Zhao Xiaoyao has been hoping that his UAV can be put to use these days. Now it's finally an opportunity.

"I knew my little babies must have their great effect. Hey hey, it seems that it's really not in vain. I've worked so hard for so many days." Zhao Xiaoyao is very proud.

"Don't be so complacent. Be careful," Feng said. "If you are noticed, it will be troublesome."

Zhao Xiaoyao was full of confidence: "don't you know what my operation level is? Brother Feng, let's not talk about anything else. I modified it myself. If I don't play well again, will I mix it up in the future? I can't afford to lose that person."

"You've been refitting for several days, but you really don't have time to practice. I'm really afraid there will be problems in operation." Feng Yu is still cautious on this issue: "in fact, I don't agree with you to use UAV for reconnaissance, but since the third brother said that, we can only avoid problems as much as possible."

"The third brother still believes me. You can play at the same time." Zhao Xiaoyao snorted: "do you know why the third brother trusts me?"

Feng was stunned: "I also know your operation level. I just think these modifications have not been practiced after all. What if there are problems with those modifications?"

Zhao Xiaoyao said, "I'll tell you why the third brother believes me, because he knows that I will never be greedy for bargains. I always know the truth that I buy goods for every penny. All the modified parts I buy are produced by large manufacturers, and I won't just buy in one company. I'll buy more than one to compare."

Feng Xun realized that he really didn't know about it. No wonder Zhao Xiaoyao had so many modified parts, and they all looked the same.

"If they all look the same, I will test them separately to see which one has better stability." Zhao Xiaoyao said proudly, "so the things I modified are absolutely reliable and can't be wrong at all."

To put it bluntly, it's money!

As long as you have money and dare to do anything, you can't be wrong.

"It seems that I really think too much, but ignore the most important point." Feng Shuo reluctantly shook his head: "what makes the third brother trust most may not be you, but the RMB in your hand?"

Zhao Xiaoyao disagreed: "that's also the RMB in my hand. If you believe the RMB in my hand, you believe me. There's nothing wrong with that."

"Well, don't be complacent. Hurry up and go home with me to clean up the guy. You should take some pictures before dark." Feng said, "otherwise you won't get anything today."

Zhao Xiaoyao waved his hand leisurely: "it's all small things. Brother Feng, do you think my equipment will be afraid of the dark? I can tell you for sure, not at all."

Feng Yu was defeated by him: "I know you're powerful, so don't dazzle. When you arrive at the scene later, you'll dazzle me about your operation."

"That's necessary." Zhao Xiaoyao patted his chest and promised, "it's a piece of cake."

"Talk less and do more. There is no chance of making mistakes. You just need to remember this." Feng Yu stopped joking and slowly became serious.

There is no chance of mistakes, which is really very important.

Zhao Xiaoyao could see that Feng Yu was serious and no longer so conceited. His expression became serious and responded firmly: "ensure to complete the task."


When Chen Yuyue returned to Tianya group, he went straight to the construction site.

At this time, the construction site was busy, and many people gathered here.

I don't know if it's because he Bing has given instructions to the following people, so all the people in charge of the project she arranged in Tianhai city have gathered in Tianya group.

When they saw Chen Yuyue, they came forward one after another.

Obviously, everyone knows that Chen Yuyue is not just a simple security guard, so his attitude towards him is obviously different.

"Everyone is here." Chen Yuyue smiled and walked over, and everyone responded one after another.

At this time, shako hurried to one side and said, "brother fish, you're here. Professor CONDA is here, right inside."

Chen Yuyue heard that Kangda came again and met him even when he was ready to go in.

At the moment, Kangda, who is in the new scientific research building, also noticed Chen Yuyue's arrival and quickly approached in the direction of the back door.

Chen Yuyue walked forward with a smile and shouted directly, "Professor Kangda."

Although Professor Kangda's intention to leave was very clear, he stopped after Chen Yuyue shouted.

He turned politely: "it's fish jumping. Hehe, why do you have time to come here?"

"I heard that it will be finished soon, so come and have a look." Chen Yuyue replied, "Professor Kangda, why did you come here? Now I'm afraid it can't be used for a while and a half... It seems that Professor Kangda can't wait to want a new research room."

"Hehe, you can say so." Professor Kangda nodded: "some equipment in the old research room is really a little old."

"That's true." Chen Yuyue said, "Professor Kangda should give them some suggestions, ha ha."

"I don't have any suggestions." Professor Kangda quickly waved his hand: "I don't know anything about architecture."

"Really?" Chen Yuyue looked at Professor Kangda with a smile: "I thought Professor Kangda was also an expert in this field, so I came back here to give directions. Ha ha, after all, this scientific research room will be the office of your scientific researchers. What Kangda professors think is just needed can be put forward for them to improve."

Professor Kangda waved his hand and said, "we outsiders who don't know how to change. Hahaha, if there is any structural problem, it will turn the building into a dangerous house."

"The load-bearing design must not be changed casually." Chen Yuyue immediately put on a serious look.

"That's nature, that's nature." Professor CONDA nodded frequently.

"Professor Kangda, you look a little haggard. Are you too tired these days?" Chen Yuyue looked at Professor Kangda's eyes, which were already slightly blackened.

At his age, if he couldn't sleep well one night, he would be tired obviously, let alone he stayed up all night.

"I haven't slept well recently." Professor Kangda said perfunctorily. Now he just wants to leave as soon as possible and doesn't want to entangle with Chen Yuyue: "I'll go to Tianhai University and have a class later. I won't talk with you more. Hehe, I'll go first. We'll have tea when we have time."

Chen Yuyue nodded: "well, I'll invite Professor Kangda when I have time."

"Sure." Professor Kangda turned and left quickly from the back door of the building. Several people with him also left in a hurry.

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