After washing their sweat after a busy night, they finally lay down comfortably and had a rest.

The rest room of the bath center is quite large. Although it is very late, there are still people doing foot therapy.

"Do you need a foot treatment?"

Just after they lay down for two minutes, a service staff came forward and asked.

Zhao Xiaoyao can still ask for foot therapy. His feet are broken all day long, and Feng Yu has just returned from Japan. It's hard enough to run all the way.

"OK, find me two hands. OK, I won't pay for pressing blindly." Zhao Xiaoyao nodded: "go and get us two cups of hot water first."

"OK, I'll ask the technician to take it for you when he comes." the service staff immediately withdrew after saying that.

Feng Yu said, "didn't you agree to come up and rub your sleep? Isn't foot therapy cheap here?"

"No matter how much money he can have, it's just a foot therapy. It's hard to ask for three or five hundred." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "what are you afraid of when I treat you? Even if it's three or five thousand, as long as you dare to go up and play, you can pay for it as a brother."

"Go away." Feng Yu laughed and scolded.

The pedicure technician came soon. They were all young girls. They looked like they were in their early twenties.

In fact, as long as it is working with both hands to eat, it is not shameful or humiliating. However, due to the non-standard of the industry, there are many shops selling dog meat with sheep's head, which once equates foot therapy with skin and meat business, and makes many foot therapists in regular stores unable to lift their heads.

But this situation should gradually pass.

Now many people attach great importance to the health industry. In addition, the state has focused on cracking down on informal shops in this industry, and the overall environment has begun to get better and better.

To tell you the truth, pedicure is a technology that can be used for life. In terms of current social development, it can definitely be free from food and clothing for a lifetime. More and more people know how to enjoy life. This job must be more and more free from money. It is much more glorious than those who can't find a job after graduation with a high degree of education.

Moreover, regular foot therapists help many customers regulate their bodies through their own technical methods. They should be proud and deserve honor and respect.

However, everything obtained through their own efforts is much more noble than those seemingly bright gnawing old people. They only know that those who gnaw their parents' hard work every day are really humble.

So this job is not humble at all.

Two foot therapists first put water on the table next to them, and then did foot therapy seriously.

The tiredness of the wind swept away in an instant.

After the foot treatment, the technician recommended: "you two can raise another consumption level, and we can also do bone loosening massage."

"Thank you. No, it's already very good." Feng Xun refused. First, he was worried that girls at this age had little experience and foot therapy had not been made clear. He just knew a few acupoints and techniques. Bone loosening massage must not be so professional. Second, he didn't believe their hand strength.

If you really want to loosen your bones, it's appropriate for Feng Xun and Zhao Xiaoyao to have a look at each other. At least their own strength is OK. The little girl's strength basically won't make them feel.

After the two left, Feng Yu yawned and was ready to go to bed.

Zhao Xiaoyao also drank up the hot water and closed his eyes vaguely.

"Sir, I recommend you to do a health care. There is a discount in the store today. Just now you did 368 foot therapy, you will be exempted from 128 bath fees. If you choose to do 768 health care now, you will be exempted from the foot therapy fees just now."

They opened their eyes vaguely and saw the waiter looking at them warmly.

"No need." Feng Xun refused without thinking about it.

"It's really affordable. Your previous foot therapy and bath are free."

The other party seems to have no intention of giving up and has been recommending.

The wind continued to sleep and ignored it.

Zhao Xiaoyao closed his eyes and said, "after finishing 760, will you have to complete another 18000 'big health care' and tell me that if you do 'big health care', 760 health care will be free?"

The waiter was happy: "Sir, you are an expert at first sight."

Expert, your uncle, Zhao Xiaoyao scolded in his heart. Many bath centers are like this routine, so that people who originally wanted to take a serious bath and press their feet embarked on the road of no return step by step.

These are really due to the enthusiastic service personnel who recommend business projects.

"Well, don't talk about those useless things. Just say what consumption level you can reach all the time." Zhao Xiaoyao said: "this level of addition is meaningless."

"I'm sorry, sir, the highest amount we've accumulated is 1888" big health care ", which is basically a complete set... Of course, if you want to ride a foreign horse, you need to add 500 yuan, if you want to ride a top model, you need to add 1000 yuan, and the ordinary technician is 1880." the service staff continued.

Zhao Xiaoyao said, "the grade here is not high. Two or three thousand will be the top."

"That's not as good as..." the service staff laughed: "if you have any other special hobbies, we can also have some wild services. 888 can drop wax or whip."

Zhao Xiaoyao nodded, "that's quite big."

"Would you please..."

"It's all said. We don't need it. Now we just want to sleep." Zhao Xiaoyao was a little impatient: "do you recommend guests in need? I went upstairs with my underpants. Who still has time to come here for foot therapy."

The service staff were stunned.

You don't need to ask so much?

At this time, the service staff was a little suspicious. Did they come down to make an unannounced visit? Now we're going to crack down again?

Then, the service staff was worried and hurried to the foreman to report the news.

In a few minutes, the two charming girls went to Feng Yu and Zhao Xiaoyao.

They felt someone walking towards them. As soon as they opened their eyes, they were frightened by the huge hemisphere, and the mountain came directly to the top of the mountain.

The two people reacted in unison and directly pushed the girl in front of them away: "what are you doing? Are you looking for the wrong person?"

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa

Feng Xun was completely impatient: "what's the matter? We just want to sleep. Don't toss around again. Believe it or not, I'll call you?"

Zhao Xiaoyao watched two plump young ladies smash their mouths. It's a pity.

There are still sporadic guests in the hall. They all looked at it curiously and enviously. They thought that if they became lucky customers, they must enjoy the "groom service" well. How can they report it? Brain damage!

Although these guests envy them for winning the prize, they have quickly packed up their things and are ready to leave. After all, no one wants to be checked.

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