The girl said angrily, "you are! I'm Katie! My last name is Katie!"

"Your last name is Kai? Is the Kai in the king's pesticide your eldest brother?" Zhao Xiaoyao frowned and deliberately pretended to be serious: "no, no, if Kai is your eldest brother, you should be Luna. What the hell is Katie?"

"Are you out of your mind? What Luna? Your eldest brother is Kai!" the girl was confused and couldn't understand what Zhao Xiaoyao meant.

Zhao Xiaoyao was surprised and said, "so you don't play with King pesticide?"

"Pesticide? What the hell! You just play with pesticide. You're sick." the girl impatiently dialed the front desk of the villa.

When the phone was connected again, the girl was worried immediately: "I'm Katie! If you dare to hang up again, I promise to let you go right away!"

"Are you sick? I'm still a robot cat!" a confused curse came from the other end of the phone, and then hung up the phone again.

The girl took a cold breath and shivered all over.

"Didn't you say that this villa belongs to your family? The front desk staff of your villa don't know you? Ha ha...?" Zhao Xiaoyao said sarcastically. He thought he didn't know how many girls that man had kept. Who would pay attention to one.

"Looking for death!" the girl became angry and threw her mobile phone to Zhao Xiaoyao: "it must be because your mobile phone number is too broken! That's why they don't believe it's me!"

Several crows flew over Zhao Xiaoyao's head: "my number is too broken? Do you know how much the four eight tail mobile numbers in Yanjing are worth?"

"It's nice to show off only four?" the girl rolled her eyes. Although the four consecutive numbers are very powerful, they are still far from her six six: "I'm double! That's how I look down on the other five or less consecutive numbers except that the license plate number is five consecutive numbers."

"You are a cow." Zhao Xiaoyao nuzui said, "since you are so cow, why don't you climb back by yourself."

"Hey! You should feel lucky now, right? You can take me back when you have a chance. Don't steal joy and don't admit it!" the girl said irritably.

"Tut tut Tut, I'm really stealing music. I've never seen such a brazen person." Zhao Xiaoyao didn't want to entangle for too long and leaned down: "I'll take you back now. You'd better remember what you just said. We don't owe each other after we go back!"

"OK!" the girl answered.

But in fact, the girl doesn't think so. How can she casually let Zhao Xiaoyao make this cheap? Dream of him!

Zhao Xiaoyao is tough to send the girl back. There's no way. There's no way to cover up such a thing as a guilty heart.

If he doesn't come here for a purpose, he really doesn't worry. It's just because he is guilty, so he really can't be completely indifferent.

"I can't see you're quite strong. I thought you couldn't go that far with me." the girl said faintly when she was near the main gate of the golf villa.

Zhao Xiaoyao also showed great disdain: "I'm not guilty of this."

"Very good, much better than those guys who indulge in online games and don't know fitness." the girl expressed her appreciation for Zhao Xiaoyao for the first time.

Zhao Xiaoyao looked surprised. It's really a little incredible that this can be said from Katie's mouth.

"Almost, you call someone out to pick you up." Zhao Xiaoyao slowed down.

"Can't you walk with a few steps left? It looks like it's still empty."

Zhao Xiaoyao couldn't stand this: "I'm empty? OK, I'll do a good job to the end, send people to the west, and I'll send them to you!"

The girl rolled her eyes and didn't speak.

After Zhao Xiaoyao sent the girl in, several bodyguards in black quickly came forward to meet her. They obviously recognized the girl at a glance.

At this time, the girl suddenly shouted, "save me! What are you doing? Don't let him go!"

As soon as the voice fell, the girl turned directly into Zhao Xiaoyao's arms. Although her foot was really sprained, she was not so delicate. She asked Zhao Xiaoyao to bring him back here to find help and besiege him.

As for Katie's name, she made it up. In fact, her name is Kaixin, and her nickname is homonymous with happy.

"Are you kidding me?" Zhao Xiaoyao was stunned.

Several bodyguards in black immediately surrounded Zhao Xiaoyao.

At this time, Zhao Xiaoyao's first reaction is to start first. When these guys don't make a plan on how to deal with him, they can control the initiative.

Although these bodyguards are of some level, it is definitely not easy to trap him.

But then an idea made Zhao Xiaoyao stop his further action. He couldn't do it. Once he exposed his strength, wouldn't it sound an alarm to the people of the golf villa?

A guy with extraordinary skills inexplicably appeared around the golf villa. Anyone would doubt Zhao Xiaoyao's identity.

Zhao Xiaoyao, considering this, obviously can't act rashly.

"I'm called wisdom, you know? You just bullied me so much, how can I easily let you go." the girl sneered: "remember, my name is Kaixin. As for that, it's really the cartoon cat. It's strange who uses the name of this cartoon animal."

Zhao Xiaoyao looked around at the bodyguards in Black: "after all, I'm the benefactor who sent you back. Are you going to repay your kindness like this?"

"If it weren't for you, how could I sprain my foot? You're my benefactor?" Kaixin said with white eyes. "If you're really my benefactor, I'm going to bite the hand that feeds me today. What can you do to me?"

"It's still that sentence for you. I've never seen such a brazen person." Zhao Xiaoyao said indifferently: "even if you let them catch me, what can you do to me? China is very law-abiding, and everything you do to me is a crime."

"Crime? Hehe... You bluff me?" Kaixin said, "do you think I'll let you go?"

Zhao Xiaoyao still looked indifferent: "I'm not without relatives and friends. How dare you treat me? If my relatives and friends can't find me, they will certainly call the police to deal with this matter."

Kaixin nodded: "then what? The police found me, arrested me and sentenced me, saying I kidnapped people?"

"Your current behavior is similar to kidnapping people." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "think about the consequences."

"You are really hard spoken and kind. I like it." Kaixin said, "if you are a coward, I really despise you. You make me interested in you. You are very smart."

Zhao Xiaoyao shook his head with a wry smile: "no, you must not be interested in me. What do you want? You'd better do it now and give me a good time."

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