Every Monday is the busiest time for everyone. Both Chen Yuyue and ye Xuefu get up half an hour earlier than usual.

After Chen Yuyue came to Tianya group, he held a weekly morning meeting according to the usual practice to briefly talk about the work priorities in recent times.

Because the big guys are more supportive of Chen Yuyue's work, Chen Yuyue has never had much pressure at work, and is basically very relaxed.

But it's not easy in Ye Xuefu's office today.

Chengjie group has come up with a new decoration design scheme for xinkeyan building, and all the decoration construction drawings and effect drawings have been completed.

There has been no movement in the scientific research building these days, just waiting for this plan.

After the weekly meeting, ye Xuefu immediately calmed down to consider the maturity of the design scheme. The designer of Chengjie group did not disappoint her. The design team borrowed from the design carried out by many advanced research laboratories in foreign biological universities, which is perfect.

The location of the secret room is also left below the most common equipment room. The access of this equipment room does not need special high authority. Basically, anyone who can access the research building at will can enter.

When ye Xuefu thought it over and over again, she thought it was a very comprehensive and mature design scheme, so she decided to change the design scheme for Chengjie group.

After ye Xuefu conveyed her decision to Chengjie group, she began to be busy with what she was doing.

However, more than an hour later, Professor Kangda and his assistant rushed directly to Tianya group and rushed out of Ye Xuefu's office.

"Excuse me, do you have an appointment with Mr. Ye?" smiled and saw that someone wanted to break in and stopped it immediately. Even if the other party was Professor Kangda, she couldn't allow her to break into Ye Xuefu's office.

"Do you know who I am?" Professor CONDA said coldly.

Smiled and bowed politely: "Professor CONDA, of course I know who you are."

"Don't get out of the way!" Professor Kangda shouted, and his assistant immediately came forward to push away the smiling face and rushed directly into Ye Xuefu's office.

When ye Xuefu in the room heard the sound outside the door, she had sorted out her work and put it aside.

Ye Xuefu expected that Professor Kangda would appear, but she didn't expect that Professor Kangda would appear so soon. Someone in Chengjie group must have given Professor Kangda news and told him that the internal design scheme of Tianya group's scientific research building had been changed, otherwise he wouldn't come so soon.

The door of the office was pushed open and Professor Kangda came in under the guidance of his assistant.

Smiling helplessly chased in: "President ye... Professor Kangda, he..."

"It doesn't matter. You go out first." Ye Xuefu smiled and motioned to help her with a smile. No wonder she did this.

Professor Kangda was very angry and walked up to Ye Xuefu. He didn't mean to be polite at all. As soon as he opened his mouth, he asked: "how can the design scheme of your research laboratory change? This will have an impact on me, you know?!"

"Sorry, Professor Kangda, in my opinion, this is a better design scheme for the scientific research room." Ye Xuefu maintained her politeness: "There is no change in the area and equipment of your main research room. I know you must have your habits, so the main research room you need maintains exactly the same functional zoning and area as the previous design drawing, and even the placement of any equipment is copied. I don't quite understand where you are not satisfied?"

Professor Kangda's face was black and white: "the whole pattern has changed!"

"Does the change of pattern affect you?" Ye Xuefu shook her head. "The change of pattern is only the location change of several large functional areas, which does not affect your scientific research room. Moreover, this design is more convenient for people in the building to communicate up and down. I think it is a very good change."

"No, I'm not satisfied with this scheme! I want the previous design scheme!" Professor Kangda said strongly: "the construction must be carried out according to the previous design scheme!"

"Professor CONDA, please be sensible. This is not what you has the final say in opening your mouth, or the way you can change it when you open your mouth." Ye Xuefu insisted: "I think it is not good enough to replace the design plan. I hope you can respect me."

Professor Kangda was furious: "Ye Xuefu, the previous design scheme has been signed and agreed. How can you say to change it! This is a breach of contract!"

"I will calculate the cost of changing the design separately with Chengjie group, which doesn't need Professor Kangda to worry about." Ye Xuefu smiled: "he of Chengjie group is not such a fussy person. She and I are friends. She will only charge the design fee that should be charged, and won't ask me to pay any liquidated damages. Please rest assured, Professor Kangda."

Besides, even if Tianya group wants to pay liquidated damages, it is also ye Xuefu's responsibility. She can be responsible herself. She can't get Kangda to intervene in this matter at all.

Professor CONDA's anger at the moment can't be described in words.

All his plans were ruined by the change of the design!

"Mr. Ye, I hope you can respect me. If your laboratory cannot be constructed according to the previous design, I will quit and my cooperation with Tianya group will be cut off." Kangda said seriously: "I'm not kidding you. I hope you can consider it carefully."

Ye Xuefu doesn't know how true Professor Kangda's threat is, but now that things have changed, she must insist.

"Please help yourself." Ye Xuefu finally didn't give in. Her words completely killed Professor Kangda's heart.

Professor Kangda waited for ye Xuefu for a long time without speaking.

Ye Xuefu pointed to the door: "Professor Kangda, the business of Tianya group is our internal business, and there is no need for outsiders to intervene. If you don't feel happy to cooperate with us, I won't force you to stay."

"You know your decision is wrong." Professor CONDA tried his best to calm his mind.

"It's right or wrong, not I has the final say, I just change a more reasonable design." Ye Xie Fu said, "the new scientific research building, our Tianya group needs at least ten to twenty years. I must consider the interests of Tianya group. You may be just an investigation here, so I can't completely accommodate you."

"Has the final say," or "I will see if the company has the final say or the manager of Hu."

Ye Xuefu has the final say to the door. "Then please do it. What is the company's matter about him? Or I has the final say, you will have an answer soon."

"Well, I'll see who has the final say!" Professor Kangda left in anger.

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