At this time, boss Zhang seems to be addicted.

He found that he said these things were really unknown to the girls around him, which made him feel very successful. In fact, these knowledge is nothing for people who really read a lot and have knowledge. There are many stories of the same type.

"Have you read the law of desire?" boss Zhang said proudly: "The protagonist Pablo is gay. He has a boyfriend named Juan. Later Pablo met Antonio. After a night of passion, Antonio fell in love with Pablo. For this reason, he always tracked Pablo's whereabouts and created casual encounters. Moreover, he threw himself into his favor and cleaned up Pablo's house and painted the walls. But he wrote to Pablo and received it It's Pablo's heartless letter. "

The possessiveness between homosexuals is so crazy? It sounds really incredible.

"So he was angry about the communication between Juan and Pablo. He was crazy to possess Pablo, so he killed Juan, kidnapped Juan's sister and tried every means to see Pablo. Finally, Antonio saw Pablo in the room surrounded by the police. After some passion, Antonio shot himself!"

The people couldn't help swallowing. These stories sound incredible.

At this time, boss Zhang seemed to decide to show his "educated" side, coughed gently and added.

"Gone with the wind, the silent lamb, the disappeared lover, these stories are all of this kind. The things erupted by this extreme desire are very terrible." boss Zhang said with a smile: "so, my possessiveness is different from those tragedies. I want to possess you today, but I will never care who you sleep with tomorrow."

Boss Zhang thought he was very philosophical.

Although Mr. Kai's expression was smiling, he scolded in his heart. This was the first time he heard someone talk about whoring so fresh and refined.

"If you love in a possessive way, you will restrict, bind and control the object of love. Such love is full of depression, loss of vitality, suffocating and destroying the soul. It is lifeless love." Kai always smiled and said faintly.

Boss Zhang gave a thumbs up: "Mr. Kai summed up this well."

"This is not my summary." Kai shook his head. "This is written by the German psychologist Fromm in a book on possession or survival. I don't have this level."

This invisible show off is also a cultured person. President Kai's invisible "show off" is obviously much better than boss Zhang's straightforward show off.

"Kai always has culture. I'd better not show off. Hahaha, I'm happier than anything by playing with you little cute!" boss Zhang hooked his chin and hugged her into his arms again: "I tell you, Kai is the most terrible person who can give me beautiful women without touching them."

Kai always slowly put down his chopsticks: "what does boss Zhang mean?"

"Because if I were you, I probably wouldn't want to share so many 'delicious' little beauties." boss Zhang shook his head and said, "it's reasonable to say that I will turn my face not only if I want to possess, but also if I rob anyone with me."

President Kai smiled: "I understand what boss Zhang means. I also know that there will be frequent infanticide in many primate communities, because after the baby dies, the female will return to the normal reproductive cycle and become estrous again, increasing the opportunity for the infanticide male to get offspring... This kind of thing is also very common in human history."

Boss Zhang nodded and thumbed up: "there are many such things in history. Normal male conquerors will kill all the men and children of the defeated tribes, leaving only women as living mouths, because women are used to possess, not to share."

"Well said." Kai nodded, "so I'm willing to share them with you. Is my sincerity enough?"

"Enough, of course enough!" boss Zhang laughed.

However, after the laughter, boss Zhang changed the topic: "but I still want to give me the goods I want. You can't postpone it for so many days because President Kai said that the villa was on fire and all the goods were destroyed?"

The wind monitoring outside suddenly became vigilant,

He realized that the two guys finally got to the point.

"Boss Zhang, some things we didn't expect, and some things we can't change." President Kai said, "do you know how strict the police investigated here at the beginning? If the police found something wrong at that time, I'm afraid we're finished now."

"Mr. Kai, if you can't handle such a small matter, is it still Mr. Kai? Hahaha!" boss Zhang doesn't believe that the police can bring any trouble to Mr. Kai.

"But this time it's really a headache." President Kai said: "in order to make the police give up the investigation, I specially found a scapegoat to top the arson case. If the case doesn't come down, I'm afraid I don't dare to invite you here to talk now."

Boss Zhang was silent.

"I should have seen it when boss Zhang came just now. It's still under construction." Mr. Kai said: "I need to 'protect' the things that should be 'protected' before. It takes time."

"OK... I can understand the difficulty of Mr. Kai." boss Zhang nodded. "But I really need it here. You know how popular your things are. I don't know how many days I can delay. If I can't delay, the future cooperation will collapse."

President Kai nodded: "of course I know how popular 'it' is. If not, I won't cooperate with boss Zhang." President Kai said: "well, today we all agreed not to talk about business! Come, boss Zhang, let's have another drink."

"Drink!" boss Zhang picked up his glass. "Since we don't talk about business, are we going to perform something at this table?"

President Kai gave a look immediately.

Stand up again from boss Zhang: "boss Zhang, do you like warm things? Do you want me to stand at the table and dance a samba for you?"

"OK! Of course! Hahaha, hurry up and get on the table! Stand in the middle! Jump, jump hard! Twist your little hip to heaven! I can't wait to see your performance! Hahaha!" boss Zhang got up and hugged him: "let me hold you up!"

She bashfully hit boss Zhang.

But she was picked up by boss Zhang and brought to the table.

It would be awkward for anyone to think about such a perfect table with a woman twisting her ass.

But boss Zhang was so excited that he couldn't close his mouth.

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