At the moment, the people in the store are not aware of the danger. Lu Xue has sent the received beer to the guest's single room.

"Wait a minute."

When Lu Xue turned to leave, the guest sitting in the main seat in the single room shouted at her.

Lu Xue saw that the guest was a very elegant person. The gold frame glasses and small shirt were very gentle: "Hello, do you have any other needs?"

"You sit down first. I need to talk to you about something." gold framed glasses said faintly: "don't worry."

Lu Xue shook her head in embarrassment: "well, I still have work to do."

But at this time, two people got up and blocked the door. A man came forward and took Lu Xue and sat next to the gold frame glasses. At this moment, Lu Xue was frightened and looked at the gentle man at a complete loss.

"Your brother borrowed a sum of money from me. I arranged for my men to ask you for it, but you pushed it off again and again. Now not only do you have no IOU, but also my people wrote you an IOU, right?" the gold framed glasses are still plain.

Lu Xuefeng's head was congested, and he immediately understood the purpose of these people.

"I'm sorry... I... I didn't mean it. There was a misunderstanding..." Lu Xue shook her head and tried to explain it clearly.

"You don't have to worry. I didn't come to you today to ask for money." gold framed glasses smiled faintly: "that money is actually nothing to me."

Lu Xue was relieved when she heard this: "what are you doing here?"

Gold framed glasses looked around: "I heard that this shop is very hot and popular. It's hard for all people who have come here for barbecue to accept the tastes of other families, isn't it?"

"This......" Lu Xue didn't understand each other's meaning and didn't know how to continue to talk.

"I know you don't have money to pay me back. I don't mind this store giving it to me." gold framed glasses are still understatement: "do you think it's appropriate?"

"I just work in this shop! Everything I say here doesn't count. If you want to trouble this shop, please come to me!" Lu Xue hurriedly said: "everything I have has nothing to do with this shop!"

Gold framed glasses smiled: "then why are you so nervous?"

"I... I just don't want to affect others because of my reasons!" Lu Xue said: "I don't want to implicate them!"

"In my opinion, if you don't have a close enough relationship, they won't help you so much." gold framed glasses shook their head: "when they hit my people for you, hurt my people, destroyed the IOU and forced my people to sign the IOU, after all this, the matter between us is not just between us."

Lu Xue just kept shaking her head. She didn't know what she had to do to change all this?

"I know there must be some problems to be solved between us, but don't worry now. We can talk about the problems between us after I have solved them." gold framed glasses smiled: "this shop can only offset the principal, and some interest still needs to be repaid by yourself."

"No, you can't, you're... Yes..."

"Is it illegal?" gold framed glasses finished for Lu Xue.

Lu Xue nodded hard: "yes! That's right! It's illegal for you to do this!"

"Sorry, if the law can do anything to me, you can go to the law to help you. If the law can't do anything to me, you can only hope you shut up." gold framed glasses looked at his people and seemed to want him to go out and have a look at the situation outside.

At this time, the door was pushed open by Wang Yong.

The two men suddenly came forward, held down Wang Yong and subdued him in the twinkling of an eye.

This sudden scene scared the others in the store. Several part-time waiters were so scared that they quickly hid in the corner. Wang Yong's wife quickly came forward and grabbed some impulsive Chen Dong.

Chen Yuyue and Du powu have also returned to the store because of Qiao Nan with a gun.

Jonan didn't come in. What he was responsible for today was not negotiation, but guarding the door. Everything else was handed over to the boss.

After Chen Yuyue entered the store, he immediately went to the single room. When the two people who suppressed Wang Yong saw Chen Yuyue appear, they let go.

Wang Yong shook his twisted shoulder and glared at the two people.

"Since it's for me, just look for me directly. Why bother others." Chen Yuyue walked forward with a smile and found that Lu Xue had been left in the room.

Du Po Wu also followed him closely. He was about to rush inside as soon as he looked like this.

Chen Yuyue pulled him. Since the other party dared to do so, he must be prepared. Impulse can't solve any problems.

"I warn you! Anyone who dares to touch her won't want to leave the house alive!" Du Po Wu scolded and threatened.

"Killing is against the law. Dare you do it? If someone dies in this shop, all of you are accomplices, and all of you will go to jail together." gold framed glasses smiled, not afraid of Du Po Wu's threat.

Chen Yuyue also smiled: "what's the problem? Let's talk about it. It's just some small misunderstandings. It's clear when we talk."

"Well, that's good," said gold rimmed glasses. "You know what she owes me."

"We must recognize it if there is an IOU." Chen Yuyue said.

"Hehe... You're too smart. Do I need to talk nonsense to you if I have an IOU?" gold framed glasses shook his head: "who's the ghost here? You know better than anyone. I'm here today to talk to you about the money."

Chen Yuyue also shook his head calmly: "before you talk to me, I also need to talk to you about the debts owed by your men here. It was agreed yesterday that 200000 yuan will be increased by 30% of the liquidated damages per hour. Let's calculate that there is no interest before 0:00 yesterday. If it is delayed to 8:00 in the morning, it will be 1.63 million."

Gold framed glasses nodded: "you are much darker than me."

"It's not black. You have your rules and I have my rules. How can my money be regarded as my own business, just as your interest is also your own business." Chen Yuyue said: "it's not unruly."

"Of course not. This thing is your own mouth. You can have it whatever you say. If you think it's appropriate, talk to me and let me hear how much you can roll for 200000?"

Chen Yuyue smiled and looked at his watch: "if I calculate according to my interest, it's seven o'clock in the evening. I'm afraid it's not a small amount."

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