Chen Yuyue looked back at Ye Xiaoyao in surprise. She was really shocked when she suddenly ran in.

"If you don't help outside, what are you doing?" Chen Yuyue looked at Ye Xiaoyao helplessly.

"My sister called and she said she had taken Feng to the personnel department of Tianya group for a simple explanation." Ye Xiaoyao said.

"That's good." Chen Yuyue was stunned: "what does this have to do with us?"

Ye Xiaoyao shrugged his shoulders: "the point is that my sister has ordered all the work to be done today. Now it doesn't matter whether she stays in the company or not. Because someone saw that she took Feng Yu to the company, several small supervisors of the logistics department want to meet her and have a chat. You know my sister hates this set, so she doesn't want to see her."

Chen Yuyue still couldn't hear what these had to do with them: "then?"

"Then my sister must be looking for an excuse to get rid of it, but someone has already run to the office, so she simply called Michelle and said she wouldn't go today." Ye Xiaoyao said, "so she called and asked me if I wanted to eat the roast lamb chop."

Chen Yuyue suddenly realized: "what did you say?"

"Of course I want to eat," Ye Xiaoyao nodded. "Then my sister told me that she would come to the store now to help the store, and then bring some roast lamb chops back. Let me ask you what you want to eat in the store."

Chen Yuyue helplessly patted his forehead: "then don't admit it. It's too late for us to go now."

"But I missed it." Ye Xiaoyao said, "I said you'll order what you want to eat later. Don't worry about it. I also said that we'll take the lamb chop back and let her go straight home."

"Do you dare to swear that you didn't mean it?" Chen Yuyue cried.

"I really didn't mean it. I... I just... Accidentally slipped my tongue." Ye Xiaoyao hurried: "I really didn't mean to betray you on purpose. Don't blame me."

Chen Yuyue looked at Wang Yong: "brother Yong, she said she didn't mean it. Do you believe that?!"

Wang Yong shook his head, which fools can't believe.

Ye Xiaoyao can only spit out his tongue: "I'm also very helpless. Who knows that my sister will be so idle after sending Fengyu to report for duty. She really logs in to the monitoring system at home to see what we do. As a result, there is no one at home. She directly pressed me. I can't deceive her. I can only say things."

"You really don't have a position at all." Chen Yuyue sighed: "this will betray us all?"

Ye Xiaoyao nodded: "don't worry, my sister will certainly give you face. She won't really teach you a lesson. At most, she will say a few words. If I don't admit it, it will be bad. She will really scold me. If I'm such a big girl, I'll lose face if I'm scolded in front of so many people?"

Chen Yuyue really couldn't understand Ye Xiaoyao's logic: "don't I want face?"

"You are old men one by one. What are you afraid of?" Ye Xiaoyao said, "Du Po Wu always said that you are old men with rough skin and thick meat. I take that seriously."

Wang Yong smiled: "it won't be so serious. Xuefu is a reasonable girl. I believe she will give you enough face."

Since Chen Yuyue can't change the facts, he can only accept: "I'm not afraid that she won't save me face. I'm afraid to betray her trust in me."

"Since you're so afraid of betraying my sister's trust, you should think of it before you come. Don't say these nice things. Why did you go before?" Ye Xiaoyao said with a righteous look: "if you knew now, why did you have to go out before, you shouldn't run away from my sister."

Chen Yuyue really can't understand how ye Xiaoyao, a fellow of his, can make himself so indignant.

When ye Xiaoyao saw Chen Yuyue staring at him, he stopped Preaching: "all right, all right, it has become an unchangeable fact. But my sister said, you can come here, you should still pay attention to rest and don't forget your body."

There is also a sentence "let her do all the hard work." Ye Xiaoyao didn't say. She won't talk nonsense if it's bad for herself.

But when I thought about it, it was better to say it, so I changed it a little: "my sister also said that Du powu should do all the rough and tired work. You should be responsible for rest."

Wang Yong almost understood when he heard this: "are you hurt again? Is it serious?"

"It's all right, brother Yong. Don't listen to their fuss. Make a mountain out of a molehill with a little injury." Chen Yuyue waved his hand.

"Make a mountain out of a molehill. Please, who is that man? He threw it directly into the emergency ward!" Ye Xiaoyao glared: "brother Yong, don't listen to his nonsense. What I said is true. He was really hurt."

"Don't let brother Yong worry too. Isn't I good? Let me bake kebabs. I can do it directly." Chen Yuyue said.

Wang Yong patted Chen Yuyue on the shoulder: "I know you are strong, but don't take injuries seriously because you are young and have good physical strength. If you are injured, you should pay attention. Xuefu's worry is not wrong. You should still rest at home and don't run out casually."

"It's not outside to come to our store." Chen Yuyue said, "I really can't stand leaving me at home. I want to tell you about Bi Ying, so that you can rest assured. I'll catch a breath by the way."

"I won't give you cigarettes if I'm hurt." Wang Yong smiled and took out a cigarette and took it in his mouth.

Ye Xiaoyao came forward and took down the cigarette in Wang Yong's mouth: "brother Yong, sister-in-law doesn't care about you, that's because she doesn't care about you, but I'm different. I'm very hardworking."

Wang Yong looked at Ye Xiaoyao and couldn't be angry. He really didn't have any way.

"Don't fool around for brother Yong." Chen Yuyue said, "all right, go out. Your sister will come in a moment. You should hurry up to flatter and save yourself from being criticized with us."

Ye Xiaoyao spread his hands: "I've left things clean, and you are also criticized. Then I'll be the 'dog leg' next to my sister. I'll bite whoever my sister asks me to bite."

Wang Yongle laughed. The girl really made him don't know what to say.

"Brother Yong, what's my life? How did it fall into the hands of their sisters." Chen Yuyue sighed.

Wang Yong just laughed and didn't speak, but he said in his heart, your life is too good. How many people will envy death and fall into the hands of these two beautiful sisters who are sincere to you. What else can you ask for?

How many people would rather lose their life for 30 years than return it? You are not satisfied!

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