Eradicating the word is not easy.

Let's say that all the corrupt officials in Gusu have been punished, but this Huang 500 million still escaped the sanctions and went abroad.

Although he may not be very happy abroad, at least he escaped the legal sanctions. At the beginning, Huang 500 million broke away from his family early in order to save his family from disaster, which led to Huang Hua's freedom with the money from his 500 million father.

"According to the news we have now, the life of Huang 500 million doesn't seem very good." Su Qing said, "Huang Hua seems to be an unfilial son."

"His father is so rich, but he is unfilial? As far as I know, most unfilial children are because their parents have no money. There are few unfilial parents who have money to provide luxury. Although I don't know whether that kind of filial piety is because of money, it must matter." Chen Yuyue smiled bitterly.

Those who do not care for the elderly often come from poor families. The sons of the rich often rush to provide for the elderly. In short, it is for the sake of inheritance.

"Huang 500 million has been very smart all his life, whether in means or in playing with people's hearts. But in the end, he lost to his son." Su Qing shook her head and said: "At the beginning, in order to get rid of the relationship, Huang 500 million transferred all his assets to Huang Hua after reincarnation through overseas money laundering companies, but Huang Hua no longer supported his father after getting the money. Huang 500 million had no way to go abroad to make a living and tried to live with a little overseas assets."

"When a son does things so well, he really deserves to be educated by himself." Ye Xuefu said helplessly, "like father, like son."

"This Huang 500 million has calculated others all his life, but he was finally calculated by his son. It's really pathetic to think about it." Ye Xiaoyao also deflated his mouth.

"This also shows how cruel Huang Hua is." Chen Yuyue saw the other side of the matter: "if a person can even kill his own Lao Tzu, I'm afraid there will be no people in the world he doesn't dare to harm."

Su Qing gave a thumbs up: "what you said is right at all. This man can go now by being cruel."

"If people are not cruel, can they lend usury?"

"Huang Hua has the money left by Huang 500 million to him, and the black forces trained in Suzhou. In recent years of economic development, Huang Hua has wantonly lent usury and used despicable means to collect money. It is said that in just a few years, he doubled the capital transferred to him by Huang 500 million." Su Qing said: "because of their bad reputation in Suzhou, they were transferred to Tianhai two years ago."

"Only came two years ago? No wonder it's really a small insect crossing the river." Chen Yuyue grinned: "even if he has a billion and 800 million in his hand, it's nothing to come to Tianhai?"

Su Qing reminded Chen Yuyue not to underestimate Huang Hua: "you really don't underestimate him. In fact, Tianhai police have a certain surveillance on him. He is not only suspected of usury and several guns, but also suspected of arms smuggling and trafficking."

Chen Yuyue was stunned: "so cow?"

"That's why I said he was Guo Jianglong. Nowadays, almost no one in Tianhai dares to be suspected of smuggling and selling guns." Su Qing said: "it's really not easy for him to dare to do such a thing as an alien."

"It's not simple, it's bold." Ye Xuefu said in surprise: "it's too bold to smuggle arms here?"

"Most of those who dare to touch arms in our country are in the chaotic land on the other side of the south?" Ye Xiaoyao didn't understand. "Does Tianhai dare anyone do that?"

"In fact, most of the arms smuggling is carried out on the high seas." Chen Yuyue said, "it seems that the risk of this business is much lower than that of drugs."

Ye Xuefu was stunned: "is it just as dangerous?"

"Wait, I don't understand how the arms smuggling is carried out." Ye Xiaoyao said, "is this guy going to sell abroad or buy it from abroad and sell it at home?"

"Let me explain to you briefly." Su Qing said: "Some foreign arms dealers take goods from arms companies and ship them to sell all over the world. They need to issue an invoice to prove that the goods are sold to a legal object. However, after the arms are transported to the high seas, they will find another ship to unload, part of them will be delivered according to the formal list, and the rest will be transported to the smuggling destination and handed over to someone. If there is no problem in this process , it's done. "

Ye Xiaoyao understood: "what if something goes wrong?"

"If something goes wrong, you have to admit it." Su Qing said, "normal is at most indefinite. If the sentencing country is a remote and small country, some people will be able to return home the next day. Of course, if they go through the international court, they will go to prison obediently. Therefore, Chen Yuyue said that it is right that it is lower than the risk of poisoning. It is indeed lower."

"This yellow birch bought these smuggled weapons on the high seas and secretly sold them in China?" Ye Xuefu was really shocked.

Su Qing nodded: "it should be like this, but we have no evidence now."

"How did he get in? Didn't anyone check what came in on the high seas?" Ye Xiaoyao frowned.

"Not every part of the border is guarded, and not every container is checked, so every year there are still so many people who take risks to engage in smuggling." Chen Yuyue said faintly: "it's not particularly strange that such special goods will flow into China."

Su Qing is also very helpless. China is so big, and the border line is naturally terrible, so some things can't be avoided.

No country in the world can avoid this kind of thing.

It is impossible for the whole country to be full of guards. This is an impossible thing. As long as people want to do this kind of thing, they will always find opportunities and loopholes.

"Huang Hua's usury is really big in Tianhai. Because he has a gun and someone, it's particularly easy for him to do this business." Su Qing said: "the helpless thing is that this guy is really too cunning and can't find any evidence... If he could really leave the gun last time and make Joe Nan have to speak, he might be able to seize the breakthrough."

Chen Yuyue said with a wry smile, "there's no way. Human life is at stake."

"Yes, after all, Lu Xue was controlled by them at that time." Su Qing also sighed: "these guys are really lawless. I can't believe these people can do so many outrageous things. It's bold."

"If you are bold, let them pay a price." Chen Yuyue smiled: "I am willing to cooperate with the police in investigating and dealing with Huang Hua at any time."

Su Qing felt confident when she had Chen Yuyue's words.

On this matter, Chen Yuyue will certainly accompany him to the end, because he knows very well that if Qiao Nan can not open the door to investigate Huang Hua, Huang Hua will continue to harm the society. Whether usury or guns are serious factors that may cause social instability.

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