The steward of the fishing boat transfer station and takero ASO were careful to guard against it, but the threat of completely disappearing made them gradually relax their vigilance.

After all, Aso xiaowulang is going to escape. He doesn't have a chance to escape until he leaves the cabin. The steward is always so cautious. He bends in the corner behind the sofa and doesn't mean to move half a step. This is to give full play to his indecency.

"If we keep here all the time, no one can escape in the end. The other party will think of ways to attack sooner or later. Our only chance of survival is to go out and find a chance to break through." Aso xiaowulang said tentatively.

The steward shook his head: "break through, what do you take to break through? Just take the gun in your hand? We don't even know how many people there are outside! Besides, what can you do even if you rush out? Where are you going?"

"As long as we get off the boat and get on the boat, we can leave in the fastest time." ASO Kogoro thought smoothly.

"Ma Shengjun, you are really an optimist!" the steward sneered: "do you know where this is? This is the high sea. Do you know what's around our ship now? It's all sharks!"

Aso was stunned.

"Do you know how many sharks can be attracted by the bloody smell of a whale?" the steward said again: "I'm not polite to tell you that there are at least a dozen sharks around the fishing boat! Are you sure to escape from the sharks with a small boat?"

"Then we can't sit here and wait to die!" Aso said, "tell me what you can do? Don't you have any experience in escaping sharks after so many years at sea?"

"If I knew you would provoke such a dangerous tail, I wouldn't let people hunt whales to attract sharks!" the manager scolded bitterly: "all this is your trouble! If you want to escape, you can escape yourself! I tell you, I will stay on this ship and keep it to the end! Finally, if I can't keep it, I'm willing to sink to the bottom of the sea with this ship!"

Aso Kogoro was disgusted: "what a dead brain!"

The steward snorted, "you don't think you have the possibility to break through, so you have to pull me on the back?"

"I want you to live. What's more important than living!" Aso said angrily. In fact, he wanted to pull a cushion in his heart. If he could pull the steward, he could form flanks with himself to protect each other. Moreover, once he escaped to the boat, he needed a guy with rich experience in the sea, He can't deal with the possible natural dangers in the open sea alone.

"I don't care. I've lived long enough." the steward disdained.

He knew very well that if he lost the boat and the disguised transfer station, even if he could return to Japan alive, the eighth generation would not let him go.

Rather than return to Japan and die under the name of a coward, he might as well stick here and look for a glimmer of vitality.

As long as he sticks to this post, there must be a chance.

This is the same as playing games. As long as you hide in a corner and don't give others the chance to kill you easily, you will have the chance to "eat chicken"!

Those who can live to the end must be phantom tanks or Voldemort!

"If you don't go, OK, I'll go! Don't regret it then!" ASO Kogoro finally couldn't help it. There was no movement at the cabin door. He couldn't endure any longer. If he continued, he would be unable to persist.

"Go slowly, don't send." the steward didn't shake his mind at all.

Aso hung his crossbow directly on his shoulder and chose an assault rifle with many bullets and fast firing speed. If you want to break through, you must die.

But just then, a loud noise came from the hatch!


A huge whaling fork was directly launched into the cabin, the huge impact directly penetrated the cabin, and the rope connected behind the huge whaling fork directly led out of the deck!

The steward is instantly stupid!

On the deck, Chen Yuyue, they have thrown all the bastards on the ship into the sea. Some are still struggling, some are trying to climb on the ship, and some have become delicious food in the belly of sharks.

Chen Yuyue asked Du powu and Zhao Xiaoyao to aim the launchers of four giant whaling forks at the cabin of the medium-sized whaling fishing boat.

"It's really powerful." Du powu fired a huge whaling fork and tried his hand, but he couldn't help sighing.

Think about how pathetic those whales are. It's painful to be directly shot through by this huge whaling fork.

Human beings are the rulers of the earth. If they kill for survival, it is understandable in this world of the law of the jungle, but these people kill for killing. The shot whales have no meaning to catch on the sea, just to attract sharks, that's all.

It's really heinous!

"There are not a few whales and dolphins killed by the Japanese every year for no reason." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "there is a dolphin killing festival in the southern fishing village of Japan. Tens of thousands of dolphins and whales are slaughtered by the Japanese every September to march of the next year."

Du Po Wu took a cold breath.

"Although the Japanese will carefully put up a large number of tarpaulins to cover their ugly deeds, these things are simply impossible to cover the barbaric massacres being carried out by the Japanese..." Zhao Xiaoyao continued: "Even from the top of the cliff, you can hear the abnormal and cruel excited voice of the Japanese people. Countless little dolphins will fight desperately for freedom and survival. The scream is heartbreaking. But those abnormal Japanese people will still jump into the sea crazily and plunge into the water crazily with sharp blades... It only takes a few minutes, originally light green The sea water will turn crimson... Even the next day, where the air will be mixed with a pungent smell of blood... "

"Today, I'll let them taste the whaling fork!" Du powu said, and without hesitation opened the transmitter of the second giant whaling fork!

Bang -!

The huge whaling fork penetrated the cabin wall again and plunged directly into the cabin!

This time, the landing point of the giant whaling fork was right next to Aso, which directly surprised ASO in a cold sweat! The steward finally couldn't stand it. He bent here and hid. There was no way to solve the problem. The guys outside were too smart to come in and hunt, and didn't give him a chance to sneak attack at all.

This huge whaling fork only needs another blow, and there will be no space in the whole cabin. At that time, he can't get out if he wants to go out, and he can be trapped inside if the other party doesn't kill him.

"I'll ask you again for the last time! Do you want to be directly pierced by this harpoon, or do you want to fight out with me?" Aso xiaowulang stared back and roared!

The steward finally straightened his back: "go out! I'll take the left wing, you take the right wing, we both go out at the same time, direct fire suppression! Grab a way as far as possible! Follow me after you go out, and I'll take you out of the boat!"

"Go out alive first and talk about the future!" Aso xiaowulang chucked the bullet and rushed to the hatch!

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