What does it mean for Li Weiquan if Zuo Jiujian longer really kills Su Qing?

It means the anger of the provincial leaders and the complete rupture of his official career.

If anything happens to anyone at the scene, Su Qing must not have an accident!

"Wait! Don't be impulsive!" Li Weiquan didn't dare to fight for his future. At this time, it's not important for Li Weiquan whether several criminals can get due punishment.

Sakuma longer just smiled at Li Weiquan and didn't make a sound.

Li Weiquan breathed a little hurriedly: "I promise your conditions. I can let those people go! Put down the scalpel in your hand first."

"Leader, my conditions have changed a little now." sasukuma longer continued: "within 30 minutes, I will see you arrange someone to send all my people safely to the apron on the roof of the hospital in the hospital, and before that, fill up the emergency helicopter in the hospital."

"What?!" Li Weiquan almost stared out his eyes. This guy actually hit the attention of the medical emergency helicopter: "it's impossible!"

"Then I'll show you how sharp this scalpel is." sasukuma longer's hand just put down was raised again, and the scalpel emitting cold light was pasted on Su Qing's neck again.

Su Qing closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She kept telling herself not to be afraid and to be calm. Only when she calmed down will she not miss the chance to get rid of it.

At this time, you need a big heart. As long as you can calm down, Su Qing can make a very clear judgment. Sasukuma longer absolutely doesn't dare to do it easily.

Before his people were saved, all he did was threaten.

"Zuo Jiujian longer! You should make it clear that the medical emergency helicopter is used for rescue! This is a matter of principle! It can't be used for you!" Li Weiquan raised his voice as much as possible.

But Zuo Jiujian shook his head indifferently: "I don't care. Besides, how many people in China can afford an emergency helicopter? The air is just a gimmick for you in China."

In fact, what sasukuma longer said is not unreasonable.

Air first aid helicopters have been popularized in many developed countries. Of course, China will not lag behind. Many big cities have also appeared one after another, and there have been many successful cases of first aid.

However, this price is really not enjoyed by ordinary people. The rescue cost is charged at 30000 or 50000 per hour. In some cities, the asking price is 70000 or 80000. There was an example before. A baby boy was seriously ill and had to call a helicopter at a critical moment. The price for an hour and a half was 100000 days.

Indeed, the situation is urgent and life is urgent, but what should ordinary people do at this time? Ordinary people simply can't afford it. They can't afford it even if they choose to die, so this service is basically reduced to a service that only saves the rich.

According to some situations in the country, this service has indeed become exclusive to the rich.

In some European countries, the cost of air emergency helicopter comes partly from social donations and partly from government financial support. Some rich countries do not have to bear any costs regardless of differences in economic status and class.

This has become a part of social public services. After all, this thing should not be commercial investment to make money.

But all this is not in line with China's national conditions. For more than a billion people, I'm afraid the number of people who need to be rescued in a day is more than the total population of the country that can "fly" to see a doctor for free.

After all, Huaxia had to pay for an ambulance running on land. When he met some brake drivers who didn't give way and caused congestion, the ambulance was also in vain.

"I can agree to your other conditions, but the helicopter is not discussed. It is a life-saving tool!" Li Weiquan stressed again.

"Then you can get me another helicopter. It's enough to empty the apron on the roof of the hospital." Zuo Jiujian said, "the Swat has a helicopter. I didn't ask you to get me an Apache. It's very good to use your SWAT's direct police helicopter."

Li Weiquan was speechless.

This Japanese really knows China. He even knows the helicopters of the special police team.


"If you can't even do this, what are we talking about?" when sasukuma longer spoke, the scalpel suddenly crossed Su Qing's neck, but stopped immediately!

Although it was only a little force, she hesitated that the scalpel was too sharp, so Su Qing's neck was cut.

Although the wound is shallow, the blood is real.

Li Weiquan's mind suddenly went blank.

"I want a direct police helicopter, and it should be ready in an hour." sasukuma longer stared at Li Weiquan's eyes and said undeniably.

Li Weiquan nodded mechanically. He really didn't know how to deal with the current things. Now all this has completely exceeded his control.

Chen Yuyue frowned. This guy might as well not come. His field control ability is far from that of Zhou Chengxuan.

But who let others be leaders, who let others have high status and great power.

"Deputy Secretary Li, this is not a joke. How could you use the special police helicopter to them?" Zhou Chengxuan's eyes were almost staring out. He really didn't know what was thinking in Li Weiquan's mind.

Li Weiquan looked at Zhou Chengxuan with a dull twist.

"Then tell me what to do? Watch him cut his throat?" Li Weiquan was already expressionless: "I tell you Zhou Chengxuan, who is Su Hewei? Don't you count in your heart! Just because you don't want to climb doesn't mean I don't want to..."

Zhou Chengxuan simply can't understand. At this time, what Li Wei thinks in his mind is "climbing up"!

"You are simply unreasonable!" Zhou Chengxuan said angrily, "do you think you can use the special police helicopter casually? This is also your serious dereliction of duty!"

"As long as I can save Su Qing, I can guarantee that everything will be all right... Even if these people escape and even the helicopter is lost, Su Hewei will help me with everything because I saved Su Qing." Li Weiquan whispered in Zhou Chengxuan's ear: "I won't be all right then, but I will be promoted!"

Zhou Chengxuan took a deep breath. He finally waved his fist and hit Li Weiquan on the head!

Li Weiquan didn't have time to respond, so he was punched by Zhou Chengxuan. His eyes were black and he fell heavily to the ground. After that, there was no response.

Zuo Jiujian longer looked at Zhou Chengxuan strangely. This was the first staff in the system who dared to lead above in China.

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