Chen Yuyue quickly explained: "I never let them stop you. Everyone wants to stop..."

"It's very good. I don't think there's anything wrong." Ye Xuefu expressed 100% understanding of this: "there's nothing wrong with being cautious."

"I was a little worried about whether they could keep it well before. Now it seems that there is nothing to worry about." Chen Yuyue smiled bitterly: "even you are on their defense list, and I am drunk."

"Before you came, the Security Department of Tianya group was really scattered." Ye Xuefu said that he admired Chen Yuyue: "although they are very capable one by one, without a powerful organizer, they will eventually be turned into a mob by others."

Chen Yuyue grinned: "it's like a powerful army. Without a strong enough commander, you can't win the war."

"A group of dragons without a head is also a shrimp." Ye Xuefu spoke highly of Chen Yuyue: "you don't have to worry about the design scheme. I will never give in."

"Then I'll go back first. By the way, at noon, I made an appointment with Xiaoyao to have dinner together. By the way, he said whether there was a suitable place." Chen Yuyue said, "do you want to join us?"

"Forget today. There are too many things on Monday. I can make do in the canteen." Ye Xuefu said, "go by yourself."

Chen Yuyue left without being invited. After leaving the office, he specially reminded Ye Xuefu to have lunch with a smile. Don't forget to have lunch because there are too many things in hand.

Clap your chest with a smile to ensure the completion of the task.


After getting off work at noon, Chen Yuyue and Feng Yu rushed to meet Zhao Xiaoyao.

When the two of them arrived, everyone had already arrived. Wang Yong and his wife prepared a very rich lunch - hot pot!

Since you want to transition to the mode of hot pot in winter and barbecue in summer, hot pot is a very important thing.

Wang Yong and his wife were not idle in the store this morning. They bought hundreds of materials just to make a better hot pot bottom.

Hot pot is delicious or not. 80% of the credit is due to the bottom material, and the remaining 20% depends on the freshness and innocence of the ingredients.

"Today, your sister-in-law and I mixed more than a dozen kinds of hot pot sauces. Let's try one by one and see which one is most suitable for the public taste." Wang Yong said to Chen Yuyue: "then we will make a large number of sauces according to that formula."

Chen Yuyue raised his thumb.

"Since the primer has not been cured by oil refining, it may taste a little less fragrant," Wang Yong's wife added.

At this time, Du powu and Lu Xue also brought plates of cut beef and mutton, various green vegetables and bean products around, and the bottom soup in the hot pot began to boil slowly.

"Let's start. I won't let you drink at noon. There are still things to do in the afternoon." Wang Yong smiled and took up the herbal tea in his hand: "drink this and make a fire."

People also raised their herbal tea.

To tell the truth, this barbecue and hot pot are high purine things. It's easy to get gout if you eat it every day.

In particular, seafood and meat, which are originally high in purine, will double once they are baptized by hot pot and barbecue.

The reason why there are so many gout people in China is that they eat too much purine on weekdays. Some elderly people may feel that they rarely eat hot pot and barbecue, and almost don't eat seafood, but they still get some diseases caused by high purine, that is, they live frugally and eat leftovers.

The health risks contained in leftovers are extremely terrible, but the middle-aged and elderly people born around the 1950s are too thrifty to be willing to throw away the leftovers, so they will eat the next meal.

What happened? Food placement and repeated heating will lead to nutrient loss, protein deterioration, increased purine components, hyperuricemia and gout.

Therefore, some middle-aged and elderly people always feel that they pay attention to eating and drinking, dare not eat more meat, dare not eat more seafood, but they still have all kinds of small problems all over the body.

To put it bluntly, it's what you eat leftovers for a long time.

What's more terrible is that the nitrate in the leftovers will become nitrite under the decomposition of bacteria. Nitrite is a carcinogen, which is meaningless even in the refrigerator.

Nowadays, Chinese people don't smoke or drink. They wear masks all the time when they go out, and don't casually eat the food made of hotel gutter oil. Finally, they still get cancer, that is, they always eat leftovers, cook more at noon, and eat it again at night. People who eat leftovers more than 100 times a year are 100 times more likely to get cancer than those who don't eat leftovers.

Many people's Sub-health and inexplicable diseases are caused by leftovers.

However, many people are still reluctant to throw away leftovers, afraid of waste, and feel it a pity.

When they are hospitalized after taking medicine, they will find that the money spent on illness is enough to throw away the leftovers they are not willing to throw away more than a dozen times in their life. In fact, they do not really save money, and there is an additional process of "suffering".

Frugality in exchange for health is definitely not frugality, but work.

Many middle-aged and elderly people say that what they don't like most is the sentence "don't eat leftovers, why don't you listen!" said by their children. However, this is not a waste of children, but they know that the health of the elderly is nothing compared with this "waste".

But these young and middle-aged people who know how to prevent their parents from eating leftovers have to deal with unhealthy things such as seafood, barbecue, beer and hot pot every day.

So how many people get gout just after 30, get cancer less than 40, and how many die after getting sick inexplicably before 50?

Do not pay attention to eating and drinking, do not pay attention to exercise, the national physique is really very general.

Huaxia has now been divided into two categories. One category of people doesn't care about eating, drinking and having fun. They boast and drink with their friends every day, go home and play games in bed all night. The other category is very particular about eating and is very healthy. They guarantee more than three planned trainings every week in order to have a healthy body, It really doesn't matter whether those friends who eat and drink wine and meat, friends and dogs are handed over. Health belongs to them.

Unfortunately, there are more first-class people in China, so hot pot and barbecue are booming for a long time.

Wang Yong has the final say that they are also looking at the market. Of course, the market is not what he says. It is not that he will not get the business done well after he does not do the business. He will not eat any barbecue and hot pot without doing it.

What business people want to see is the market. They can't see the hidden health hazards behind these things.

It is said that foreigners have better physique than Chinese. Why? There are not as many barbecues in foreign countries as there are in Northeast China, and there are not as many hotpot shops in Sichuan all over the world. Long term healthy diet makes foreigners better than Chinese.

Although the business mode of Pang Pang is good, Wang Yong still hopes that all Chinese will eat less and rub a meal every three or five times. He himself will remind those who come to roll strings every day to eat less for health.

Although many guests don't understand his practice, after all, he is a businessman, but he will still do so.

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