In the twinkling of an eye, the security personnel in the hotel rushed to the scene one after another.

Although they are also worried, this is their job. If they don't take a look, how can the safety of so many leaders be guaranteed?

Fortunately, when they came to the scene, Chen Yuyue and they had handled everything.

Except for Nagano Ningji, all the other Japanese ninjas were defeated and lying on the ground one by one.

Soon, after receiving the hotel alarm, the police rushed to the scene at the first time.

All these Japanese ninjas were arrested on suspicion of holding controlled knives to make trouble. The person in charge of the hotel was particularly surprised. Looking at their clothes, they were really curious. They couldn't help asking if they had read too many fire shadow comics? It's long over. There's nothing to be obsessed with. This role play is too exaggerated.

Although Chen Yuyue has a certain face on the police side, when the police decided to take them away, Chen Yuyue contacted Zhou Chengxuan for the first time and said that he came here for leisure and entertainment with his friends. As a result, he took action when he met this matter, which is completely a legitimate defense.

Zhou Chengxuan naturally protected Chen Yuyue 100%. At that time, he communicated with the person in charge of handling the matter.

Then the police were particularly polite to Chen Yuyue, and no longer stressed that they wanted to take him back to work, but asked him why all this happened.

Before Chen Yuyue spoke, Zhao Xiaoyao came forward and explained: "we came back at night to see the night scene, and then inadvertently saw these guys who wanted to sneak into the hotel."

The police quickly began to take notes.

Zhao Xiaoyao kept on making it up: "I just heard that they said they would come here to solve a man named Wang... They found us eavesdropping and began to attack us. These people were subdued by us, but one of the leaders had a gun in his hand and ran away. Hurry up and arrange to catch the Japanese with a gun in his hand. It's too dangerous."

Chen Yuyue and Du powu are a little puzzled. They have made up the horizon, and there are other characters.

But just after Zhao Xiaoyao said this, the person in charge of the hotel changed color on his face.

"Wang what?" the police asked.

The person in charge of the hotel suddenly stepped forward and smiled at the leader led by the police: "leader, let's take a step to talk."

Then they went aside and muttered a few words. The leader of the police team was surprised and opened his mouth.

Chen Yuyue realized that the lie made up by Zhao Xiaoyao must not be nonsense. There must be some basis.

It's a coincidence.

On the day Zhao Xiaoyao came to open his room, the guest in front of him received great respect in the hotel. All the service staff called him Mr. Wang politely. It can be seen that Mr. Wang is a familiar guest of a hot spring hotel.

Then Mr. Wang took the girls around him to the room and talked about it. Mr. Wang seems to be very legendary.

According to these talking voices heard by Zhao Xiaoyao, he quickly sorted out some materials and information.

Mr. Wang is a mixed race. He has business in both China and Japan. He is Japanese, but he prefers to live in China, especially Japanese female stars. Every time he returns to China, he will bring a popular Japanese love action film heroine.

Zhao Xiaoyao doesn't have time to watch Japanese love action movies on weekdays, so he doesn't know who the female star around Mr. Wang is.

In the whispers of several girls at the front desk, he also got a message that the female star brought back by Mr. Wang six months ago was the daughter of the boss of a black organization in Japan.

As a result, the Japanese came to the hotel to find Mr. Wang's trouble, but Mr. Wang was very powerful and able to fight. He was not afraid in the face of danger. One man put down five Japanese people who came to catch him. At the beginning, the police also dealt with it, but Mr. Wang left a fierce reputation in the hot spring hotel.

Later, he still came back with different Japanese female stars, but everyone respected him.

Thinking of all this, Zhao Xiaoyao directly spilled the "dirty water" on Mr. Wang.

Even at this time, Mr. Wang didn't know that he had "something to do" and was still in bed with his new prey.

Because Mr. Wang is Japanese, many things are complicated to deal with. He is also a super VIP of the hotel. Therefore, the hotel doesn't want to disturb him, so it tries to discuss with the police. This matter is treated as a Japanese hooligan making trouble. The hotel doesn't want to involve its own guests.

The police also give face. After all, the background of this hot spring hotel is very strong.

Then, the matter was leveled because of Zhao Xiaoyao's nonsense.

The police took away all the Japanese involved in this matter, and then wanted Nagano Ningci who escaped overnight.

After the police left, the hotel really thought it was Chen Yuyue. They helped their super VIP solve the problem, thanked them all, prepared good drinks and rich snacks, and made a decision to give them a free week and let them stay here at will!

This can save Zhao Xiaoyao a lot.

Although Zhao Xiaoyao really doesn't care about such a little money.


Nagano Ningci hurriedly returned to Huaishi restaurant.

Before he could explain anything to Sakuma ryuno, Sakuma ryuno threw a teacup on the table to Nagano Ningci!

"What on earth do you want to do in China? Do you think you haven't caused me enough trouble here? What did you do today? Shoot? Who shot!" sasukuma longer angrily scolded.

Nagano Ningci was foolish on the spot. He didn't say anything yet, but sasukuma longer knew everything.

Just after the accident, sasukuma longer received a mysterious phone call. The phone told him that some Japanese had an accident at the hot spring hotel, and someone shot. Now some Japanese are wanted.

Then the phone asked if it was Sakuma longer's person.

Sakuma ryuno's brain almost exploded at that time.

Then he asked what the wanted man looked like. As soon as the other party said the situation, Nagano Ningci's characteristic donkey face appeared in front of him.

Sure enough, the bastard didn't come back to him for help until he got into trouble.

”Zuo Jiujian Jun... Only you can save me. This is Huaxia, your territory. You won't let me have an accident, will you? " Nagano Ningci was flustered and said, "you can arrange for me to leave now. As long as I return to Japan, I'll be fine..."

"What about those people you brought?" Zuo Jiujian longer was furious: "asshole! Those are all your men! Do you say you lose them? Ignore it!"

"I don't care about them at all now, Mr. Sakuma. If you're worried that they will affect you, you say you don't know them and let them live and die. The Chinese won't kill them and send them back sooner or later?" Nagano Ningci said: "it's nothing, really nothing..."

Zuo Jiujian longer has never seen such a shameless person: "what about you? Why should I help you? Even if the Chinese police catch you, they will eventually send you back to Japan. Why should I bother to send you away."

Nagano Ningci was speechless by what Sakuma longer said.

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