During the week of the opening activities, everyone will come to the store to help, even Zhao Weitong and Lin Yanbai.

Lin Qi doesn't quite understand this. Another afternoon, when Lin Yanbai and Zhao Weitong are going to help her, Lin Qi finally stops her.

"Elder sister, your health is not as good as that of Zhao Weitong. Why do you always run to do those rough jobs?" Lin Qi disagrees with Lin Yanbai to help.

Lin Yanbai said, "brother Yong, they didn't let me do too much rough work. I just did something easy."

"It's very tiring to have leisure in that place." Lin Qi turned to Zhao Weitong and said, "my sister's health is not good. Don't you know? Do you have friends like this? I watched her suffer there. Although my sister is not a spoiled child, she hasn't done so much hard work."

Zhao Weitong was speechless: "as your sister said, what we did was some light little things, not as tired as you thought."

"If you want to go, go by yourself. Don't take my sister." Lin Qi shook her head and said, "let her go less in that place in the future."

"You don't want to go, but you still force others not to go. Is it childish?" Zhao Weitong said helplessly: "just, if you don't let your sister go, I'll go by myself."

"Lin Qi, why are you doing this?" Lin Yanbai shook his head helplessly. "If Bi Ying is still there, do you want to go every day?"

"Sister... What do you say?" Lin Qi said angrily, "you always post it up now, as if you were a family with them. In fact, people don't treat us as a family at all."

"What do you mean?" Lin Yanbai frowned. "Chen Yuyue and brother Yong are very kind to us. They never treat us as outsiders. Even if you haven't been there for a long time, no one took you as an outsider when they went to dinner that day?"

Lin Qi wanted to say something more, but he didn't open his mouth.

"I don't know what you think in your heart, but I tell you, no one treats you as an outsider." Lin Yanbai stressed: "if you think others treat you as an outsider, it's entirely your personal reason."

Lin Qi couldn't help it: "well, you said they didn't treat me as an outsider, so why didn't you tell me where Bi Ying went?"

Lin Yanbai was stunned. Zhao Weitong didn't expect Lin Qi to ask such a question.

"I asked before, later, and a few days ago, but every time I asked Bi Ying, Chen Yuyue perfunctory me and didn't tell me." Lin Qi said, "doesn't that mean he doesn't trust me?"

Lin Yanbai didn't know how to explain it.

But in this matter, Chen Yuyue and his colleagues are really too confidential. They have never disclosed where Bi Ying lives.

She can understand Lin Qi's mind. Lin Yanbai knows his dandy brother too well. He can remember Bi Ying for so long. He hasn't even talked about any girlfriend. He doesn't look at so many chasing him in school and doesn't go to the bar to hang out with girls. It's all because of Bi Ying.

It is absolutely true that Lin Qi is sincere to bi Ying.

So Lin Yanbai can understand Lin Qi's idea of looking for Bi Ying, even if he just goes to have a look and say a few words.

But now there was no news, no movement at all, and it was normal for him to feel uncomfortable.

"I know you feel uncomfortable, but you should also understand them." Zhao Weitong helped Lin Yanbai out in time: "Chen Yuyue doesn't say that it's natural that Chen Yuyue has his own reason. Why doesn't he say that you may not know, and I may not know, but everything must be for Bi Yinghao."

Lin Qi has no words to refute this.

But when the words came out, Lin Qi wouldn't be bad for Bi Ying!

"Even if he did it for Bi Yinghao's sake, wouldn't I be so unreliable?" Lin Qi took a deep breath: "if I were my own person, why didn't he tell me?"

"It's hard for you to force people." Zhao Weitong shrugged his shoulders: "some things don't have to be what you think they should be, okay?"

Lin Qi stared at Zhao Weitong for a long time and finally didn't speak again.

"Although we don't know why Chen Yuyue didn't say it, I'm willing to believe that he must have his own reason. Wei Tong is right. You keep asking him is no matter how hard it is." Lin Yanbai said: "don't say we don't know. Maybe even the closest people around Chen Yuyue don't necessarily know."

Lin Qi snorted, "I don't believe it. Zhao Xiaoyao and Du powu must know that the man was sent away by the wind, and he knows even more!"

"You compare with other people's brothers who live and die together?" Zhao Weitong smiled: "then you should at least have experienced life and death with them before you can compare with others?"

Lin Qi was speechless again by Zhao Weitong.

"You have a strong mouth, but I can't tell you." Lin Qi turned his head and said, "anyway, I'm very disappointed with them now. I trust them so much that I'm even willing to treat him as my brother..."

"Now you still have doubts about him, which proves that you don't treat him as your own brother." Lin Yanbai shook his head: "if you really think he is your own, you won't haggle over so many days for this matter."

"I care about everything?" Lin Qi said angrily. "Can I not care about Bi Ying's affairs? I... forget it! Go if you like. Anyway, I won't treat them as my own people in the future."

Lin Qi turned and left.

Lin Yanbai stepped forward and stopped him: "Lin Qi, you really should be mature. This is not what a mature person should do. You are so naive."

"I'm just a childish ghost, OK?" Lin Qi looked like a broken jar. "Anyway, no one wants to trust me from childhood, and no one thinks I can achieve anything. I'll be like this in the future. Don't say anything."

Lin Yanbai sighed helplessly and shook his head. He thought this guy was destined to know Chen Yuyue and they would become more mature, but he didn't expect to be still so ignorant of personnel.

Lin Qi throws away his sleeve. Lin Yanbai looks at his back and can't let go for a long time.

Zhao Weitong came forward and grabbed Lin Yanbai's shoulder: "it's definitely not an overnight thing for a man to become mature. Although Lin Qi has made a lot of progress than before, on the whole, he is still not mature enough, but don't worry. He will grow up slowly."

"I'm afraid his growth speed is too slow, and some things will be too late to do." Lin Yanbai shook his head helplessly.

"In that case, you should ask Chen Yuyue for an explanation about Bi Ying." Zhao Weitong said, "maybe you can clarify the misunderstanding between the two sides in the middle."

Lin Yanbai was stunned: "you mean, let me..."

"Yes, you can try to communicate. Maybe you can solve this problem." Zhao Weitong smiled: "although Lin Qi is immature, Chen Yuyue is not naive. Chen Yuyue must understand what Lin Qi doesn't understand. If you communicate with Chen Yuyue, he will give you a reasonable explanation."

Lin Yanbai thought for a moment. Zhao Weitong's words really make sense. She should try, or Lin Qi's childish temper will always be so awkward.

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