When Zhao Xiaoyao heard Kaixin say this, he was not polite. He directly came forward and grabbed Kaixin's shoulder: "why didn't you mention this man when we played 'confession Bureau' when we didn't break up?"

"I didn't know him at that time." Kaixin shook her head: "introduce him. He is a new friend I just met today. His name is... By the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Liu Jing!" the young man reminded loudly. He didn't expect that Kaixin didn't remember his name.

It's no wonder Kaixin. Recently, her father's partners who have business cooperation or some business contacts have tried their best to introduce all her nephews and nephews who are similar to her age when they heard that she came back.

Once such a marriage can be reached, they will have too many benefits in the future.

President Kai can't refuse because of face. Because of reason, he doesn't want Kaixin and Zhao Xiaoyao to go too tight, so he turns a blind eye to those who try to "date".

He will recommend to his daughter any person who feels good and looks handsome after being measured by Mr. Kai.

At first Kaixin refused, but then she didn't know why she obeyed, so she didn't refuse again.

With the restraint of these people, Kaixin's contact with Zhao Xiaoyao will disappear. This is a matter of killing two birds with one stone for Kaixin. If her daughter can really find a favorite to talk about feelings, she may not go back to Australia in the future.

In short, each of the them has his own ideas. No one knows what Kaixin thinks.

"Liu Jing, the name means a little 'soil erosion'." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "sorry, it's late. We're going in to finish the game for the third time. See you tomorrow."

Liu Jing's chin was almost scared off. He was so careless!

So blatantly, he went back to his house with an ex, and the man said so righteously!

"Kaixin! What do you mean? If you think we are not suitable, you can say it directly, but you don't need to find a bad pen to disgust me?" Liu Jing was obviously furious.

"Who's the devil?" Zhao Xiaoyao glared, "I've only been around you once because of Kaixin's face. Don't force me to do something about you."

"Dare you!" Liu Jing glared, "you know who I am? Move me and try!"

Zhao Xiaoyao glanced at Kaixin: "what did he say his name was? I forgot again."

"Liu Jing," said Kaixin.

"Oh, yes, it's not acclimatized." Zhao Xiaoyao said to himself, "I know who you are. How can you drop?"

"You try, hit me!"

When Zhao Xiaoyao heard the speech, he suddenly hit Liu Jing's belly and kicked him out five or six meters away!

Because Zhao Xiaoyao's move was so sudden that he didn't give anyone any time to prepare, Liu Jing had already fallen into a dog and chewed the mud before he came back.

Kaixin was also surprised by Zhao Xiaoyao's sudden move. At first, she thought Zhao Xiaoyao would scare her mouth if she just said it. Who knows Zhao Xiaoyao really can move.

"You heard him too. He asked me to beat him just now." Zhao Xiaoyao turned back to Kaixin and said, "he told me to beat him. I've rarely heard such requests in my life. This man is too cheap."

Liu Jing struggled to get up and wanted to say something, but as soon as he was about to open his mouth, there was a huge spasm pain in his stomach. This huge pain made him unbearable. He had to cover his stomach and bend down. He couldn't open his mouth at all.

"Come on, let's go back to the house first." Zhao Xiaoyao pulls Kaixin to the house.

Kaixin didn't refuse, but she said something to Liu Jing before leaving: "go back first and drive carefully on the road. If you can't do it, find a substitute driver and don't be brave."

After the voice fell, their figure disappeared at the door of the villa.

Liu Jing hammered the ground angrily, and scolded in his heart that if it weren't for your little body with enough utilization value, I wouldn't pay attention to you rotten goods!

A few minutes later, Liu Jing's pain finally disappeared.

He barely supported the ground and stood up. He got on the bus and left the place that annoyed him and disgusted him.

Of course, he won't easily bypass the bastard who humiliated him. The hero doesn't suffer immediate losses, and then it's not too late to revenge!

Kaixin was relieved when she returned to the house.

Zhao Xiaoyao didn't care about it. He went to the window and looked at the car outside and smiled: "the man has gone. How on earth did you get into that kind of dog skin plaster?"

"Zhao Xiaoyao, can you use your brain to do things in the future? It's too exaggerated for you to do it when you say it?" Kaixin said, "you can really hit people when you say it."

"That's what he asked." Zhao Xiaoyao stressed: "I didn't take the initiative."

Kaixin stared at him and was too lazy to argue with him: "why did you come to me at this time?"

"It's been more than ten days since she opened. Everyone wants to thank you face-to-face." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "I can't ask you out again. Now I can't contact you these days. I can't help but come here to have a look."

"Don't take such small things in your heart. You don't need to thank." Kaixin said, "what I said is true. Don't have any burden because of this matter. If they must thank you, it's enough to thank you. I don't need it."

Zhao Xiaoyao was really speechless: "OK, you have a big shelf, we can't afford it."

Kaixin frowned: "Zhao Xiaoyao, I don't mean that. I just said that it's mainly because of you. There's no need to thank me."

"I can't afford to buy the house in that place." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "I discussed it with the landlord twice, and they didn't bid directly. Hehe, you did it directly as soon as Miss Kaixin made a move. I'm sure I didn't have it."

"Why do I think you have something to say?"

Zhao Xiaoyao nodded and said, "yes, I just have something to say. What do you mean, at least tell me?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about, what I mean?" Kaixin pretended to be puzzled.

"I'm not the kind to accept others' help for nothing." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "I'm willing to accept the help between friends, but if it's a charity between ordinary relationships, I certainly won't accept it."

Kaixin understood Zhao Xiaoyao's words: "do you want to ask what is the relationship between us?"

Zhao Xiaoyao didn't say directly: "friends won't do that kind of inexplicable things. Even if there is any misunderstanding, they will make it clear, rather than avoiding and running away. It's too childish."

Has the final say, "I am not so childish as I am, I am telling you that I have my reasons for doing things!" Kai Xin said, "is it necessary for me to tell others why I has the final say?"

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