The door of the store was opened. After a look from the gold frame glasses, the two men went out first and stared at Zhao Xiaoyao outside. After the rest were broken, the gold frame glasses came out sandwiched in the middle.

When all of them came out, Chen Yuyue also dragged Qiao Nan out of the gun and stuffed the pistol in his hand.

Jonan trembled with a gun.

Gold framed glasses and others slowly retreated to the roadside. Two of them quickly went to drive, while Chen Yuyue and others stood at the door waiting for them to make all preparations.

"You can let people go!" the gold framed glasses finally opened their mouth.

Chen Yuyue was unambiguous. He aimed at Qiao Nan's ass and kicked Qiao Nan stumbled. The plastic bags with pistol parts in his hands fell to the ground.

Then Jonan quickly got up and quickly picked up the plastic bag on the ground.

"Let people go." Chen Yuyue slowly opened his mouth. If Qiao Nan doesn't let people go, they can catch people back at this distance.

Gold framed glasses also knew in his heart that if he didn't let people go, the other party would catch Jonan back. Only if he let Lu Xue go, the other party would worry that they would also catch people back and dare not act rashly.

As a last resort, the gold framed glasses can only let Lu Xue go.

Lu Xuexin looked back with lingering fear and walked cautiously in the direction of Xi. Qiao Nan's steps accelerated. Lu Xue was the same. When Qiao Nan's steps were faster and faster, her steps were faster and faster.

At this time, everyone knows that we must be fast.

Finally, the two passed by. Du Po Wu immediately strode forward to meet Lu Xue, and the gold framed glasses shouted to Qiao Nan, "run!"

Jonan ran to the car that had started. When he ran in front of the car, his gold framed glasses grabbed the bag containing the pistol in his hand, then closed the door and left.

Joe Nan, who sent the gun away, was ignored. He had to rush to his car!

At this time, Qiao Nan never thought that Huang Hua would give him up directly, completely ignoring his meaning of death or life.

Du Po Wu also protected Lu Xue behind him. Other people in the store quickly brought Lu Xue into the store.

Qiao Nan finally ran to the car, but found that Zhao Xiaoyao had been waiting by his car early. Before Qiao Nan asked for mercy, Zhao Xiaoyao closed it with a fist and hit Qiao Nan with blood all over his face.

"You've been abandoned by your own people. Do you still want to run? If you run for a while, how can we explain when the police come?" Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "come on, go back and sit down for a while. Your boss wants a gun, not a person, but only you can talk to the police later."

Jonan was beaten with a paste in his head and didn't know what to do.

Zhao Xiaoyao pulled up his back collar and walked back. He also said to several surprised guests sitting outside the store, "you will help us make a certificate later."

Having said that, those guests didn't dare to leave because of the threat at first, and then they didn't leave because they couldn't digest it for a while.

Now no one wants to get into trouble. No one is willing to testify in such a thing. Only fools will drag themselves into the water. After all, it involves guns.

"We thank you for your willingness to testify. If you don't want to, we don't insist. Something happened today, which disturbed your Yaxing. I'm really sorry for the poor reception. If you want to go, we're sorry to see you off." Chen Yuyue added at the door of the store.

As soon as he said this, these people realized that they had to hurry and leave.

In a blink of an eye, there was no one.

After entering the store, Lu Xue kept apologizing and saying sorry. At the moment, she had only self blame in her heart. She would never continue to work here. She knew that as long as she stayed here, trouble would come to her door endlessly.

The most powerful skill of those usurers is to stick people like a dog's skin plaster and stick people to death in one breath.

The police finally arrived. The efficiency of the police station was still a little weak, and it was official after coming. It was very uncomfortable to ask questions.

Fortunately, a few minutes later, Su Qing also rushed to the scene.

As Su Qing used to be a member of the police station in this area, these police were much more polite when they saw Su Qing. Everyone knows that Su Qing is now a new star in the police world and the pride of Tianhai police. No one will not give her face.

As soon as they heard that these were Su Qing's friends, they were much happier to deal with. They took this guy back for interrogation directly. As long as the suspected gun was admitted, they could be directly handed over to the criminal police team for treatment.

When the people at the police station left, he was quiet again.

I'm afraid business is going yellow again tonight.

Lu Xue looked at everyone uneasily and once again strengthened her idea of leaving. Even if Chen Yuyue didn't say anything, she delayed business one after another. Even if Wang Yong and his wife didn't say anything, they would be worried.

People also want to make money to support their families. If they have been affecting their business because of her, what will they take to support their families in the future.

At this time, Chen Yuyue put forward a new idea: "brother Yong, when do you think the off-season of barbecue is?"

"Next month will almost be off-season." Wang Yong said, "there will be no need to put tables and chairs outside."

"If I'm not busy next month, I can't stay," Lu Xue sighed.

Chen Yuyue smiled: "after all, the location in our store is limited. If you want to make more money, that location must not be enough."

"In winter, fewer people eat barbecue and more tables are useless." Wang Yong said, "we'll focus on roast fish."

"Grilled fish is something to eat for a while. It takes classics to make this business for a long time." Chen Yuyue said, "I have an idea. I don't know if brother Yong is willing to listen to it."

"You said." Wang Yong nodded. He believed Chen Yuyue's.

Chen Yuyue looked around the store: "let's change a place and find a bigger store. When it's hot, we do barbecue. When it's cold, we do hot pot. In summer and winter, these two things are the most eaten by ordinary people. The meat is real enough, fresh enough and heavy enough. This is a word of mouth, so whether it's barbecue or hot pot, it will be very popular."

Wang Yong was stunned.

"So we just need a place with more indoor space. After all, hot pot can't wash meat in the open air. There's no one there." Chen Yuyue said, "as long as we find a suitable place, we can start hot pot next month. It's copper pot for washing meat. It's suitable for both north and south."

Wang Yong grinned: "you may not know that your sister-in-law is from Sichuan. She still has a hot pot recipe at home, but we don't have a big enough store to do hot pot business."

Zhao Xiaoyao patted on his chest: "I'll take care of it. I'll find a place for you in three days! Change a place close to the criminal police team. I don't see who dares to make trouble!"

Chen Yuyue looked back at Lu Xue: "next month will become very busy, so you can't go. Learn from your sister-in-law how to mix hot pot ingredients."

Lu Xue sobbed and nodded. Everyone has done too much for her. She really doesn't know what to say.

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