Liu Jing's expression, which had just become happy, solidified in an instant.

"Pa --!"

I don't know who took the lead. He slapped Liu Jing on the face. Liu Jing's swollen face was torn open in an instant.

At this time, absolutely no one dared to relax. The second man also swung a round slap and took it up! It was another loud noise with blood and water.

Liu Jing's brain was like shaking paste. It was completely blank. For a moment, he didn't even know who he was or where he was.

"I'm next!"

They surrounded Liu Jing in a circle and lined up to fight! No one dared to relax for fear that he would become the lightest one.

After the party lined up and slapped Liu Jing seven or eight times, Du powu had returned to the car and started the van.

When they turned around in surprise, Du Po Wu had already driven away. At this time, they realized that they had been fooled by Du Po Wu.

"Oh! Don't fight, another fight will kill people!" the short fat man with 350 kg suddenly sat up on the ground. Although the guy was knocked out just now, he was sober a few minutes ago.

But just now everyone was discussing how to kill Liu Jing and change him not to be found out. The 350 pound short fat man pretended not to be awake.

Because only in this way can he avoid becoming an accomplice of these guys. He has fainted and everything that happened has nothing to do with him.

The smart fat man's little abacus crackled. He didn't get up until Du Po Wu drove away and told everyone to stop. If he continued to fight now, people would die. It would be their responsibility at that time.

Because everyone was flustered and uneasy, they had no idea, so they didn't care about the careful thinking of the short fat man just pretending to be faint.

The short fat man is really smart: "now hurry up and get in the car for me. Take Liu Jing to the hospital first! Don't let him die! Get up for me those who are still pretending to be dead on the ground! Those who can drive now! Those who are injured go to the fucking hospital!"

Suddenly, the big meat ball of more than 350 kg suddenly became their backbone. All the people did according to his instructions. In a twinkling of an eye, they all got on the bus and rushed to the hospital.


When Du Po Wu drove home, Zhao Xiaoyao was sitting at the door and looking at him with a smile.

"You just give me a bunch of garbage to exercise?" Du Po Wu disdained: "I'm too lazy to fight. Let them beat themselves. If I kill you, I'll get you into trouble."

Zhao Xiaoyao painfully walked to the van with the flat front: "this was just bought when you moved. You really don't feel bad. Isn't it a waste?"

"It's not enough to waste your money for a watch." Du Po Wu said, "I'll drive your car tomorrow and you'll get the car repaired."

"Lying trough, you broke it. Why did you let me repair it?" Zhao Xiaoyao couldn't cry or laugh.

Du Po Wu stared at him: "you can fix it if you want! There are so many reasons."

Zhao Xiaoyao dare not disobey, but can only nod and acknowledge the counselling: "you are the boss, you has the final say... You are fierce."

"Don't do this!" Du Po Wu said, "don't let me wipe your ass again in the future. I'm too lazy to get involved with you again and again."

Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "I heard you say that eating too much leaves you active. Eating too much at night is bad for your health. It's comfortable to sleep after more activities."

"I want to move with you now." Du Po Wu squeezed his fist.

Zhao Xiaoyao quickly stepped back: "brother Wu, I don't eat much tonight. I don't need activities. Thank you."

"Zhao Xiaoyao, please tell me clearly whether Kaixin provoked these people to you today." Du Po Wu said, "you don't know the bad things in her family. You'd better find out why you came into contact with her. Don't mix things up."

"Brother Wu, what would you do if it were you?" Zhao Xiaoyao sighed.

Du Po Wu was stunned.

To tell the truth, if it was on him, he really didn't know what to do.

But it was not on him.

"I know Kaixin is a good person, and she has solved such a big problem for him, but... But it's all between you..." Du Po Wu is too stupid to explain: "but the matter in her family is not between you..."

"My headache is this, but my third brother has given me the task, and I can't help it." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "at first I said I would never use Kaixin's feelings, but now I have no other way except to use her feelings."

Du Po Wu had to avoid Zhao Xiaoyao's eyes. He really couldn't pay any attention to it.

Seeing that Du Po Wu couldn't help him, Zhao Xiaoyao shook his head with a bitter smile: "come on, I'd better wash and sleep first. It's not too late to talk about tomorrow."

"Carefree, you should show some of your real carefree feeling in the past and don't be bound by some things." Du Po Wu can only say that: "once you are bound, some simple things will become very difficult."

Zhao Xiaoyao nodded: "brother Wu, do you think you are bound now?"

Du Po Wu knew who Zhao Xiaoyao was talking about. He waved his big hand and said, "we are different. You can't talk with me. It doesn't matter whether I am bound or not. The important thing is that you can't be bound. If you are bound, you will be in trouble."

"I understand." Zhao Xiaoyao said as he returned to the room, "I will clearly divide the task and feelings. Since the third brother dares to hand over the matter to me, it means that he trusts me. Since he trusts me, I can't live up to his trust."

"It's enough for you to have this ideological consciousness." Du powu reached out and patted Zhao Xiaoyao on the shoulder: "do you want to go upstairs and punch? Throw these messy things out with your fist and sleep at night."

"Forget boxing. I don't want to be a sandbag." Zhao Xiaoyao shook his head quickly.

"As long as you get me the iron sand bag of Hippo skin you said as soon as possible, I'll be your partner tonight. If you fight, I'll be your human flesh sand bag." Du powu patted his chest.

Zhao Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment and said with a smile, "isn't that good?"

"I know you've had this idea for a long time, but you don't dare to say it. Today's brother will make you happy." Du Po Wu pushed Zhao Xiaoyao: "don't pretend in front of me, just fight if you want!"

"Brother Wu, I'm really not polite to you." Zhao Xiaoyao pinched his fist.

"You're welcome. If you dare to be polite, I'll dare to fight back." Du Po Wu glared, "even if I'm beaten, you should beat me up. Don't be like a woman."

They didn't say much, so they went upstairs to get boxing gloves and training aids.

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