In the cold rainy night, the eye-catching sports car stopped directly outside Huaishi restaurant.

Immediately after, several cars surrounded Lin Qi's Ferrari. Zhang Ru quickly walked out of a business car and came to Lin Qi's car in the rain.

Lin Qi looked out of the car in disgust. This guy must have installed a positioning device on his car, otherwise he couldn't find him so soon.

"Lin Qi! Can you stop being so capricious?" Zhang Ru was obviously very angry. Lin Qi ran out of school in the middle of the night in the rain, which completely angered him.

Judging by the route of the car, Lin Qi went to the hot spring hotel where the shooting occurred and went straight to the Huaishi restaurant that had been targeted by the police. Some of them must have been encouraged.

Lin Qi ignores Zhang Ru and sits in the car without saying a word. Zhang Ru outside the car is watered by the rain in an instant.

Zhang Ruzhen wants to pull Lin Qi out of the door and let him get wet and sober up.

But he didn't do so in the end. No matter how stupid Lin Qi did, they were all masters and servants. If he did extreme behavior today, the relationship between them might mean a complete breakdown.

There are already very serious contradictions and differences between them on whether to make friends with people like Chen Yuyue. Zhang Ru must control herself and can't stimulate the contradiction between him and Lin Qi. If the contradiction between him and Lin Qi further intensifies, his future in the Lin family will be completely blocked, After all these years, he will finally face the result of drawing water with a bamboo basket.

”I don't care who you see or what you hear today, I must tell you, wake up! " Zhang Ru stood outside the car and shouted, "don't be shot by people with ulterior motives!"

If Chen Yuyue asked Lin Qi to come today, Lin Qi would be able to listen to Zhang Ru.

But Chen Yuyue didn't mean to encourage Lin Qi to come here. On the contrary, Chen Yuyue asked Du powu to warn him very seriously and told him to stay away from the Japanese in Huaishi restaurant.

Lin Qi finally slowly fell down the window: "Zhang Ru, is everyone bad in your eyes?"

"I don't care whether others are good or bad! But I hope you can know that everything I do is for you!" Zhang Ru said seriously: "please believe me!"

"I never don't believe you, and I know very well that everything you do is for me, but it's not what I want. I don't like it!" Lin Qi said.

Zhang Ru shook her head unswervingly: "I won't change my decision and consideration because of whether you like it or not."

"I won't make trouble today, and no one encourages me to do anything dangerous. What I want to say is that you think too much. Don't spend a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart. Chen Yuyue is not the kind of person you think." Lin Qi said faintly.

Zhang Ru didn't care, "I don't care what kind of person he is, but you came to this place only after you met him today, so I have to doubt his motivation."

"He didn't mean to let me come here, on the contrary." Lin Qi didn't want to say any more: "let your people get out of the way. I'll drive back. Get out of the way."

Zhang Ru was stunned. He thought the wayward young master would recklessly ask him to rush into Huaishi restaurant with people.

Lin Qi said he was leaving? Going back?

What the hell is this!

If he didn't come here to make trouble, why did he make a detour here?

Zhang Ru really doesn't understand what Lin Qi is thinking about. When can this little young master who gives him a headache grow up.

Hum -!

Seeing that the car in front had not given way, Lin Qi slammed the accelerator.

Zhang Ru came back and waved to all her men who got out of the car in the rain: "get in the car! Make way for Lin Shao!"

Several cars slowly get out of the way, and Lin Qi rushes out with a foot on the accelerator. Zhang Ru commands everyone to hurry up and follow up, and escort Lin Qi back to school first.

When the motorcade disappeared in the heavy rain, sasukuma longer slowly walked out of the gate of Huaishi restaurant. He really didn't expect that he could be so busy here on such a rainy day.

But now it makes him even more headache.

He never thought that this matter would involve other people, and their origins were obviously not so simple.

Sasukuma longer looked up and felt the feeling of the rain hitting his face. It seems that he still can't act rashly in the next step. He needs to investigate as soon as possible what the people at the door were.

What makes Zuo Jiujian longer feel gratified is that they have revealed enough news in their conversation just now.

Sasukuma longer suddenly turned around and showed a fierce cold light on his face. He never thought that his opponent was so bold. The location of the hot spring hotel had been exposed. They still chose to live there and didn't change places in a hurry.

How much courage and courage it takes, how clear reason and smart mind it takes to make this amazing and bold decision.

For a long time, no opponent can make Sakuma ryuno feel boiling in his heart.

To tell the truth, he really likes to meet such an interesting opponent, because only such an opponent can arouse his inner desire to win.

But at the same time, he really doesn't like to fight against such opponents. After all, such opponents will bring him too much pressure. He really doesn't know how sure he can win the other party.

This is China, not Japan.

So Zuo Jiujian longer can't afford to lose. Once he loses, it means eternal failure.

Such an opponent really surprised and delighted Zuo Jiujian longer.

After returning to the room, sasukuma longer stared at the wall clock for a while. Finally, his eyes shifted to the window again. He didn't know where Ishihara was now, but she had been out for nearly two hours.

This time is enough for her to do something she wants to do in Tianhai.

Sasukuma longer didn't want her to go out to find the police, but she was always so stubborn and always a guy he couldn't convince.

Once Ishihara Jieyi finds out, she will solve it.

But Sakuma ryuno is now worried that even if the police who stare at their abduction and trafficking of human beings are solved, their troubles will not disappear and their suspicion will become greater.

This is bound to be a very unfavorable situation for them in the future.

But anyway, sasukuma longer thinks it's hard for him to stay in China after he solves what he should solve now?

In that case, what else does he care about? As long as Ishihara wants to do it, let her rest assured and do it boldly. If it's a big deal, prepare the ticket for Ishihara early and let her leave China as soon as possible.

As long as she returns to Japan, everything she does now doesn't matter.

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