After Zhao Xiaoyao and Kaixin left, Su Qing ran directly to find Chen Yuyue.

"What's the situation now? They're both better again?" Su Qing said strangely, "how many valuable clues can we get through Zhao Xiaoyao?"

Chen Yuyue shook his head while eating the instant noodles in the bowl: "it doesn't seem optimistic. When he first came, he was very good, and now some are going to collapse."

"Xiaoyao, can you use your brain? You can't solve such a simple thing as picking up girls?" Su Qing said helplessly: "don't you say you're very powerful on weekdays? Isn't he the little prince of the nightclub?"

"The little prince of the nightclub is only lethal to the girls in the nightclub. Do you think Kaixin can be a girl in the nightclub?" Chen Yuyue said: "you should understand that if you want, you can't reach."

Su Qing was a little anxious and said, "the case is imminent. According to the clues and evidence we have now investigated, Huang Hua and Kai's family seem to have made more than one transaction."

Chen Yuyue felt very good about this: "since there is more than one time, there must be another time, and we still have a chance."

"The chance doesn't mean we can catch it. There is no evidence now. Even if they continue to trade, we have nothing to do." Su Qing said.

"If you leave it to me, I can solve it in one night." Chen Yuyue said with the an eyebrow.

"We must solve the problem by legal means, otherwise it will be different from their criminal guys." Su Qing shook her head when she refused Chen Yuyue.

Chen Yuyue was also talking about fun. He knew that Su Qing would not agree: "I can't help it. Sometimes those criminals just use your rules to cover up their criminal facts and leave you helpless."

"But without these rules, it would be a retrogression of human civilization to curb violence with violence!" Su Qing insisted.

Of course, Chen Yuyue knew this. What he said was just amusing: "yes, we should govern the country according to law and convince people by virtue."

Su Qingbai glanced at him: "OK, I'm less poor. Think about how to make Xiaoyao get a breakthrough in Kaixin."

"I understand. I'll try my best." Chen Yuyue nodded. "It's not optimistic in the current situation, but carefree is not stupid. If I explain things clearly to him, he should be able to find a way to enter the core of Kai's business."

"You haven't told him about it yet?"

Chen Yuyue nodded: "I won't tell him easily until I'm not sure whether he can treat Kaixin with 100% reason."

Su Qing suddenly had more confidence in Chen Yuyue: "you are really cautious."

Chen Yuyue ate up the last mouthful of instant noodles: "I can't help it. You put so much pressure on me. What can I do?"

"Don't do this. I don't mean to give you any pressure." Su Qing snorted, "fill me a small bowl of instant noodles."

"Well, I just ate it up."

Su Qing glared: "you didn't even leave a small bowl for me. Can you eat too much?"

"I ate two mouthfuls of noodles in one night, but I'm growing up. Isn't it too much?" Chen Yuyue was also drunk and handed the empty bowl to Su Qing: "anyway, I'm not full yet. If you still eat, cook it for me."

Su Qing grabbed the bowl: "I know to eat. Hurry up and tell Zhao Xiaoyao that Kaixin's family may be suspected of arms trafficking! This thing is not for fun."

Chen Yuyue also put away the laughter on his face and looked serious: "I know, I'll wait until he sends people home."

"Just know it." Su Qing said.

"Remember to cook noodles for me."

Su Qing didn't bother to talk to him: "what do you do with so much instant noodles at night? It's too unhealthy. It's almost all right. Are you going to eat until you can support it?"

Chen Yuyue had no choice but to watch Su Qing clean up everything.

With the time getting late, there are fewer and fewer guests ordering things, and the store is becoming more and more relaxed.

Wang Yong's wife also began to ask everyone to put down their things and go to eat. Because ye Xuefu and Su Qing don't like eating too much oil, the night snacks are very light.

Although it certainly doesn't taste as delicious as hot pot roast, it's healthier.

In this regard, Lu Xue also said that she prefers to eat this light food, but ye Xiaoyao, Du powu and Chen Dong belong to carnivores, and a meal without meat is not happy.

Night snack naturally formed two groups.

Every time ye Xuefu sees that her sister has to eat so much meat at night, she can't help saying, "eat less, eat so much at night and don't digest."

"What are you afraid of? Drink some enzymes before going to bed and solve all the garbage tomorrow." Ye Xiaoyao stuck out his tongue.

"You don't listen to me so many times. Don't regret it when you have stomach disease." Ye Xuefu couldn't control her at all, so she pointed to Chen Dong: "you should eat less, too."

"I'm puberty and growing up. It's OK to eat more." Chen Dong grinned.

Du Po Wu quickly avoided Ye Xuefu's eyes for fear that the target would shift to her own body, but ye Xuefu really wouldn't say Du Po Wu. It's not too much for Du Po Wu to eat eight meals a day. Moreover, he is the kind of master who can do hundreds of push ups in a minute at any time. He has such a large amount of activity that he can eat more. He can consume it anytime, anywhere.

Ye Xuefu saw that there was no one to say, so she stopped talking.

Several people soon ate. Wang Yong then urged everyone to go back to bed early.

During this time, they have helped too much in the store. Wang Yong and his wife are really embarrassed.

Seeing that there was nothing to do, Du Po Wu directly asked Lu Xue to leave first, and Chen Yuyue and others left immediately.

On the way home, Chen Yuyue got into Su Qing's car. When the car just started, Chen Yuyue dialed Zhao Xiaoyao's phone.

At this time, Zhao Xiaoyao just sent Kaixin home and was ready to leave: "brother, what's the order?"

"Have you sent it?" Chen Yuyue said.

"It's delivered. Don't worry." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "I'm ready to go home. I'll be home in a minute."

"I'll tell you something. You should think about it at night." Chen Yuyue said faintly, "it has something to do with Kaixin's family."

"There's something wrong with the golf villa. I know what's going on." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "don't worry, I know what I should do."

Chen Yuyue was more relieved when he said this: "Su Qing told me that Kaixin's father was suspected of having some business cooperation with Huang Hua."

"Huang Hua? The usurer?" Zhao Xiaoyao was stunned and suddenly realized: "is it... Has something to do with that guy's arms smuggling?"

Chen Yuyue said, "I'm not sure about the details. Let me inform you first. There's nothing else. Pay attention to safety on the way home."

After saying that, Chen Yuyue directly cut off the phone and left Zhao Xiaoyao with a confused face. Kaixin, her unreliable Lao Tzu is too big to play, isn't she? It's really bold.

: today's annual meeting is over. The pen fairy has set foot on the way home. When she comes home, she will catch up with the manuscript and strive for more next month.

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