Seeing Su Qing and ye Xuefu coming in together, Chen Yuyue forced himself to cheer up.

"Why did you inform Xuefu so soon?" Chen Yuyue smiled and said, "I'm ok. I can leave the hospital today. I have to worry about her."

Seeing that Chen Yuyue's situation was much better than expected, ye Xuefu finally breathed a sigh of relief: "this is not what she told me."

Su Qing shrugged her shoulders awkwardly: "I knew you would meet the wind. I must have informed you the first time."

Chen Yuyue was stunned: "is the wind back?"

"Yes, it's outside." Su Qing said, "but Dr. Xu Yi didn't let them in because he thought they were too noisy. You can't rest at ease for fear of noise."

"Let Feng Hui come in, too. I want to ask him the details of his going out this time." Chen Yuyue said.

At this time, ye Xuefu and Su Qing suddenly realized that Feng Xun was going out to escort Bi Ying to a safe place. They were just nervous about Chen Yuyue, but they forgot the key problems of Feng Xun.

Ye Xuefu hurried to the door of the ward and opened the door: "wind! Come here."

The three of Feng Yu quickly came forward, but ye Xuefu pointed to Feng Yu: "just let him in. You two play outside first."

Du powu and Zhao Xiaoyao are just like two abandoned bad children. Their faces are full of innocence and helplessness.

"Play by yourself? Who can tell me what can be played here?" Zhao Xiaoyao wanted to cry without tears.

"It's all because of you." Du Po Wu snorted, "if you're not here, I'll be called in with you."

"Why don't you say it's because of you?" Zhao Xiaoyao glanced at him.

Xu Yi sighed. Fortunately, they didn't go in to make trouble, otherwise it was noisy enough.

"This is the hospital, you two must not make a noise." Xu Yi reminded them and left.

Two people quietly shut their voices, but they continued to scold each other with lips.


Feng Xun knew the reason why Chen Yuyue asked him to go in, so as soon as he entered the room, he took the initiative and said, "brother, don't worry, everything has been arranged. Bi Ying will be very safe there. No one will find him."

"It's hard for you. You must have encountered a lot of danger and trouble in Japan?" Chen Yuyue could vaguely see Feng Yu's injury.

Feng Yu waved his hand indifferently: "they are all pediatrics. Just those Japanese, it's too far away."

"Although the strength of those Japanese people doesn't matter, it's Japanese after all, and the number of people in Daochuan society is quite large, which I know." Chen Yuyue said: "they will cause you enough trouble."

"But I can deal with it one by one, so it's not a trouble." Feng Yu is a very optimistic person.

"Are you sure Bi Ying will be safer after going out than in Tianhai?" Su Qing couldn't help asking, "in fact, if you need it, you can apply for police protection. Why don't you apply for police protection?"

Feng Xun looked at Chen Yuyue and didn't speak.

"This matter is much more complicated than you think, and some words are unclear for a while." Chen Yuyue said faintly: "I can only say that Tianhai police are not suitable to intervene in this matter."

"As long as it is related to the safety of the people, we have the obligation to deal with it." Su Qing said seriously.

"This thing is different." Chen Yuyue doesn't want to bring trouble to Su Qing and them.

Feng Xun changed the subject and said, "now we don't need to worry about Bi Ying at all. Let's wait and see what happens."

Chen Yuyue nodded: "you all go back and rest for a few days. You must be very tired. Take care of yourself first."

Feng Ling said, "I'll take them back now."

"By the way, is Sakuma longer still in the hospital?" Chen Yuyue suddenly worried: "that's a dangerous guy. Once he wakes up, he must be vigilant and careful."

"That guy was badly hurt. Dr. Xu Yi said you were too bad. She couldn't believe that you caused the injury." Su Qing smiled.

"Don't let Xu Yi get close to Zuo Jiujian longer." Chen Yuyue frowned immediately: "he had better not have hospital staff in his ward."

Su Qing nodded: "don't worry, the leader specially arranged eight people to stare at him in the ward. Even if he wakes up, he doesn't have a chance to do anything bad. Besides, in his current situation, it's still a problem whether he can recover."

Chen Yuyue is the one who knows Zuo Jiujian longer best. After all, he is the opponent he has met: "I think his recovery ability is stronger than me."

"Why?" Ye Xuefu was stunned.

Chen Yuyue shook his head: "I don't know, but I think he should have a very strong self-healing and recovery ability."

"No." Su Qing tried to reassure Chen Yuyue: "his situation has always been bad. I asked my colleagues ten minutes ago. They said he hasn't been awake."

Somehow, Chen Yuyue was even more uneasy when he heard this.

Never awake?

He always felt that something was wrong. According to the physical quality of Sakuma ryuno, even if he would not heal so quickly, he would not be awake so far, right?

too bad!

Chen Yuyue was suddenly surprised in his heart. What if it was an illusion deliberately disguised by Sakuma longer?

In case he has recovered his mind, but has been pretending that he has no response, the police officers in custody of him will inevitably have some slack.

It's human nature.

When they confirmed once and again that sasukuma longer was a disabled man, their defense against him would naturally be reduced a lot.

Once that time comes, I'm afraid there will be no way to control the danger.

"Su Qing! Go to Sakuma ryuno's ward immediately to remind everyone to be vigilant! I'm afraid that guy is pretending." Chen Yuyue said seriously: "let everyone be careful not to get close to him easily. At any time, make sure that a person's eyes fall on him and stare at his every move. Even a weak reaction can't be ignored!"

Su Qing saw Chen Yuyue's serious expression and immediately realized the danger of the matter.

"I'll go right away!" she rushed out of the ward without saying a word. At this time, we must race against time, just in case.

After Su Qing left the ward, ye Xuefu thought his reaction was exaggerated: "don't think so much. Now your own body is the most important. Others will deal with other things. There are broken martial arts and carefree outside. If the Japanese really have any ideas, they will be able to control him at the first time."

Feng Yu also nodded: "officer Su is right. Brother, what you need now is rest. Don't think about anything."

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