When Zhao Xiaoyao came home in the dark, he found that Chen Yuyue and Feng Yu had been waiting for him.

If ye Xiaoyao hadn't asked to live in Zhao Xiaoyao's new villa, Chen Yuyue would have gone back with the three of them.

Anyway, every room on the second floor is big enough, so one of their three girls is enough to live in. Even if they add Chen Yuyue to the super big bed two meters and five meters wide.

"We thought you wouldn't come back." Feng Yu took a bottle of water and threw it to Zhao Xiaoyao: "tell me, what's the situation? Did you know anything from the girl's mouth?"

Zhao Xiaoyao shook his head reluctantly. He knew that Feng Yu must have seen what happened between him and Kaixin in the dark: "at first, I thought I could learn something from the girl, but in fact, the girl should know nothing."

"Did anything else happen when you came back so late?" Chen Yuyue asked.

"Brother, I'm not the kind of person who plays with feelings. Don't worry." Zhao Xiaoyao waved his hand: "I'm completely passive. She must pester me. She asked me to take her to the hospital and met Dr. Xu Yi. Later, I sent her home, and she forced me to eat with her. Then her father suddenly came back..."

"You mean Mr. Kai?" Feng Yu interrupted Zhao Xiaoyao.

Zhao Xiaoyao nodded: "yes, it's Mr. Kai of the golf villa, but I don't have a chance to talk directly, so even if I met him, I didn't get anything."

"Does his daughter have no idea what his father does?" Chen Yuyue said: "the business of golf villa is not small. It should not be concealed."

"She knows that the golf villa belongs to her family. She even knows how many guest rooms there are and how many mu the golf course area is." Zhao Xiaoyao said: "but she doesn't know about her father. She lives abroad all year round. The last time she came back was two years ago."

Chen Yuyue nodded: "it seems that you know a lot."

"But these are meaningless." Zhao Xiaoyao said: "if you can learn more about the golf villa through her, it's OK, but now it seems almost hopeless."

"She doesn't know anything about her father?" Feng Yu was also disappointed.

Zhao Xiaoyao nodded: "I guess so."

"That's OK. There are many ways to solve the problem, and it doesn't have to be solved in this way." Chen Yuyue didn't think there was anything wrong: "OK, if there's nothing wrong, let's have a rest early."

"Then I'll just touch it first. If I have hope, I'll try my best to get more information. If there's really no clue, I'll withdraw as soon as possible." Zhao Xiaoyao knows what Chen Yuyue means. He also knows in his heart that he tries not to get too close to Kaixin. However, the future will inevitably be an emotional test.


In the next three days, everyone had an ordinary life, and everyone followed the rules and did their own things.

Of course, the basement of the new scientific research building has also been completed.

After he Bing received the notice, he immediately passed the news to Chen Yuyue. Now the scientific research building is about to be accepted. After this step is completed, the construction team of Chengjie group will withdraw, and then the design department of interior design and decoration will be mobilized to move in.

Everything went very smoothly, and the acceptance process was also very smooth. No one found the existence of the secret room.

Of course, on the first night before the start of interior decoration, Chen Yuyue and ye Xuefu took the excuse to work overtime. They didn't sneak into the scientific research building until very late with the decoration drawings of interior design.

The main purpose of their coming this time is to determine the location of the secret room, so that they can know in advance what location it is after interior decoration.

Nowadays, the scientific research buildings are guarded by Tianya group's own security guards, and Chen Yuyue's access is relatively free.

After determining the location of the secret room, they can rest assured.

The location of this secret room is well selected, which is below a confidential research storage room in Professor Kangda's main research room.

Originally, the structure of the main research room was very complex, and access required very strict system screening. Naturally, it was more difficult to enter the confidential research storage room.

It is estimated that very few people will have access to this room at that time. Eight or nine out of ten people who need to be selected by Professor Kangda may have access.

"In the future, I'm afraid even Tianya people don't have a chance to come in." Chen Yuyue carefully determined the decoration drawings: "Professor Kangda is really resourceful."

Ye Xuefu was also very depressed: "what should I do?"

"I'm afraid there's no good way." Chen Yuyue shook his head. "Of course, there's no way... It's just that the price may be a little big, but I believe he Zong will be willing to cooperate with us."

Ye Xuefu was stunned: "what else do you need?"

"Change the interior decoration scheme." Chen Yuyue said: "Professor Kangda made the plan for the transformation of the secret room only when the decoration scheme was determined. Now if we change the design scheme, he will be caught off guard, and we will lose a little design cost at most."

"Your move is really amazing." Ye Xuefu was surprised. In fact, she didn't want to do so much. In this way, the whole decoration pattern should be changed.

Chen Yuyue shrugged. This is the best way he can think of: "we don't have any other means to solve this problem now. As long as Professor Kangda settled in the main research room, I'm afraid you don't have permission to go in that room. Then we really have nothing to do."

Ye Xuefu frowned and couldn't make up her mind for a moment: "I'll think about it again. Tomorrow I'll meet Professor Kangda and have a chat. If he can give me enough authority, I'll make another plan. If I can't get the highest authority, I can only change the design scheme."

"You must pay attention when you mention this matter with Professor Kangda." Chen Yuyue looked at Ye Xuefu seriously: "don't let him notice."

Ye Xuefu nodded. She knew the importance of this matter. If Professor Kangda noticed it, she would fall short of success.

"We have to consider every step more comprehensively now." Chen Yuyue hopes Ye Xuefu to do what he thinks is right, but what should be reminded is to remind: "if you can't, don't force it."

"I will." Ye Xuefu said, "anyway, it's the best way for me to get the highest authority of Professor Kangda. I'll try anyway."

Chen Yuyue doesn't deny it. If he gets the top secret permission, it's easier to know anything in the future.

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