When ye Xiaoyao came in, ye Xuefu was taking off Luo's clothes and preparing to take a bath. The faucet in the bathroom was splashing, and the bath was almost full.

"Why don't you go to bed?" Ye Xuefu looked at her sister: "rest early, get up early and go out for breakfast tomorrow."

"Elder sister, what is your situation today?" Ye Xiaoyao sat down on the bed: "how did Chen Yuyue offend you?"

Ye Xuefu stopped the action in her hand and looked at Ye Xiaoyao: "what are you thinking? Don't think about it. Go back to your own house and sleep."

"Can't I see if you have any thoughts?" Ye Xiaoyao said, "don't switch the topic."

"I said it's really all right. I'm going to take a bath now." Ye Xuefu turned and entered the bathroom in the room. She didn't want to entangle with the goblins anymore. The hot water in the bath had been put away. She just wanted to relax herself. She hadn't taken a bath for a long time.

But ye Xiaoyao doesn't mean to let Ye Xuefu go. Although Ye Xuefu has been lying in the bath, she still pursues her.

Ye Xuefu lay in the bathtub and looked at her sister silently: "what are you doing? Do you want to wash with me?"

"If you invite me, I won't refuse." Ye Xiaoyao said indifferently, "anyway, we always took a bath together when we were young."

"When will you grow up?" Ye Xuefu shook her head helplessly. "Well, I'm just a little tired. It's really nothing."

"Then why do you want Chen Yuyue to leave today?" Ye Xiaoyao said, "isn't it good for him to live here?"

Ye Xuefu suddenly lowered her head and was silent. After a while, she said, "do you really think it's good for him to live here?"

"Of course." Ye Xiaoyao said, "sister, how cold it was when there were only two of us here? Especially when you had meetings and went out to socialize in the company, I would be alone and feel very boring at home. Later, Chen Yuyue and Bi Ying came, and sister Su Qing came, and we became a lot more lively..."

"But now Bi Ying has left. After all, Chen Yuyue is with her..." Ye Xuefu said faintly: "even if Chen Yuyue leaves, we still have Su Qing."

"Sister Su Qing? She's busier than you." Ye Xiaoyao said helplessly, "so many people have gone today, but she doesn't have time alone. When she sent a message in the group that she has a task in the evening and doesn't know what time, we all know that she's going to stay away for another night..."

"The nature of her work determines all this, which we can understand." Ye Xuefu said faintly.

Ye Xiaoyao shook his head: "our topic now is not to talk about the nature of sister Su Qing's work."

Ye Xuefu knew that she couldn't escape the topic, so she simply responded directly: "OK, you want to say Chen Yuyue, right? Let's talk about Chen Yuyue."

Ye Xiaoyao was slightly shocked, but he quickly adjusted his mood: "OK, I just want to know what you think of Chen Yuyue now?"

"I don't know." yexuefu shook her head. "We always thought we knew him more and more, but sometimes we think about it carefully. Do we really know him?"

Ye Xiaoyao was stunned: "don't we know him?"

"What do you know about him?" Ye Xuefu stared into her sister's eyes. "Do you really know him? Everything we know is only superficial. Everything we know is only what Chen Yuyue wants us to know. We don't even have a chance to know what he doesn't want us to know."

This is all right. Ye Xiaoyao is really hard to refute.

"But... But we have trust in him. Is that what you said?" Ye Xiaoyao is really getting lost.

When Su Qing didn't understand some of Chen Yuyue's behaviors before, ye Xuefu also reasoned with Su Qing.

But now ye Xuefu's words sound like she has no trust in Chen Yuyue.

"Of course I have trust in him, but sometimes I really don't know if my trust is blind." Ye Xuefu looked at Ye Xiaoyao seriously: "you know? Because I suddenly found that I don't know the real Chen Yuyue, so I don't know if my trust is too blind."

Ye Xiaoyao disagreed with his sister's words: "is everything he did wrong?"


"Has he ever done anything injurious and unreasonable?" Ye Xiaoyao asked again.


"Do you think he is an honest man? Do you think some of the things he has done are right?" Ye Xiaoyao continued to ask.


Ye Xuefu was finally silent.

Ye Xiaoyao really couldn't understand looking at his sister: "you have answers, and all of us have answers. In that case, our trust is not blind. We can see everything Chen Yuyue has done, so we believe him."

"But even so, I still think I don't know him at all." Ye Xuefu slowly lowered her head.

"Well, you don't think you know him." Ye Xiaoyao nodded: "before, I always thought I didn't know Chen Yuyue enough, and you know more than me... And I can see some feelings. I'm not blind, and everyone is not blind. But, sister, if you choose to give up, I won't miss it."

Ye Xuefu suddenly raised her head when she heard the speech. She looked at Ye Xiaoyao with some shock, and her expression was at a loss: "Xiaoyao, you..."

"Sister, you don't know him well enough. You think there is a distance between him and you, so you plan to give up." Ye Xiaoyao said, "if so, I don't need to deliberately control my feelings for some reasons."

"Xiao Yao..."

"Listen to me." Ye Xiaoyao interrupted Ye Xuefu: "in fact, at the beginning, I wanted to argue with you, but you are my sister. I don't want to cause some bad things because of my selfishness. You let me from small to large, but this time you didn't show any intention to give it to me."

Ye Xuefu was silent.

"Of course, I've always been very selfish, and I've been used to it since I was young. You'll give me everything I want." Ye Xiaoyao continued: "I didn't think so much at the beginning. My idea is still very selfish..."

"Then why did you..." Ye Xuefu raised her head slowly.

"Because I think he has more feelings for you." Ye Xiaoyao said bluntly, "although I am selfish, I won't be selfish to that extent. If you two love each other, I can't make a choice, so I'm willing to quit silently."

Ye Xuefu knew that what her sister said was all from the bottom of her heart. Ye Xiaoyao did quit silently, even without anyone noticing it.

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