Chen Yuyue couldn't help but smile bitterly: "you're not asking for leave to take care of me at home, but taking advantage of this opportunity to ask for leave to play at home?"

Ye Xiaoyao smiled: "can it be called fun? I'm called escort. It's a very exquisite knowledge."

"Then you go out and buy me whatever I want to eat today? Escort is not just watching movies at home." Chen Yuyue said, "I want to eat raw fried chicken. Can you buy it for me? Ye Da escort?"

"Isn't there an errand runner?" Ye Xiaoyao pointed to Du powu: "you see who's senior nursing is responsible for buying food. It's all done by nannies. I don't have time."

Du Po Wu said bitterly, "you don't have time. A movie lasts two hours. You can't even watch two movies until noon."

"Just know." Ye Xiaoyao said, "you'll be responsible for going out to buy fried dumplings. By the way, bring me a fried dumpling. I haven't eaten Xiao Yang fried dumplings for a long time."

"You're not a patient." Du Po Wu said.

"Things are still so easy. Are you a man?" Ye Xiaoyao said, "OK, don't talk nonsense. Go wash the bowl in a moment and put it directly in the disinfection cabinet. By the way, remember to brush out the pot for cooking millet porridge. Be careful when brushing. Don't damage the inner membrane of the pot. Pay attention to the thick hands and feet."

Du powu looked at Chen Yuyue: "brother, I didn't stay to take care of you. I was a coolie. I finally know why they left."

"Just know." Chen Yuyue said, "but it's too late to know now. Who makes you not so clever? You figured out what work is not easy to do from the beginning."

"He's such a chicken thief. I can't compare with him." Du Po Wu said and took out his mobile phone: "give them the fried meat and buy it. They must come at noon. I don't know how things went last night."

Chen Yuyue smiled and shook his head: "I'm afraid it's not so smooth. If it's smooth, they would have come to report."

As they were talking, the sound of parking came outside the door.

"So early?" Du Po Wu was stunned and quickly came forward to open the door, but found that it was not Feng Hui and Zhao Xiaoyao, but Dr. Xu Yi.

Xu Yi explained the situation to the hospital in the morning. Before going to work, he should come to Chen Yuyue to have a look at Chen Yuyue's recovery.

Although Chen Yuyue has been discharged from the hospital, his condition does not meet the discharge standard. He was discharged only because of special circumstances. Therefore, as a doctor in the hospital, he is still responsible for his patients. Therefore, Xu Yi came here first without even going to the hospital in the morning.

"Dr. Xu Yi, why are you here?" Du powu politely came forward to help Xu Yi open the door of the hospital: "my brother said, if you have anything, just tell us directly and we'll find you."

"I'll see how he recovers. His condition is still not suitable for going out." Xu Yi said: "it's too troublesome for me. It's more convenient for me to come."

"Recovering much better." Du Po Wu politely invited Xu Yi into the room.

As soon as Xu Yi entered the door, he was treated like a VIP. Even ye Xiaoyao, who had never been so polite and polite in ordinary days, came forward to give up his seat to make tea.

"Sister Xu Yi, please see if he's almost recovered." Ye Xiaoyao said with a smile: "if he's almost recovered, I don't have to serve him."

"You seem to be waiting on me all the time." Chen Yuyue cried and laughed, "if I wait for you, I'll probably stink directly in bed."

Xu Yi chuckled at Ye Xiaoyao: "his body is really special. At least now it seems that there is no problem in his recovery."

"Dr. Xu Yi, don't say that. If you say that, I'm afraid the person who takes care of me will turn to let me take care of her." Chen Yuyue hurriedly said: "my current situation should be very serious. I can't lift my arms."

"Come on, don't pretend." Xu Yi said, "I really haven't seen such a strong recovery person like you. You're just a little gecko."

Chen Yuyue was stunned. Is this metaphor too cute for him?

Ye Xiaoyao said curiously, "sister Xu Yi, why is he a little gecko?"

"Didn't you learn that article in your primary school Chinese textbook?" Xu Yi said: "gecko has the powerful ability to break its tail and regenerate itself. When it is attacked by the enemy, it will break its tail and get enough escape time for itself, and the broken tail will regenerate later."

Ye Xiaoyao suddenly realized: "this is really vivid enough."

"You just say I'm a salamander." Chen Yuyue smiled bitterly.

Ye Xiaoyao and Xu Yi looked at Chen Yuyue curiously: "what is a salamander?"

"Regenerating limbs is nothing. Salamanders can regenerate their brains," said Chen Yuyue.

"Have you seen too many science fiction films?" Ye Xiaoyao said, "what can't live without a brain."

"There is a kind of white salamander in a lake in Mexico. It is real and has a strange shape. It is called a water ghost by the locals." Chen Yuyue said: "in the reborn animals, that thing is definitely the king and the honorary king. It can grow not only complete limbs, but also important organs of the heart and brain."

Xu Yi was surprised: "is it really so magical?"

"Yes, and it can accept the body parts of other salamanders for self reorganization." Chen Yuyue nodded: "now many scientists study its regeneration ability, hoping to study this regeneration ability on people."

"Why doesn't the salamander go to heaven? Since it's so powerful, can it be studied for a lifetime by catching one?" Ye Xiaoyao said: "anyway, it can be reborn indefinitely."

Du Po Wu said in a stuffy voice, "isn't the captured salamander too poor? It has to be separated by the studied limbs and destroyed by the brain every day, and then continue to be reborn and studied again. It's more painful than eighteen layers of hell."

Ye Xiaoyao heard goose bumps: "I'm dying of what you said. I really hope there's no such poor salamander."

Xu Yi sighed: "the world is really full of wonders. If you say that the regeneration ability of salamanders can really be implanted into the human body, those terminally ill patients will be saved."

"So there must be some poor salamanders who have to endure constant research every day and live in regeneration and being hurt all their life." Chen Yuyue said: "it's all because of human development."

That sounds uncomfortable, but it's another fact.

Although this seems cruel, it seems that we have to continue to be cruel for the sake of mankind.

"Why don't you say that no one studies you? Your recovery ability is very special." Ye Xiaoyao suddenly said, "Chen Yuyue, do you think your body is different from others?"

When ye Xiaoyao said this, Chen Yuyue was really a little silly. He realized that his recovery ability was really terrible.

He can recover from injuries that others never seem to recover.

Du powu also touched his chin. It's true over the years. Chen Yuyue has been injured countless times, but he can recover quickly every time. Some very terrible injuries are the same as a broken finger for him.

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