and sweat!

China is a country that has experienced the flames of war.

The Chinese nation was once trampled by the invaders.

Why? It is because there is no people's army enough to defend national defense and maintain national peace!

Although the nightmare history has passed, there is still a surge behind peace.

A soldier is a national event.

Chen Yuyue is very clear about the heavy meaning of these words. Only they can really understand the meaning of these words, because some things really need to be defended with their lives.

How many ignorant people talk loudly at the dinner table: it's a time of peace and there's no war. What do you want so many soldiers to do? They raise food for nothing and waste food.

This is not an isolated phenomenon.

Chen Yuyue has been in contact with many guests with such ideas in Fuxiang.

There is a big TV in the village. News is broadcast every night. Once the news reports about military affairs or some tensions in international relations, guests will talk about national affairs and military opinions.

Although many people's views are very superficial and naive, Chen Yuyue will not blame them.

Because Chen Yuyue is an experienced person, he knows that people without that experience will have some kind of ideas, which can be understood.

After all, a country with more than one billion people does not need everyone to experience that kind of danger and pain. It only needs some of them to bear it. Only when they bear it can others enjoy happiness and well-being.

The four words Guotai and Minan are simple to say, but they are really too difficult to do.

Why do Chinese people dare to say "our country is powerful"?

Because China has Dongfeng intercontinental ballistic, this is not simply loading multiple sub warheads on one, but allowing each sub warhead to have an independent flight trajectory, which can adjust the trajectory to attack different targets respectively! It can carry ten sub missile nuclear warheads. Do some countries dare to say that they are not afraid?

Because our state-owned red arrow anti tank and vehicle mounted anti tank system can act together with mechanized forces to attack armored targets such as tanks at any time. Red arrow can penetrate the armor of most tanks! In case of war, do some countries dare to enter Chinese territory!

Because China's state-owned Tianyan air space can be equipped with armed helicopters. This is the first kind of helicopter specially developed for armed helicopters in the world. Do some countries dare to make waves in our country's airspace? If you dare to come, try what is fighting in the air.

Because China has also developed the third generation of nuclear weapon neutron bullets. Some countries always refuse to study according to other countries, but they study these high radiation weapons for the purpose of bullying people in the world. We study them not to bully people, but to make the countries that want to bully people not too drag. We also have special tactical nuclear weapons!

We also have guard long-range rockets, Eagle guided rockets, main station tanks, Wuzhi heavy armed helicopters

More importantly, we have millions of soldiers!

These soldiers are always ready to go to war! They can surround their country and defend their people with their lives and blood. They can stand in the hail of bullets without fear to protect the interests of the country and the people!

Isn't that good enough?

Yes, some people said when they saw this. Raising so many soldiers is a waste of people and money. The only function is to make the parade lively. Others say that strategic nuclear weapons are furnishings. They are useless and impossible to use. They can only be stored there to waste money.

When Chen Yuyue heard these words, he really wanted to ask those people if they had used their brains to think about what the purpose of China's research on strategic nuclear weapons was? Is it really used to kill and threaten mankind?

Of course not! But if we don't, we'll be bullied!

This is like the army. If China demobilizes all its soldiers now, it will no longer develop weapons and equipment. Indeed, it can save countless military expenses every year, which is really a lot of money.

But if China has no army, no weapons and equipment, who will protect this country?

You have. Others dare not touch you. That's why you think these are useless. When you don't, others will hit you! Do you have to be beaten to know how important this is?

The Chinese nation does not advocate martial arts, but pays attention to morality. Look at how the word "martial arts" is written. When you open it, it means to stop fighting.

How can we stop the war?

By begging? Bullshit? Begging once will make others feel pitiful, but if you beg every time, anyone will feel sick.

By paying tribute? Fuck off! Since ancient times, all empires have the mentality of ruling and colonizing their affiliated countries, and will not be treated equally.

So only by force!

If you don't have a gun, you can only be beaten! Only when you have a gun can you reason, otherwise no one will listen to you.

Don't think that if you are human, you are different from animals. Human is also an animal and a fucking predator. Even if you put on the coat of civilization, you still have animal nature in your heart, especially those savage bastards whose evolution is a little slow.

Those who are good at raising soldiers are strong! A strong army is a safe country! If the country is stable, the people are rich! Without the support of the army and weapons, how could everything else in China develop so rapidly?

People who say that the army and the country are useless are like fools who say "it's day now, what's the use of the sun coming out".

Why not think about it, if there is no sun, can it be day now?

In the event of any war, there must be a weak person who is not ready, because even if the weak person is fully prepared, the enemy dare not act rashly.

Peace is defended by those who shed blood and sweat. Chen Yuyue is proud to be one of them.

Although his brother died, he lived in the most glorious place in the world! He has supreme glory!

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