Chen Yuyue and Feng Xun didn't worry when they came to the barren mountains in the suburbs. They parked their car a few kilometers away in order to avoid being noticed.

It was less than nine o'clock at this time, and it was a little early. They decided to conduct reconnaissance deeper at night. If they got favorable information, they would launch an attack at five o'clock in the morning.

Chinese people pay attention to meridian flow, that is, acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine is based on the theory of the correspondence between man and heaven and earth, which is a law of human meridians studied by divine doctors since ancient times.

The twelve hours of a day correspond to the twelve meridians of the human body. Because the hours are changing, different meridians also rise and fall at different times. People's living habits comply with the natural law. Therefore, when people connect the rise and fall of people's viscera with the twelve hours, they are linked in a very orderly way.

At the time of Hai, that is, around ten o'clock at night, when the three jiao channels connect the hundred pulse, people should go to sleep and rest.

Maybe ordinary people don't care about this principle. At ten o'clock at night, most people are still curfew, watching movies and shopping. Even when they get home, they are also chasing dramas and watching variety shows. Basically, it's impossible to go to sleep at this time.

However, people of martial arts cultivation are different. They will care about the noon flow very much, so they will enter the rest state as soon as possible. When they completely enter the sleep state at midnight, the bile can push through the old and bring forth the new, and then when they are ugly, the liver channel is prosperous, and the liver blood pushes through the old and brings forth the new.

When Yinshi is three or four o'clock in the morning, the lung meridian of the human body is prosperous, which will transport the fresh blood stored in the liver to hundreds of veins, so that people can fully welcome the new day.

Chen Yuyue decided to attack at 5 a.m. because the large intestine was prosperous at Mao, which was conducive to excretion, so this time was the most tired time of the human body.

As Chen Yuyue and his colleagues can not determine the number of the other party, once they are sure that the other party is hiding here, they must find the most favorable time to solve the problem.

In theory, the best time to solve the problem is when the human body is most tired.

Chen Yuyue knew the law of meridional flow from an early age. The lung meridians of hand Taiyin began to flourish, and then the meridians were rotated every hour, and the cycle of day and night ended at Chou Shi.

In short, the meridians and viscera have their emptiest hour in a day. Usually, the emptiest hour is the sixth hour after prosperity.

For example, the Heart Sutra of hand Shaoyin is prosperous at noon, so the sixth hour in the afternoon is the emptiest hour of the Heart Sutra.

People who study martial arts understand this truth. Chen Yuyue believes that the other party will understand it, so they will pay great attention to rest and adjustment. If they really hide in this barren mountain, they will follow the law of noon flow to rest under no special circumstances.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Chen Yuyue and Feng Yu got off and prepared to enter the barren mountain on foot for reconnaissance.

Although today's cities are developing rapidly and there are always night cities everywhere, it is still dark in this barren mountain.

Walking at night in dark places without light in barren mountains is somewhat taboo.

Many people have heard that you can't turn back in this situation. Many people say that you have several lights on your body. It doesn't matter if you go out of your body, but you can't turn back. Once you turn back, you'll go out. At that time, some things will follow.

It is said that some things like people who look back at it very much. Maybe the people who look at it can't see it at all, but it will think that it is taken care of and that the people who look at it like it. Then it will follow all the time and finally enter the door

Of course, this is just a myth.

But it makes sense not to pick up things in the dark since ancient times. Maybe no one picks up rags and paper now, but it's best not to move jewelry. Of course, some people say not to pick up paper money. It's a thing of the dead. People must work hard to rob money for the dead, but who will pick up paper money when he's free?

Afraid of collecting jewelry or something like that, those things may have been worn by leprosy patients, or they may have been worn by AIDS patients.

"Elder brother, have you ever heard that when a person walks at night, suddenly there is something on your shoulder. Don't panic and run away, but calmly tell him to recognize the wrong person before he can leave slowly." Feng Xun sneaked in carefully.

Chen Yuyue looked back at him: "I'm an atheist and a feudal superstitious thing. I'd better scare children."

"This can't scare children. It's not easy to get rid of the deep shadow left since childhood." Feng Yu said: "who of us is not atheism, but the shadow of my childhood has always been there. After so many years of doing so many separate reconnaissance missions at night, I still think of the shadow of my childhood every time."

Chen Yuyue said with a wry smile, "your grandmother left it for you again?"

"Yes... When I was a child, my grandmother always told me that if someone stared at me when walking at night, and stared very closely, I told you to run to a place with many people." Feng Yu said: "there are many such words. Every time I move at night, I always feel that someone is following me."

"No wonder you're so vigilant." Chen Yuyue really can't cry or laugh. Such an excellent scout has such strong vigilance because he was frightened by his grandmother when he was a child.

"My grandmother also told me that a person walking at night must not be attracted by beautiful women, because only those things would come out in the middle of the night, so once they met, they would be in great trouble. She also said that if they wanted to harm people, they would communicate with that person and deliberately let people see them." Feng Yu sighed: "Alas, she didn't know that there were so many nightclubs on the street at that time."

Chen Yuyue is also drunk. A Tianhai city can easily find thousands of nightclubs. Many people come out to play in the middle of the night every day.

There are always night cities everywhere these days. Even if there are those things, it is estimated that they will be run out of room.

"Because of this story, even if I flirt with my sister in a nightclub, I can't get into the play." Feng Yu said with a wry smile: "I've only figured out for more than half a year that it's not that I have a bad relationship with women, but that I always doubt that people are 'that thing' when I contact women, so my performance is certainly not natural."

"You are really poisoned by your grandmother." Chen Yuyue said, "then you don't have any worries now?"

"That's why I said that the childhood shadow was the most terrible thing when I was a child, and it was too difficult to get rid of it." Feng said: "later, when I grew up, I didn't believe what my grandmother told me about ghosts beating walls and ghosts blowing lights. Now I don't think it's terrible. It's those things that scared me when I was immature."

"There are certainly not a few poor guys like you in China." Chen Yuyue said: "it is estimated that many people were frightened when they were young."

Feudal superstition kills people. There are still too many people in the shadow today.

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