Chen Yuyue basically didn't loosen the accelerator when he left the hospital. Ye Xuefu also sat in the co driver and kept in touch with Su Qing. Su Qing reported her tracking position in real time.

"They drove into an abandoned factory." Su Qing finally locked the target point: "I'll follow in now. Don't worry, I'll never let Bi Ying be in danger."

"Turn around and leave now!" Chen Yuyue suddenly ordered.

Su Qing was stunned. She had followed in. She thought she was a policeman. There was nothing wrong with doing so.

But just as Su Qing drove her car into the gate of the abandoned factory, a pickup truck rushed frantically from the left! The pickup was fierce. Su Qing didn't have time to respond. Just listen to the bang. The pickup hit the left side of Su Qing's car heavily, and the huge impact overturned the car!

Su Qing was dazed by the tumbling and shaking of the whole person. She also lost her mobile phone. I don't know where she lost it. When the two people at the other end of the phone heard the huge impact, they realized that something had happened!

Ye Xuefu rationally turned on the call recording, while Chen Yuyue deeply stepped on the accelerator and drove to the abandoned factory in the southern suburbs as soon as possible according to the road pointed out by Ye Xuefu!

When the car crashed, Su Qing, who sat upside down, untied her seat belt, turned over carefully and tried to kick open the door, but the door couldn't be opened because of the deformation of the impact.

At this time, a man walked slowly to the front of the car and lowered his head with a cigarette. Su Qing recognized him as Li Cheng at a glance!

Li Cheng raised his head. He knew Su Qing must have recognized him. He threw the cigarette to the ground angrily, turned around and scolded the two people: "waste! Is your brain full of shit! This is the fucking police! The police!"

The two guys in white coats were stunned in an instant, but it's no wonder they were blind. Su Qing didn't wear a uniform because she took turns today, and she drove her own golf, not a police car.

"Brother Cheng, what shall we do now?"

"Yes, brother, the police are involved. We're in big trouble!"

Li Cheng glared at them, and they immediately shut up. In fact, Li Cheng knows better that this is more than trouble. It's dead! Once the matter is exposed, the matter of female college students last year will also be turned out, at least give him a reprieve!

Su Qing felt the silence outside and timely cut into the topic: "don't be stubborn! It's still time to turn yourself in now. Only when you turn yourself in can you have a chance to be lenient!"

"Shut up." Li Cheng smashed Su Qing's car with his cast arm. He is not a vegetable chicken. Of course, he won't believe Su Qing's words.

The joke of "confess and wear at the bottom of the prison, resist and go home strictly for the new year" is the truth for him. He has experience. If there is no evidence, he must carry it hard. It must be all right. Once he is forced and lured to confess, he will definitely go to prison!

Li Cheng squatted down again and looked at Su Qing trapped in the car. A terrible idea suddenly appeared in his mind!

One does not do two endlessly, simply come to an absolute, directly kill!

At this time, Li Cheng has no other way. If he doesn't kill Su Qing and the law will definitely sentence him to death for his new and old accounts, he might as well grasp his destiny in his own hands. Only by killing him can he have a glimmer of vitality!

"I didn't want to kill people. I just wanted to talk to bi Ying. As long as she promised me not to talk nonsense, everything could be solved peacefully!" Li Cheng did have this idea. He believed that it would only take tens of thousands of yuan to shut Bi Ying up. For Bi Ying, it must be better to do more than less.

Li Cheng took a deep breath and continued, "but now everything has been destroyed by you. Why did you come with me? Why did you force me to a dead end?"

"You still have a chance to look back." Su Qing tried to convince Li Cheng with her self-taught criminal psychology.

However, Li Cheng sneered: "do you think I'm stupid? As long as I confess now, you will not only blame me for yesterday's crime, but also turn over the death of the unlucky student last year! Then I will be doomed!"

"So, you admit that the female college students who died of heart failure caused by clonazepam last year have something to do with you?" Su Qing stared at Li Cheng coldly.

"Now, what else do I dare not admit?" Li Cheng raised his voice and stared at Su Qing: "I admit what can you do to me?"

Su Qing believes that with Ye Xuefu's wisdom, she will record the call, so she continues to try to delay Li Cheng: "you have destroyed not only a girl, but also a family!"

"So what?" Li Cheng said without any human nature: "I've been mixing from the age of 15 to today for 20 years. I've seen many women. Those who come out to drink with men are fucking bitches!"

Su Qing frowned. This guy is a pervert!

Li Cheng suddenly stood up and said to some of his men, "get her out of me! Today, I don't do anything. I'll rape first and then kill again! I'll see what the little policewoman can do to me!"

The two gangsters dare not disobey Li Cheng and quickly try to get Su Qing out. Of course, Su Qing won't let them succeed so soon in order to delay time.

Just when the two guys finally found a chance to pull Su Qing out of the car, a crazy car rushed straight into the cement plant!

Before they recovered, Chen Yuyue stopped and rushed out!

Li Cheng ran away as soon as he saw Chen Yuyue. He still remembered the nightmare last night!

The two gangsters couldn't take care of Su Qing. They ran with Li Cheng. Chen Yuyue rushed to the overturned golf in three or five steps and asked Su Qing in the car, "are you all right?"

"I'm fine!" Su Qing was relieved to see Chen Yuyue and pointed to the silver Dongfeng bread Lane: "Bi Ying is in that car! Don't let them run away!"

"Of course not." Chen Yuyue slowly stood up. He had the opportunity to come out only after swallowing the "blade" in his throat. Of course, what he had to do should be worthy of his own sin!

At this time, ye Xuefu also ran over. Chen Yuyue motioned her to help Su Qing out and went straight to the silver Dongfeng van.

Li Cheng quickly ran back to the van and knocked on the driver's door with his plaster arm!

When the door opened, a short and thick man smoked and looked at him. The short and thick man's name was Anzi. He was a fugitive from the southwest. Since stabbing the village party secretary who gave him a green hat and escaping, he had carried two more homicides on his back, so he didn't care about killing people for a long time. This is why Li Cheng found him. Although Li Cheng was abnormal, he didn't want to kill himself, so he paid Anzi to do it!

Li Cheng roared: "Anzi! I want you to help me kill that boy!"

Anzi glanced at Li Cheng and took a slow smoke: "brother Cheng, I only said this girl when talking about the price..."

"I'll double it for you!" Li Cheng looked back. Chen Yuyue was less than 30 meters away from him: "three times!"

"Yes." Anzi threw the cigarette end, jumped out of the car and took out the military thorn hidden under the seat.

The outlaws and gangsters were obviously not at the same level, and their aura was even more ferocious. As soon as they got off the bus, they walked boldly towards Chen Yuyue. After three or two steps, they began to run wildly. At the moment in front of Chen Yuyue, they suddenly raised their military spikes and stabbed Chen Yuyue fiercely!

Once the military thorn penetrates into the human body, the blood tank will quickly introduce air into the blocked blood vessels, so once it penetrates into any part of the human body too deep, it can cause death! So eight or nine out of ten guys who dare to stab the army have killed people!

Chen Yuyue flashed sideways at the moment when the other army stabbed, and then clasped the other party's wrist. Before the other party could react, he grabbed the general stab in his hand!

At the moment of Anzi's surprise, Chen Yuyue kicked Anzi's abdomen. Anzi flew out and patted his back on the ground. When he struggled to sit up, Chen Yuyue, who followed closely, whipped his legs on his face with a dull sound. Anzi fell on the ground and there was no sound anymore.

Chen Yuyue pushed Li Cheng with a military thorn. The two gangsters had long been scared to hide in the abandoned factory!

Li Cheng got into the car in panic and quickly locked the door. He wanted to drive away, but found that the car key was not inserted in the car. When he hurriedly searched for the car key in the armrest box, Chen Yuyue's fist crashed through the glass of the door, grabbed Li Cheng's back collar, and Sheng pulled him out of the window and fell heavily to the ground!

Li Cheng's eyes were full of stars and the plaster on his arm was broken.

Chen Yuyue slowly raised the military spike in his hand, which reflected a trace of cold in the sun!

"Chen Yuyue! Don't be impulsive!" Su Qing, who had just been out of the car by Ye Xuefu, shouted.

Chen Yuyue's hand stopped in mid air, while Li Cheng completely lost his voice because of fear. He believed that if it weren't for Su Qing's cry, he would have been stabbed through his head by the army!

Ye Xuefu quickly called the police. The call recording has enough evidence to prove Li Cheng's evil. The law can help Chen Yuyue punish this bastard!

Chen Yuyue's angry general stabbed Li Cheng's head! Li Cheng finally couldn't help it. There was a heat flow from his crotch. At this moment, he knew how afraid he was of death!

On weekdays, no matter how awesome people are, they will still feel fear when they really face death. No one can resist that kind of fear from the bottom of their heart.

Before the police car arrived, ye Xuefu told Chen Yuyue how she met Bi Ying this morning. Chen Yuyue also told ye Xuefu how she was sent to the detention center and how she could find a way to go on bail for medical treatment. Su Qing also briefly said that she sent Bi Ying to the hospital in time last night. The three connected everything that happened.

Su Qing didn't expect that Chen Yuyue and ye Xuefu knew each other. Ye Xuefu didn't expect that Su Qing caught Chen Yuyue yesterday. Chen Yuyue didn't expect that ye Xuefu and Su Qing were best friends.

Finally, the police car finally roared, Li Cheng with iron evidence of crime was finally brought to justice, and Chen Yuyue was brought back to the detention center again.

When Chen Yuyue was taken to the car, ye Xuefu told him that she would help him find the best lawyer to clear his grievances and give him a fair and innocent!

Su Qing also told Chen Yuyue that she was willing to testify to him.

When the police car escorting Chen Yuyue left, ye Xuefu immediately dialed a telephone number: "lawyer Hu, do you have time now? I want to ask you for a favor..."

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