In the dead of night, several lights suddenly flashed through the front door of Tianya group.

Lu Yuan, who was on the night shift at the security department, yawned, got up and went out of the guard room to the door. He asked through the electric iron door, "who?"

It is not uncommon for Tianya group to have cars in and out at night. Sometimes, due to the delay on the road, some people who transport raw materials will come in the middle of the night.

Of course, sometimes because of some reasons in the warehouse of Tianya group, it is necessary to have transport vehicles to receive and deliver goods at night.

As long as these documents are stamped on them, the security department is only a cooperating department and has no right of inspection.

"Delivery." a man jumped out of the car at the door, said as he came forward, took out a cigarette and handed it across the electric iron door.

Lu Yuan took the cigarette and asked, "what did you send? I haven't heard the leaders over the raw materials say there are goods coming tonight."

"The car is full of things needed for the internal decoration of the scientific research building." the man smiled: "it was sent by Chengjie group."

Lu Yuan was stunned. The cigarette he just wanted to light was also released. He said curiously, "the things of Chengjie group are sent here in the middle of the night? Are you right?"

"No, I'm sure there's no mistake." the man took out a piece of paper and handed it to Lu Yuan: "look, it's written on it, just some pipes, some wires, waterproof materials and so on."

At this time, another brother on duty in the guard room woke up and immediately ran out and stood behind Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan was a little embarrassed: "you sent all the things of Chengjie group in the evening. There must be no access documents given by our leaders..."

"Brother, we are from Chengjie group. How can we have the pass issued by the leaders of your Tianya group." the man at the door said helplessly: "if the road had not been blocked for five or six hours because of an accident on the highway, we would have delivered it in the afternoon, so as not to cause you trouble in the middle of the night."

That sounds right.

"Well, brother, the list says the things transported in the car. If you don't trust it, come and check it. If it's true, you can let us go and help. We don't have a place to go in the middle of the night. If you don't let us in to unload, we can only cook here." the man at the door said helplessly.

It looks really pathetic, and Lu Yuan doesn't have the heart.

"It's not easy for us to make a living, brother. Help me," the man said again.

Lu Yuan looked at another security guard behind him. The other security guard didn't know what to do.

Now the release is completely inconsistent with the regulations, but if it is not released, these people will really have to wait all night and think it's too cruel for them.

"I'm sorry, it's not that we don't want to help, but we really can't release without a license. It's against the regulations." Lu Yuan shook his head reluctantly.

"Be accommodating, brother. It's really difficult for us to make a living." the man continued: "Whoever has better conditions will not do such work as staying up all day."

"Yes, yes, let's make some accommodation. We can't make much money in handling and unloading. If we delay today, we'll make less money tomorrow. Our wives and children need money." several big brothers as porters followed.

Lu Yuan couldn't bear to hear it.

"I hope you can understand the two of us. We are just small security guards. If we don't do things according to the regulations, we will be punished." the small security guard beside Lu Yuan was embarrassed and said: "sorry, everyone."

"Be accommodating."


"Give me a chance!"

Begged one after another. It's really not easy for these hardworking people to make some money, which also represents the vast majority of Chinese bottom workers.

They have not received any higher education, so they have no chance to follow up the development of this society and the times. They have no skills and can only rely on a lot of strength to eat. Even those with some skills are very single, just like those who drive a cart for transportation. They may be able to sneak a semi-trailer to take off, But in the face of a small high-tech intelligent tool, I'm confused.

"Open the door! Let go!" Luyuan said suddenly.

"Brother yuan... This... This is a violation. How can we explain it tomorrow?"

Lu Yuan waved his big hand: "the rules are dead and people are alive. In this case, if we don't know how to adapt, what's the use for us? Just find a robot doorman."


"Nothing, but." Lu Yuan directly interrupted the little security guard: "even if this kind of thing is strange, brother Yu will help us deal with it."

At this time, the security guard stopped talking. They must be all right with Chen Yuyue.

"If we are still so rigid at this time, when brother Yu comes tomorrow and finds that so many people have been waiting all night because of our rigidity, we will be severely scolded," Lu Yuan said.

"I'll open the door now!" the little security guard immediately ran to the guard room to open the door.

Lu Yuan clapped his hands: "big guys, keep your voice down when unloading later, pay attention to safety, and move a little more smoothly."

"OK! Thank you, brother. A good man has a safe life!"

After thanking Lu Yuan, people got on the bus one after another. With the opening of the electric gate, a small van and two large trucks slowly drove into the gate of Tianya group.

After entering the door, all the drivers in the car fell down the window and thanked Luyuan.

Lu Yuan waved his hand: "go to work quickly. Finish work early and go back to rest early. It's not easy to make some money. You must pay attention to your health."

The three cars left with a thousand thanks.

Lu Yuan stretched out and returned to the guard room. Although it was against the regulations of his post, it was worth helping so many people.

Sometimes people still have to be flexible. Lu Yuan thought that if Chen Yuyue was present, he would release it, so he hesitated and chose to open the door.

Regulations also serve people.

If Lu Yuan didn't know Chen Yuyue, he would never do such a thing. He would never leave trouble for himself because of the convenience of others.

But now it's different. Now Lu would have considered a lot. He doesn't just think about his selfish guy anymore.

Three cars slowly stopped outside the new scientific research building, and there was silence around.

The people in the car came down and gathered next to the small container. At this time, the container of the container opened, and Professor Kangda came out of the container.

When they looked around and saw nothing unusual, they approached Professor Kangda again.

"You should pretend to unload the goods. Just unload the goods here. Remember, move gently and keep your voice down." Professor Kangda instructed, "you guys bring your tools and come with me."


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