After several people had dinner, Lu Xue went back to the municipal hospital with Xu Yi.

Chen Yuyue looked at the time. Long Yueling should be in Tianhai at this time, but why haven't you contacted him yet?

"What do you think?" Wang Yong suddenly walked behind Chen Yuyue. He thought Chen Yuyue was worried about surgery: "bypass surgery is very safe. Don't worry, don't think so much."

Chen Yuyue said with a wry smile: "Brother Yong, I can't explain some things clearly, but I know you must understand me. There is a thorny thing that I can't choose. I can only let innocent people make some sacrifices. Although I tried to convince myself before that no one is completely innocent and is always implicated because of my own fault, I didn't expect that some things will cause more one after another. I don't think so What happened... If I didn't go to the old lane today, Lu Xue would encounter her incurable life disaster, and everything has something to do with me. "

Wang Yong patted Chen Yuyue on the shoulder: "no one will be smooth sailing. Everyone will encounter setbacks."

"But that's not a setback, but a disaster." Chen Yuyue shook his head. "Setback is a must in life. As long as he firmly believes that he can cheer up, he can survive, but the disaster can be avoided. Once he meets it, it is often fatal."

"Although I don't know what the reason is, I believe you must have your own reason." Wang Yong said, "otherwise, you won't let innocent people make sacrifices for no reason. Some things can't be avoided. You have to believe in your own choice."

"I thought so at the beginning, but I regretted it when I found that my decision almost destroyed a girl." Chen Yuyue said faintly: "forget it, it's too late to say this now. I can only make up for Lu Xue as much as possible."

Wang Yong smiled: "don't worry, brother knows what to do."

"Brother Yong, thank you." Chen Yuyue said gratefully.

"It's a pity to tell me this." Wang Yong shook his head. "I've been short of staff since Bi Ying left."

"In short, if you can help her more, help her more." Chen Yuyue looked at Wang Yong: "but try not to let her see deliberate traces."

"I know." Wang Yong nodded. "Don't you trust me when I do things."

"Of course, don't worry." Chen Yuyue finally showed a smile on his face: "I'm so relieved to have brother Yong."

Wang Yong smiled brightly: "come on, smoke one."

"Don't smoke." Chen Yuyue waved his hand: "brother Yong, I have another thing to worry about."

"What?" Wang Yong took out his cigarette and lit one in his mouth. "If you need any help, you can speak directly."

Chen Yuyue was more or less worried about it: "have you ever heard of a man named Qiao Nan? A usurer?"

Wang Yong frowned and pondered for a while, shook his head: "I haven't heard of it. How old is he?"

"Twenty five or six."

"I really don't know a few young boys." Wang Yong shook his head. "However, at this age, if you can have your own usury company, you must have a family background. Otherwise, you will work for others."

"It should be working for others." Chen Yuyue said.

Wang Yong nodded: "basically, this is the possibility. Since the National Accident of the scam of private financial investment, there are fewer and fewer people who can stick to the so-called private lending."

After a pause, Wang Yong suddenly understood something.

"Lu Xue won't have a dispute over usury?" Wang Yong said curiously.

Chen Yuyue nodded: "yes, but that is obviously the means of usury to design gambling routines to entrap people."

"She still gambles?" Wang Yong was stunned.

"It's not Lu Xue, it's her brother." Chen Yuyue said, "but now his brother wants to go inside for transformation for a period of time, so those talents have an eye on Lu Xue. Although I helped her solve the trouble today, I'm afraid those people will pester her."

Wang Yong smiled bitterly: "don't worry, people in usury business are kids. As long as they entangle people, they will never let go. They can entangle people alive with an IOU."

"I've ruined the IOU." Chen Yuyue said, "they don't have vouchers. They shouldn't continue to pester?"

"You really can do anything." Wang Yong will not be surprised at anything Chen Yuyue does.

"I didn't control myself either. I couldn't see it at that time." Chen Yuyue said: "the 100000 yuan loan was originally borrowed by designing a gambling scam. I wanted to collect 400000 yuan even with interest, and it was Lu Xue's idea."

Wang Yong raised his thumb: "if I had your ability, I wouldn't control myself."

"But now I'm worried that they won't give up. If they find here one day, it will bring trouble to the store." Chen Yuyue sighed.

What if you really bring trouble to the store? It will trouble Wang Yong again.

"Although I'm not as powerful as you, I can't even carry a few hooligans." Wang Yong said: "although there's no chance of winning more than less, there's still no problem holding on until the police come."

Chen Yuyue couldn't help smiling bitterly: "brother Yong..."

Wang Yong waved his hand: "I'm not kidding. What I said is true. Don't worry."

"Then I'll give you the man." Chen Yuyue said, "but don't worry. It's all right recently. I'll let Po Wu stay in the store to help. If he really comes to trouble, he can basically solve it. I'm just worried that it will affect the business."

"I'm even more afraid of breaking martial arts." Wang Yong laughed: "don't worry about business. The repeat customers in our store are not afraid of things. They haven't been in trouble before, but it's good that our repeat customers haven't cared. If they are in trouble, they will follow and help. Just take a hundred hearts!"

"That's good." Chen Yuyue smiled. It's really rare for people like Wang Yong to make such a good reputation for business.

"By the way, how many of them?" Wang Yong said, "what are they busy with? They didn't come together at lunch."

Chen Yuyue said casually, "I'm busy. We'll have dinner together after the matter is solved."

Just after saying this, Chen Yuyue finally waited for long Yueling's phone. He took a look at the phone and waved to Wang Yong: "brother Yong, I have something to go first. See you later."

"Drive carefully on the road." Wang Yong waved his hand.

Chen Yuyue quickly ran into the car to start the car and answered the phone: "it's Tianhai?"

Long Yueling said, "where shall we gather now?"

"I'll meet you alone and chat with you first. Where can I find you?" Chen Yuyue said.

Long Yueling immediately gave Chen Yuyue an address.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Yuyue arrived as promised.

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