Since the accident at the construction headquarters of Chengjie group, he Bing has been very concerned about the project of Tianya biological group and will basically come to inspect it every three or five times.

Mr. He's inspection is an incentive for the staff at all levels of the construction site, which at least makes them feel the care from the big boss. Therefore, even if they know that there is danger in Tianhai City, they are still full of energy and have no complaints.

In fact, this is also he Bing's personality charm. As a young woman, she can convince the whole Chengjie group. She must be not simple in dealing with the world.

And he Bing still hasn't given up the idea of digging Chen Yuyue's corner.

Today, after he Bing inspected again, he took the initiative to call Chen Yuyue and said that he hadn't thanked him for the last thing. He hoped to invite him out for dinner at noon.

Chen Yuyue immediately said he invited him. He has always wanted to find a chance to thank he Bing. After all, he Bing immediately gave song Liang and Xia Ke economic compensation after the accident. This is very warm.

He Bing didn't do more unnecessary politeness. He agreed to Chen Yuyue's invitation and made an appointment to pick him up here at 12 noon.

At 12:00 noon, ye Xuefu put down the unapproved documents in her hand and rubbed her forehead. This afternoon, she wanted to talk about the things in this document with President he of Chengjie group, so she had been sitting all morning unconsciously.

Ye Xuefu stood up and moved her stiff and sour body. She decided to go downstairs and have a look at the project office of the scientific research room. By the way, she asked Chen Yuyue to go to the canteen for dinner.

However, when ye Xuefu came not far from the project construction office of the scientific research office, she happened to see Chen Yuyue sitting in the Audi of he Bing, the female president of Chengjie group.

As soon as Chen Yuyue got on the bus, the Audi left. Ye Xuefu was stunned and turned away.

On the way away, ye Xuefu repeatedly stressed that it was nothing. He Bing wanted to thank Chen Yuyue. It was no secret. They just went to have dinner together.


"What are you going to invite me to eat?" in the car, he Bing smiled at Chen Yuyue: "just find a place you are familiar with."

Chen Yuyue also smiled: "I just arrived at Tianhai not long ago. There is no familiar place."

"What about the places you often go?"

"The places I often go are not in line with Mr. He's identity." Chen Yuyue said ha ha: "we'd better find a place with a better environment. Is there any place he wants to taste in particular."

He Bing smiled and said, "there really is such a family."

"Oh?" Chen Yuyue was stunned: "then go to that house."

He Bing's eyes stayed on Chen Yuyue.

Chen Yuyue suddenly realized: "he always seems to know a lot about me."

"I didn't mean to investigate you." he Bing said, "it's your own person from the security department who told me that Chengjie's security team said that you have a barbecue shop called Pang Pang, which is both affordable and delicious. Let them have a chance to have a taste."

Chen Yuyue smiled faintly: "but there is no oven at noon."

"Then make an appointment another night." he Bing nodded: "well, I'll go to my hotel at noon today. The flavor of that osmanthus restaurant is OK."

Chen Yuyue agreed happily: "OK, go there."

"I like his fish soup noodles." he Bing has no boss's airs in front of Chen Yuyue, which surprised her driver.

The car soon stopped at the door of the Shangri La Hotel where he Bing lived. The receptionist quickly came forward and opened the door.

Subsequently, Chen Yuyue came to the restaurant under the leadership of he Bing.

The restaurant in the five-star hotel tastes really good, but the cost performance is really not high. There are not many things ordered by two people, just more than 1500 yuan.

When Chen Yuyue wanted to pay the bill, the waiter told him that he had paid. He Bing's driver was not only a driver, but also a part-time bodyguard and assistant. He understood every look in the boss very thoroughly.

"I should pay." Chen Yuyue said shyly.

"I won't pay the bill when I go there." he Bing smiled, and Chen Yuyue could only respond with a smile.

The two chatted a lot during dinner. Chen Yuyue could hear that he Bing still wanted to express his hope that he could go to Chengjie group, but at this time, Chen Yuyue quickly changed the topic and refused him in this way.

At almost two o'clock, he Bing's assistant Xu zhe suddenly appeared in the restaurant.

He quickly found them and whispered in he Bing's ear, "Mr. He, we have an appointment with Mr. Ye of Tianya at 2:30 p.m. to discuss the project of the scientific research room in your room."

He Bing looked at his watch. It's one fifty now. "OK, I see."

"He Zong and ye Zong made an appointment to meet in the hotel?" Chen Yuyue was stunned. I knew she had an appointment with Ye Xuefu. I should have asked her to come together at noon.

He Bing nodded: "the relationship between you and President Ye seems quite good."

"Well, very good." Chen Yuyue didn't hide: "she recommended me to work in Tianya biological group."

"No wonder you don't want to change jobs and come to Chengjie." he Bing smiled and said, "if I had known this, I wouldn't waste so much time digging you."

"He always joked." Chen Yuyue waved his hand.

He Bing raised his hand and said, "Xu Zhe, go to my room and prepare first. I'll go straight up later."

"OK." Xu zhe nodded and left.

Then he Bing chatted with Chen Yuyue and prepared to arrange for the driver to send Chen Yuyue back.

However, at this time, Xu zhe appeared in front of them again in panic, panting and flustered, "he Zong! You are in danger!"

"What's the matter? Speak slowly." he Bing frowned.

"Room... Room..." Xu zhe said with a cold sweat: "someone has sneaked into your room!"

Chen Yuyue immediately asked, "what do you mean? There is someone in President Ye's room?"

"There's a note! A threatening note!" Xu Zhe's face was filled with panic.

"Take me to have a look." Chen Yuyue asked Xu Zhe to lead the way without thinking about it. He Bing was also a little shocked. It was incredible that such a big hotel could sneak into criminals and break into her room.

Soon, Chen Yuyue came to the hotel suite where he Bing stayed.

The suite is very big. On the tea table in the living room of the suite, there is obviously a note with a bullet on it!

Two lines of characters were written on the note: take the construction team of Chengjie group and get out of Tianhai city! Or I'll give you a bullet to taste!

Such a blatant threat is simply outrageous!

"Find the person in charge of the hotel to communicate, immediately protect all monitoring and let the hotel call the police." Chen Yuyue responded quickly.

Xu zhe promised and rushed out of the room to find the hotel manager.

Although he Bing was threatened, he didn't react too much. Instead, he calmly sat on the sofa: "I didn't expect that it would be so dangerous to come to Tianhai city to do a project."

"Nowadays, people are really unswerving means for interests." Chen Yuyue comforted: "Mr. He, don't worry. As long as I am here, the project of Chengjie group in Tianya biology will be carried out smoothly."

"I believe it." he Bing smiled and nodded, "if it weren't for you, I couldn't have arrived in time on the bidding day."

"In that case, those people should hate me most." Chen Yuyue said, "they should use these means on me."

He Bing doesn't think so: "even what they do to you can't change the fact that Chengjie group won the project. What they want is money. Only when Chengjie group exits, can they get what they want."

Chen Yuyue looked at the bullet and thought that the people of Tenglong construction company really dared to play.

Soon, assistant Xu zhe appeared at the door of the guest room with the person in charge of the hotel.

The person in charge of the hotel looked very flustered, and Xu zhe also looked angry.

"What's wrong with monitoring?" Chen Yuyue guessed the reason.

The person in charge of the hotel nodded heavily: "at noon today, the hotel's monitoring system suddenly seemed to be disturbed by something. All monitoring equipment was out of control. Up to now, it is still a snowflake screen. We asked someone to deal with it at the first time, but it hasn't been dealt with yet."

Chen Yuyue understood: "it's for special use. You don't need to repair it. Arrange more people to look for it. Don't let go of any corner. If you find something suspicious, you must leave it to the police for investigation and judgment."

"OK." the person in charge of the hotel nods hard. What he is worried about now is not this, but the guest's attitude.

He Bing is a super customer of their hotel. His identity is impressive. If he loses a big customer because of this matter, it will really give him a headache.

"Mr. He, we sincerely apologize for this incident! I hope you can understand and give us a chance." the hotel manager nodded and bowed.

He Bing's attitude is still very generous and his performance is also very plain: "you don't want this, forget it."

"Mr. He, it was caused by the poor supervision of their hotel!" Xu zhe was very angry: "they should make emergency preparations when they found that the monitoring was disturbed, but they were careless, so it was easy for people to break into your room. If you were the only one in the room at that time, the consequences would be unimaginable!"

"Yes... It's all our management problems!" the person in charge dared not evade his responsibility and hoped to be forgiven by the customer with a sincere attitude: "Mr. He, in this regard, we are willing to make compensation. All your accommodation expenses are free of charge, and all expenses will be returned to your account within three working days."

He BingDao didn't care about this: "you can arrange whatever you think is appropriate."

"We have changed your suite," the person in charge of the hotel continued, "I will arrange someone to protect the scene and hand it over to the police for investigation."

He Bing nodded: "OK. Let's change the room now."


He Bing said to Xu zhe again, "inform president Ye of the time to change the room."

"Yes." Xu zhe looked at the time. This thing needs to be done right away. It is estimated that ye Xuefu is already on the road at this time. He didn't call again, but ran to the hotel lobby to meet him in person. Only in this way can he be valued and polite.

He Bing and Chen Yuyue were personally sent to the new room by the person in charge of the hotel.

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