Chen Yuyue remembered that lesson very clearly, because it was a lesson that the old leader personally told them.

During the Warring States period, Qin attacked Han, and the army was stationed in Kan and. King Zhao summoned the famous general Lian Po and asked him if he could go to the rescue? Lian Po answered him that the road to rescue was very long, difficult and narrow, so it was difficult to rescue.

Then king Zhao summoned general Le Cheng to ask the same question, and Le Cheng's answer was the same as Lian Po. They all felt that it was difficult to rescue.

Finally, King Zhao summoned General Zhao she to ask him the same question, but Zhao she returned to him. The way to rescue was long, dangerous and narrow. For example, if two mice fought in the hole, which one was brave would win.

At this time, King Zhao made up his mind to send Zhao she to lead the troops to rescue Kan and.

Thirty miles after Zhao she's army left Handan, Zhao she issued an order in the army, which emphasized that whoever came to advise the military would be immediately sentenced to death.

This cut everyone off.

Because the sound of the Qin army beating drums and shouting at that time shook the tiles in the whole Wu'an city, a reconnaissance soldier of Zhao Jun quickly rescued Wu'an after discovering it, and Zhao she immediately beheaded him.

Later, Zhao she occupied the highland and commanded the soldiers to attack the Qin army. Finally, the Qin army scattered and fled, and the siege of Kan and was dissolved by him.

Zhao she became famous in the first World War. Please the wartime sentence that the brave meet on a narrow road and win will be handed down through the ages.

Of course, it's not that Zhao she won, even Lian Po felt it was not easy to win, but that the battle was more powerful than Lian Po. It's Zhao she's mentality before the battle. The mentality of "can show can't" is more or less a game.

In order to strengthen their faith, the first thing is to calm the monarch's heart and let the monarch rest assured that he will fight this war.

Therefore, Zhao she said this sentence is to give himself a military order, so he is not allowed to allow any of his subordinates to advise for the military, which can boost morale and stabilize people's hearts.

This story has a great impact on Chen Yuyue.

Although Zhao she's achievements are far less than those of the top generals in the Warring States period, and her fame is far less than those of the powerful roles in the Warring States period, such as Bai Qi, Wang Jian, Lian Po, Li Mu and Sun Bin, which are more famous than Zhao she, Zhao she's words of meeting the brave on a narrow road are of great significance.

How many times in the narrow road, Chen Yuyue and his brothers survived by this sentence.

Because of this sentence, the Chinese Martyrs trampled on the bones of many enemies.

How can Chen Yuyue be ashamed? Even Sakuma longer knows that the brave win when they meet on a narrow road, but as a Chinese, he can't lose.

The sound of the collision between the two was creepy.

The crazy attack from fist to meat is definitely a rare picture in a hundred years.

Although Chen Yuyue didn't want to do this, he had no other choice. He had to completely disintegrate the combat effectiveness of Sakuma ryuno before quickly encircling the police.

If Chen Yuyue can't do this, there will be police casualties in a while.

This is something Chen Yuyue doesn't want to happen. If it can't be avoided, it will lose its significance for him to save Zhao Weitong.

Chen Yuyue believes that Zhao Weitong certainly doesn't want others to take their lives because of saving her, so she will feel guilty and can't rest assured all her life.

This is Chen Yuyue's understanding of Zhao Weitong, so he will try his best to avoid this kind of thing.

After dozens of rounds of attacks, Sakuma ryuno almost exhausted his strength every time he raised his fist.

He had never met such a crazy opponent, and he faced such a violent confrontation for dozens of moves, but the whole person still maintained the excitement at the beginning!

Sasukuma longer really can't imagine what Chen Yuyue's body is made of. How could he be so brave and tireless.

How can Chen Yuyue be tireless? Every time Chen Yuyue punches, he also exhausts his limit, but before he punches, he will tell himself that if he doesn't insist, he will fall short.

The strong desire to win makes Chen Yuyue's every punch full of extreme power.

Finally, Sakuma ryuno's fist could no longer be raised.

But Chen Yuyue's fist still hit Zuo Jiujian longer's face and body like rain.

Sakuma ryuno, who gave up the attack, was diced in an instant.

What he lost was not Chen Yuyue, but his persistence.

The reason why Sakuma longer gave up is that he has no reason to insist. A person who insists on killing and doing evil can never persist more than a person who insists on protecting.

Therefore, the outcome of the confrontation between the two of them was determined from the beginning.

It is impossible for Sakuma longer to defeat Chen Yuyue, because he has nothing to protect.

If Ishihara Jieyi hasn't left yet and is still waiting for his return in Huaishi restaurant, maybe sasukuma longer has a guardian and can fight to the limit with Chen Yuyue.

But he has arranged for Ishihara Jieyi to evacuate in advance with everyone in Huaishi restaurant.

Such a practice makes sasukuma longer have nothing to protect.


When Sakuma longer's body fell heavily to the ground, several police cars came whistling in the distance.

In the twinkling of an eye, Chen Yuyue and Zuo Jiujian longer were surrounded by police cars.

Su Qing pushed away Zhao Weitong who stopped her and rushed frantically to Chen Yuyue.

Because he saw Chen Yuyue fall at the last minute.

Chen Yuyue's legs didn't have enough strength to support his body, so his left knee knelt heavily on the ground, but his strong heart still insisted on telling himself that he must not fall in front of the Japanese.

Even if the Japanese had been defeated by him, he would never fall in front of the Japanese.

Despite what Sakuma ryunoji has done, he is obviously a worthy opponent.

A respectable opponent is lucky for Chen Yuyue. All his efforts today are not in vain. Even if he is black and blue, even if he was almost killed by this guy, Chen Yuyue still feels very lucky.

Zhao Weitong also walked forward slowly, thinking that Chen Yuyue was simply a madman.

At this time, she understood why the owl gave himself to Chen Yuyue to guard. It turned out that Chen Yuyue was really a trustworthy guy.

The police officers who surrounded the front quickly controlled the dying Sakuma longer, and Chen Yuyue was hugged by Su Qing who rushed forward.

"Are you all right?" Su Qing asked heartache as she looked at Chen Yuyue, who was black and blue.

Chen Yuyue just grinned. He had no strength to speak.

"Quickly arrange a car to take him to the hospital!" Su Qing turned and grabbed a colleague nearby and said, "hurry up! Find the fastest one!"


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