There is no airtight wall in the world. After all, Chen Yuyue's injury came to Ye Xuefu's ears.

Of course, it's definitely not that Su Qing didn't control her mouth, but that the reports about this matter are overwhelming. It's difficult for ye Xuefu to know.

Besides, Chen Yuyue has no news for two or three days. How can ye Xuefu not care about his situation.

The east window incident happened because Feng Xun came back in Japan this morning. Feng Xun didn't know what happened in China these days. When he returned to Tianhai, he found that the hot spring hotel was empty. He went straight to Tiancheng community. As a result, he happened to meet Ye Xuefu who came to Tiancheng community on his way to work in the morning.

Although Ye Xuefu didn't find Chen Yuyue, she blocked the wind.

"Chen Yuyue, how are they now and how are things handled?" Ye Xuefu asked curiously, because the news reported that he destroyed the Huaishi restaurant that hung sheep's head and sold dog meat. It is reasonable to say that Chen Yuyue should go home.

Feng Xun looked blankly: "President ye, I just came back from outside. I don't know what happened."

"Don't lie to me. How can you know nothing? Even if you're not in Tianhai, you must know what they did." Ye Xuefu didn't believe it.

Feng Shuo cried and laughed: "I really don't know. I didn't find anyone in the hot spring hotel after I came back, so I came here to find someone."

"Didn't you call to ask?" yexuefu looked suspicious.

"I wanted to surprise them when I came back, so I didn't talk to them." Feng said, "President ye, you can't find anyone? Then you didn't call to ask what happened?"

Ye Xuefu was helpless: "the phone didn't get through at all. I can't find anyone now. Even Su Qing has no shadow."

It's understandable that you can't find Su Qing and ye Xuefu. You can't contact the police during special operations. Ye Xuefu has long been used to this.

But Chen Yuyue's mobile phone has not been in the service area. She can't get in touch with Du powu and Zhao Xiaoyao. Now she knows nothing about them, which is the most unbearable thing for ye Xuefu.

"Don't worry, they are definitely not in danger," said Feng.

"I don't worry about that. The Japanese restaurant has been closed down. They must have done it." Ye Xuefu said, "what I'm worried about now is whether Chen Yuyue is hurt. He's not a careful person on weekdays."

Feng Yu was a little worried when he heard this: "I'll contact them now."

He didn't think much about it. Chen Yuyue and they deliberately kept it from ye Xuefu, so they directly contacted Du powu.

Du Po Wu heard that Feng Xun came back on the phone and told Feng Xun everything. He didn't know that ye Xuefu was still standing next to Feng Xun.

After Du powu told Feng Xun everything, he specially instructed Feng Xun.

"Don't let Ye Xuefu know about it. They don't want her to worry," Du Po Wu said.

Feng Xun looked awkwardly at Ye Xuefu beside him. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

Ye Xuefu made a silent gesture and motioned Feng Xun not to tell Du powu that she was next to her.

Feng Xun had no choice but to nod: "I know, I won't tell her. How is the third brother recovering now?"

"It's no big deal. The third brother's physical quality is abnormal. Although the Japanese bastard did it hard enough, it's basically skin trauma. There's no internal injury."

"I'm glad he's a sumo wrestler. He shouldn't have practiced internal strength, but he can hurt the third brother's strength with external force. He's really a pervert." Feng Shuo was afraid.

Du Po Wu also agreed with this. If such a guy has internal power cultivation, I'm afraid they are not opponents together.

"Come to the hospital now and bring us some breakfast." Du Po Wu said, "we won't go out to buy any more."

After they hung up the phone, Feng Yu looked at Ye Xuefu helplessly.

Ye Xuefu scolded: "I didn't make it clear how many breakfast I bought."

"President ye..."

"Don't call me president Ye." Ye Xuefu turned her eyes helplessly: "you can just call my name directly. It's not so awkward in the company."

Feng Xun scratched his head: "I'm going to report to Tianya group these two days. I'd better call you President ye, so that I can get used to it in advance."

"Well, I've convinced you." Ye Xuefu shook her head: "call him again and ask him how many breakfast he bought. How many people need it."

"Don't ask, I'll just buy it at will. Anyway, Po Wu has a large appetite. He won't be able to eat three or five portions, and how much he buys won't be wasted." Feng Hui smiled: "President ye, I won't waste your time. It's getting late. Go to work quickly."

Ye Xuefu glared at him: "I already know that Chen Yuyue is in hospital and what class he still has."

Feng Xun looked surprised: "President ye... You don't want to go to the hospital with me?"

"Of course." Ye Xuefu said, "otherwise? You take a taxi to buy breakfast and then take a taxi to the hospital? Don't you waste time? Hurry up and get on the bus with me."

"But I... this..." Feng Yu panicked at that time: "Mr. Ye, you can't go with me. If you go with me, they will think I told you everything, and they will scold me at that time."

Ye Xuefu shrugged her shoulders: "so?"

Feng Xun begged to look at Ye Xuefu: "so don't go. You should go to work. We have everything in the hospital. You really don't need to worry about it."

"Then I kept pretending that I didn't know anything? Waiting for you to pick up Chen Yuyue out of the hospital?" Ye Xuefu stared into Feng's eyes.

Feng Yu was happy and nodded vigorously, "that's right, that's what I mean! In this way, they won't know that you already know the truth of this matter."

"Do you think I will do that?" Ye Xuefu glanced at the wind: "I tell you, since this matter has been let me know, I will never ignore it."

"Isn't it..."

"I'm not only going, but also criticizing them severely." Ye Xuefu said angrily: "it's so big that he united to hide it from me... I'm really angry."

Feng Yu smiled bitterly: "they are also afraid of you. Don't be angry. They won't dare to worry in the future."

"In the future? Do you want to have a future?" Ye Xuefu said: "get in the car quickly, or I'll go by myself. If they ask me how to know, I'll say you told me."

"Don't!" Feng Yu was crying.

Ye Xuefu pointed to the car: "then go with me. You can explain at that time."

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