Sasukuma's ability to hand over this bar to ASO Kogoro proves that ASO Kogoro is a wise guy.

On weekdays, he can cheat so many girls' trust in various ways. Today, he naturally feels relaxed and comfortable in the face of this situation.

The best way to deal with the criminal police is to use his professional characteristics to deal with it. The criminal police who can rush to their posts for work at this time are definitely not those who have no money in their pockets. They are still working hard for the case in the middle of the night. They are definitely criminal police with professional ethics.

In this regard, Aso's plot is quite direct.

He called two of his men over and gave orders. Then he called a girl who made a living dancing in a bar and said something to the girl who danced on the round table.

The girl nodded and went straight to the stage. The two girls danced hot, and the girl who danced lever dance came down.

The new girl is also very beautiful in dancing. Her waist twists wildly. The whole person is like a water snake.

There were more and more men watching her. Zhou Chengxuan and Su Qing were also attracted by the cheers.

"It's like beating chicken blood one by one. The performance won't involve some unhealthy things." Zhou Cheng declared: "today's society is really open, which can't be compared with before."

Su Qing said, "there are no minors here. Those people who will be affected have been dirty for a long time. In fact, it doesn't matter. I think what is more terrible than these things is those things that poison teenagers on the Internet."

Zhou Chengxuan nodded: "well said, those things do more harm, but the girl is so brazen to do some seductive actions, she is not afraid that those men can't control themselves because of alcohol anesthesia?"

"What they earn is this money. They do this kind of work and live on it." Su Qing shook her head. "I don't think they really want to do this kind of thing. No one wants to sell their dignity and make money. But there is no way to avoid so many people in our country."

While they were talking, there was a sudden agitation on the stage. A big man jumped onto the stage and hugged the girl in his arms.

The girl's scream quickly penetrated every corner of the bar.

But that big man on the stage is unscrupulous to humiliate the girl, up and down, arch his mouth and kiss indiscriminately. He doesn't care whether this place is a public place or not.

It's chilling that none of the men under the stage are ready to help. Instead, they all follow the coax. The more the big man goes too far, the more excited the men under the stage are.

Human nature sometimes seems really evil.

Zhou Chengxuan patted the table on the spot.

Su Qing could not help but clench her fist: "these guys are really too much... But if the girl doesn't explicitly refuse, we have no right to interfere."

Zhou Chengxuan was very helpless: "it's all like this. We can't interfere yet?"

"The girl didn't admit that she had been violated and said that they were just joking. We really have no way." Su Qing said: "when such a thing happens in such a place, many girls will choose to swallow it."

"Then I can't just look at it like this. Do you remember your identity?"

Su Qing nodded very firmly: "of course I remember my identity. I'm a people's policeman."

Zhou Chengxuan nodded: "that's good, then you should know that our duty is to 'mind our own business'."

Suddenly, a "help" shouted out in the girl's mouth. Su Qing got up and rushed forward without hesitation. Zhou Chengxuan didn't hesitate to follow Su Qing up.

"Police!" Su Qing took out her ID as she came forward: "stop it quickly!"

Some real people who eat melons are stupid. Some people even drink vaguely and don't know they should make way.

Zhou Chengxuan strode forward and pushed away a guy who deliberately tried to get in the way.

"I'm the captain of Tianhai Criminal Police Brigade, Zhou Chengxuan. I don't think who dares to stop me today." Zhou Chengxuan glared. The identity of the captain of the criminal police brigade is very frightening. Unless it's a mentally retarded person, he will fight with the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade.

Everyone gave way and Zhou Chengxuan stepped forward with great strides.

The harassed girl ran to them in panic, while the big man who caused trouble yelled at Zhou Chengxuan: "You don't fucking think I've seen Zhou team, do you? If you're Zhou Chengxuan, I'm Zhou Chengxuan's father! Even if you're Zhou Chengxuan, I'm not afraid of you. Who the fuck do you think you are? I'll deal with this girl in front of the captain of your criminal police team today. See what you can do to me!"

Zhou Chengxuan was furious in an instant. He even took one mouthful of this outspoken bastard, but the other party was so lawless.

In particular, the last sentence completely angered Zhou Chengxuan.

This bastard must be arrested. If he doesn't carry out legal education, he will definitely commit crimes and endanger society.

This kind of garbage can't count how many disgusting things it has done in society.

"Take good care of her!" Zhou Chengxuan motioned Su Qing to take good care of the girl. He turned over and went directly to the stage. The big man really dared to come forward to fight, but he was hit by Zhou Chengxuan for several meters.

When the big man stumbled up, Zhou Chengxuan's fist fell on each other's face again.

At this time, the big man woke up and ran away.

"You stop!" how can Zhou Chengxuan let the other party escape? This guy's behavior just now has constituted a crime and must be caught!

But how could the other party listen to him? The more Zhou Chengxuan shouted, the faster the guy ran. He ran away from the crowd and ran outside the bar.

"It's up to you." Zhou Chengxuan threw a word to Su Qing and went straight after him. If he doesn't catch the bastard today, he won't be the captain of the criminal police team.

They rushed out one after another. Su Qingcai said to the girl, "well, it's all right. Now the man has run away. Don't worry, we are the police. He will catch the villain."

The girl looked at Su Qing in surprise.

Su Qing turned to stare and said, "are you guys men? Didn't you see that scene just now? You're not a thing even if a girl is bullied and booed on the stage..."

Some men who ate melons turned red when they were scolded.

If Su Qing wasn't a policeman, maybe no one would listen to her, but she was a person of status. These people had to bow their heads and admit their mistakes.

"Thank you." the girl's eyes were in a trance.

"This is what I should do. Don't be afraid now. Where is your home? I'll take you home." Su Qing continued: "Also, if you can find another job, don't come to the nightclub to dance. Look at these men. Even if you can make money here, what can you gain? You can only gain these messy darkness. Find a serious place to work, maybe you can gain other things, friendship and even love, which are more important than money."

Su Qing said these words, and the girl was completely silent.

Then Su Qing tried to help the girl away, but the girl didn't move.

"What's the matter? Let's go." Su Qing was stunned.

"You leave quickly. It's dangerous here! I'm not worth your help!" the girl suddenly looked up at Su Qing, tears swirling, and her eyes were full of blood: "go! It's too late if you don't go again! They're going to hurt you!"

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