As soon as the car started, Zhao Weitong collapsed and said, "sister Su Qing, how could it be you? Why are you here? Are you with Chen Yuyue? He didn't tell me just now!"

"The accident happened suddenly, and we also made a temporary plan." Su Qing slowly increased her speed: "fasten your seat belt."

Zhao Weitong pulled the seat belt over and said helplessly, "it's very dangerous for you to appear on this occasion. You don't have the ability to protect yourself."

Su Qing doesn't think so: "I came out with a gun today. Who says I don't have the ability to protect myself? I have to protect myself and you."

"I don't need your protection." Zhao Weitong is also an expert after all: "I'm really worried about what you will have..."

"Even if I'm in danger, I'll protect you. I'm a policeman. It's my duty." Su Qing continued driving.

Now they have no idea where Sakuma ryuno has gone, nor when Sakuma ryuno will suddenly appear.

But Su Qing thinks it's necessary to remind Zhao Weitong.

"As Chen Yuyue said just now, the other party may block the car at any time. You'd better be mentally prepared." Su Qing added: "don't be frightened by emergencies."

Zhao Weitong nodded guilty: "I'm ready at any time."

She felt that she had implicated Su Qing and brought the danger over.

"Chen Yuyue should have caught up with him now." Su Qing relieved Zhao Weitong while driving. "Don't worry, you won't be in danger. We won't let you have an accident."

"Sister Su Qing..." Zhao Weitong didn't know what to say.

Just as the car left the road near Tianhai University and turned into another road with less traffic, there was a sudden wind on the roof.

Su Qing didn't have time to respond at all. A huge body appeared more than ten meters ahead!

It is impossible to stop the car by braking within this distance, and it is very dangerous to change the way.

Su Qing's mind suddenly went blank, but she immediately came back to her senses. If she could directly hit sasukuma longer with a car, wouldn't it save a lot of trouble?

Will appear in the middle of the road for no reason. Who else can it be if it's not the Japanese!

Su Qing's heart was horizontal and her hands clenched the steering wheel!

The car bumped into the blocking Sakuma ryuno!

This is obviously something Sasaki longer didn't expect. He thought the car would change lanes to avoid when he found the situation. He would use the inertia of changing lanes to give a little force to the side of the car when the car passed by, so that the car would roll over easily.

At that time, sasukuma longer didn't need to waste any energy. In the past, he threw a lighter at the spilled car, and everything was over.

Such a car accident and explosion will also help him attract some police attention.

However, the car didn't develop according to his idea. It hit him with all its horsepower!

Who is Sakuma ryuno? The greatest sumo wrestler in Japan who was delayed by shimakawa.

Even in the face of a crazy car, Sakuma longer didn't have any fear. He suddenly sank down and turned the oncoming car into his opponent.

Yes, it is the most famous sumo wrestler in Japan today.

Sasukuma longer told himself that as long as he defeated this opponent, he would become the greatest Henggang in Japan!

All this can no longer be achieved in reality.

But it often appears in Zuo Jiujian's dream!


At the moment of the car impact, Sakuma ryuno also suddenly made a force.

Su Qing was stunned by the ejected airbag before she could think about what to do next.

Although the amnesia was only a moment, when Su Qing woke up, the car had been thrown on the road, and the whole engine compartment was completely deformed and completely scrapped!

And the burly sasukuma longer was also hit and flew.

Even after being hit by a car at a speed of nearly 70 kilometers per hour, sasukuma longer still stood up before Su Qing and Zhao Weitong in the car recovered.

The impact of the car was far more powerful than that of any sumo wrestler, so Sakuma ryuno was hit and flew.

But now in the eyes of Sakuma longer, this is not a car, but a sumo wrestler.

He thought he was hit by a sumo opponent, so he had to hit the opponent too! Only in this way can he maintain his dignity as a sumo wrestler!

I saw Sakuma ryuno suddenly rush in, aiming at the scrapped car.

If the car is directly hit by sasukuma longer, Su Qing and Zhao Weitong in the car are bound to suffer serious secondary injuries.

At this time, Chen Yuyue suddenly appeared, and a pair of iron fists directly withstood the thunder of Sakuma longer!

When Zuo Jiujian longer's crazy impact collided with Chen Yuyue's fist, Chen Yuyue's body retreated several meters out of control, which can be regarded as reluctantly dissolving the huge impact of the other party.

Chen Yuyue has never felt such a powerful impact. This is not the power that normal people should have. It can be called a pervert.

It is no exaggeration to say that Sakuma ryuno's impact is like the impact of a truck stepping on the accelerator to the bottom.

However, Zuo Jiujian longer didn't think of Cheng Yaojin who killed on the way.

Chen Yuyue's fist also made Zuo Jiujian longer suffer.

People who have studied physics in junior high school will know that the forces are mutual. The greater the impact of Sakuma ryuno, the greater the counterattack Chen Yuyue's fist brings to him.

Sasukuma longer also retreated quickly as if his body had been hit by a shell. He took several steps to stabilize his footwall.

This is the first time in many years that Sakuma ryuno has met someone who can block his savage collision with his fist.

Even in the sumo arena, there are few sumo wrestlers who can resist his savage collision.

And there is no sumo wrestler who dares to block him with one arm. Even those men who are strong enough to be frightening dare not use one hand to block the impact of Sakuma ryuno.

The reason is very simple. No one wants to break his wrist.

But Chen Yuyue dared.

In order to make Sakuma longer get more painful counterattack, Chen Yuyue dared to use a fist to stop his collision.

If it weren't for strong self-confidence, I would never dare to do so.

Sasukuma longer soon calmed down. He stared at Chen Yuyue's fist tightly.

At this moment, he just wanted to know whether Chen Yuyue's arm had been abandoned. If Chen Yuyue's arm had been abandoned, it would undoubtedly be great good news for him.

But Zuo Jiujian longer doesn't seem to want Chen Yuyue to be so useless. If Chen Yuyue is so useless, isn't it a waste of his expectation.

Sasukuma longer is looking forward to fighting with a real expert.

He had never met a real expert in Japan, nor had he come to China for so many years.

He has met many ordinary experts, but in his eyes, they are all HuaQuan and embroidered legs, which makes no sense to attack Sakuma ryuno.

Sasukuma longer believes that Chen Yuyue is OK. Since he fought with Chen Yuyue last time, he knows that Chen Yuyue is a man who can hurt him.

Only by fighting against a man who can hurt himself will sasukuma longer's fighting spirit be aroused.

It's the same for anyone, just like people who play games don't like playing man-machine, because man-machine is too simple to arouse fighting spirit.

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