If the flower shirt is so easy to talk, I'm afraid I can't do the business of usury.

If people in this line are not cruel, how can they stand? Those who borrow money but can't pay back are very poor. If they are soft hearted, how can they eat this bowl of rice?

"Lu Xue, come on, let me talk to you about the history of our business." brother Nan smiled and said, "as I just said, our business originated in the late primitive society. It is the basic form of credit in slave society and feudal society. Do you understand credit?"

"I know... I'll pay back the money, but can the interest be lower?" Lu Xue said carefully.

"Listen to me!" Nange was a little angry: "In the past, our industry mainly lent money in the market. No matter the meat and vegetable stalls at the market stalls, they would borrow money from us in case of gambling, losing money or poor turnover. The so-called monk can't run away from the temple. Generally, there are stalls in the market. They have to do business every day. Don't be afraid to run away. Don't worry about lending... But now we borrow from everyone, including poor people like your brother, you know Why? "

Lu Xue shook her head cautiously.

She really didn't understand why the usurer lent money to his brother, and the usurer Nan brother used to hang out in their old alley. Although she didn't have any friendship, they all knew a little about the background.

In the case of their family, if usurers know, there is really no reason to lend them money. They can't have money to pay back.

"I don't know I can tell you!" brother Nan suddenly raised his voice: "because I Qiao Nan know that he Lu Xing has a beautiful sister. Hey, hey, Lu Xue, all this is because of you. Brother Nan, I lent money to your brother because of your face. Otherwise, your brother's poor ghost, who would lend money to him?"

Lu Xue couldn't help but be surprised and took a step back.

Nange suddenly got up: "Lu Xue, can you understand Nange's mind?"

"Brother Nan! I don't understand what you're talking about, but I know that my brother only lent you 100000 yuan, and now we pay you 200000 yuan. Isn't that even with interest? If you're not satisfied, it's too aggressive..." Lu Xue was a little angry and ashamed, but she didn't dare to get angry in front of Joe Nan.

"I'm just aggressive. What can you do to me?" Jonan suddenly took a step forward.

Lu Xue retreated in fear, but she immediately hit the wall.

Qiao Nan's mouth raised a proud smile: "Lu Xue, I won't say anything nice. If you can take out 400000 today, we'll be finished, but if you can't take it out, I'm afraid it's not enough to have only 200000?"

Although Lu Xue still has 200000 yuan, the 200000 yuan is the money to save her mother's life. She said she wouldn't let joanan take anything! The money was returned by her brother in prison!

"What else do you want? I only have this money, and I don't have any more!" Lu Xue gritted her teeth.

"Then you need to pay something for sister Lu Xue." Qiao Nan smiled "In this old street, everyone knows that you are Lu Xuesheng's beauty. If you are willing to follow me, I promise you to dress up, wear famous brands, take a car and let those hanging wires drool when they see you. What do you think of my condition? As long as you promise to follow me, the rest of the money will be written off."

Lu Xue's face was black and white.

She knew the faces of these hooligans too well. People like Jonan didn't have any feelings at all. How could she be willing to fall into the hands of such bastards.

But what else can she do? Give Jonan another 200000? What about the mother's operation fee? A heart bypass operation costs 200000... She really can't take out the money. It's her mother's life-saving money.

Joe Nan saw Lu Xue hesitate and was already happy. He had never seen a woman who would refuse such a good thing. Women are very material.

"Well, have you figured it out?" Jonan asked, "will you take another 200000, or will you follow me?"

Lu Xue clenched her lips.

Qiao Nan looked at her pitiful look and was really distressed: "Yo Yo, sister Xue, don't be embarrassed, brother, I'll give you time to think about it."

Lu Xue is constantly fighting in her heart. She really hopes that a hero can appear now and save her in deep water!

God! Please help me!

Lu Xue suddenly looked up at the sky. She really hoped that God could hear her prayer!

However, just after she looked up, she saw a man lying on the poplar outside her yard, and the man was still staring at the yard and made a "Shh" gesture to her!

Lu Xue's mind is blank. God heard her prayer? But the man lying on the tree doesn't look like a superhero who can save her.

"Take your time," said Jonan, opening the handbag and taking out the money in it.

At the moment, Lu Xue is not in the mood to pay attention to what Jonan is doing. She just wants to know what the guy in the tree does.

But that guy kept making this "Shh" gesture to her, and Lu Xue was discouraged in an instant. Maybe it was just a boring guy climbing trees and peeping. He just didn't want her to make a noise for fear of causing trouble.

If that's the case, she'll help him. They are all poor people. There's no need to let the guys in the tree follow him.

If Jonan saw it, the guy in the tree would not escape a severe beating.


Jonan suddenly scolded and threw the money on Lu Xue!

Lu Xue was startled. Her mind instantly shifted back to Chen Yuyue in the tree. She looked at Qiao Nan in horror. She didn't know why he was angry!

"Lu Xue, brother Nan, I've given you a lot of face. How dare you play with me like that?" Qiao Nan pointed to Lu Xue's nose and scolded: "you're my man from today on! When I'm tired of playing, you'll go out and sell it to me! When you've sold enough money, you'll fuck me off!"

Lu Xue was completely lost by Qiao Nan. She didn't know why Qiao Nan was angry.

"Brother Nan, I gave you the money. Why did you still..." Lu Xue couldn't say all her nervous words.

"Money? Are all your money of the same number?" Jonan roared: "all the fucking money is the same number! You cheat me with fake money? Do you think I haven't seen money?"

The sound of Lu Xue's brain, counterfeit money?


It's impossible!

All this money was exchanged by my brother for prison. The people in his company can't cheat her! How could you give her counterfeit money!

Lu Xue knelt on the ground as soon as her legs were soft. She grabbed the scattered banknotes on the ground, and the number of each one was the same!

counterfeit banknote! All counterfeit money!

At the moment, Lu Xue's mind is blank. She really doesn't understand why those people do this. These are the money his brother exchanged for the crime. Those people dare to give her counterfeit money... It's crazy!

And the most insane is the damn God. Why did they arrange such a tragic fate for their family?

When she was just born, her father died because of industrial injury in the factory. Her mother said that the factory only gave thousands of pensions... Then she lived with her brother and mother for 20 years, and then her mother became seriously ill!

My brother gambled for money, lost and owed usury, so he had to help the boss do the crime in exchange for 400000 life-saving money, but those people even gave her fake money!


Why not give her a way to live!

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