Of course, Mr. Kai will not miss such an opportunity and immediately speak out his conditions: "you can speak freely about the salary. I just need you to help me tide over the difficulties in this matter."

"Wait a minute." Zhao Xiaoyao raised his hand and motioned to President Kai to stop: "even if I promised you to stay, it was just to help Kaixin, not for you. If President Kai needs someone to help you through the difficulties, the twin brothers are already very good helpers... As for me, forget it."

President Kai was stunned for a moment and nodded to show that he understood Zhao Xiaoyao's meaning: "I just need you to protect Kaixin and ensure Kaixin's personal safety during the period when my current crisis has not been lifted."

Zhao Xiaoyao continued without expression: "how long can president Kai solve the crisis?"

"This..." Mr. Kai said. He must not be clear about this. As long as he does not compromise the friction with Huang Hua, the crisis will always exist.

"Mr. Kai, you must give me a time. If you don't have a time, how can I promise?" Zhao Xiaoyao reminded.

Kai always understood this truth and nodded silently.

"A week? Ten days?" Zhao Xiaoyao asked, "or fifteen days?"

Mr. Kai said again, "I'm afraid it will take a little longer."

"A little longer? Three weeks? A month?" Zhao Xiaoyao's expression was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Kai, you've gone too far. If it's too long, what's the difference between me and you?"

"Xiaoyao, in this way, I can solve the problem as soon as possible within a month." President Kai said: "if I can't solve the problem in a month, I hope you can understand."

Zhao Xiaoyao deliberately said, "if you can't give me a time, I'm really a little difficult."

"Time will certainly be given, and I will solve the problem as soon as possible. You think, I am the dangerous person now, and I hope to solve the problem as soon as possible than anyone else." President Kai stressed.

"That sounds reasonable." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled. "You really want to solve the problem earlier than anyone else."

"Yes, I'll solve it as soon as possible," said Mr. Kai.

Zhao Xiaoyao finally opened his mouth: "if Kai doesn't know when to solve the problem, can I know the trouble you are facing, at least let me make a general decision."

Kai was stunned. Did Zhao Xiaoyao want to intervene in his affairs?

"Of course, if Mr. Kai doesn't want to say it, I won't force it." Zhao Xiaoyao added: "after all, this kind of thing can be regarded as personal privacy. If Mr. Kai doesn't trust me, I can understand."

"No, I absolutely don't mean to distrust you." Mr. Kai said immediately.

Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "if Kai doesn't trust me, he won't leave me."

"If only you could understand me." President Kai said, "in fact, the less you know about some things, the better. Not all things need to be understood. Some things you understand will really get you in. Then you will really be tied to me. At that time, even if you want to get out, I'm afraid..."

"Isn't that the result you want, Mr. Kai?" Zhao Xiaoyao suddenly said, "it won't do you any harm to tie me to your family's affairs."

That said, Kai doesn't always want Zhao Xiaoyao to be tied up with his affairs.

But Kai always doesn't believe that Zhao Xiaoyao is a fool. If he tells Zhao Xiaoyao everything and tries to bind Zhao Xiaoyao with himself, he's afraid that Zhao Xiaoyao will just walk away.

If Zhao Xiaoyao leaves Tianhai directly at this time, even if he tells Zhao Xiaoyao about it, it seems that he binds Zhao Xiaoyao to himself, what's the effect? meaningless.

So Kai doesn't talk too much with Zhao Xiaoyao. Instead, he hopes to stabilize Zhao Xiaoyao and let Zhao Xiaoyao be used by himself in the end.

If Zhao Xiaoyao can't use it for himself, everything he does will be meaningless.

"I really think of you." Kai will not admit his real thoughts at this time, but he doesn't want that in his heart.

"Kai always doesn't want to say?" Zhao Xiaoyao's understatement exposed Kai's inner mind: "so, Kai always wants to cook frogs in warm water and put me here slowly."

This is general Kai's mind!

When Kai was exposed by Zhao Xiaoyao, the whole person's face became ugly.

If the current situation continues, Zhao Xiaoyao may leave at any time. If he is forced to stay, he will tear his face. If he doesn't stay, he will suffer a huge loss.

For a moment, Kai really didn't know what he should do.

"Mr. Kai's means are really unfriendly to me." Zhao Xiaoyao shook his head and said, "I really don't like such cooperation."

"Xiaoyao, you misunderstood my meaning. I did it mainly to protect you. There is absolutely no other meaning." President Kai hurriedly said: "you must not think too much."

"President Kai said so. Even if I have an idea, I'm embarrassed to think about it." Zhao Xiaoyao looked at President Kai and his eyes made him regret that he said too much.

But now that this has been said, President Kai must only go on according to the current situation.

If you don't say anything at this time, it will make Zhao Xiaoyao lose trust in him.

Now that you have opened your mouth, it's better to keep saying what's wrong. Power should be a flicker.

"Xiaoyao, I treat you as my own person, so I'll tell you something without worry." Mr. Kai continued: "if you mind, it can only blame me for not thinking clearly, but it's definitely not that I want to use you."

Don't you admit you want to use me? Zhao Xiaoyao scolded the old fox in his heart, but kept smiling on his face.

Kai smiled awkwardly: "really, I regard you as my own person, so I blurted out some words."

"President Kai can blurt out some words, hehe." of course, Zhao Xiaoyao won't believe President Kai's words: "it seems that President Kai really regards me as his own person, otherwise it won't be like this."

"Hahaha, that's necessary. I really treat you as my own person. Carefree, don't let me down." Mr. Kai tried his best to cover up his embarrassment: "it's great that you can understand me."

Understand, of course!

Zhao Xiaoyao said in his heart, if you don't "understand" you, how can you know why you are in danger? How can you determine what kind of outrageous things you have done to get into such trouble and let others hate you so much?

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