After President Kai left the living room, Kaixin completely broke out her inner anger. She came forward and gave Zhao Xiaoyao a hard punch.

"Are you sick?" Kai Xin stared at Zhao Xiaoyao and said, "I really want to open your head to see if there is water in your head?"

Zhao Xiaoyao sat on the sofa carelessly: "I think your head is flooded. If I don't stay to help you, who can ensure your safety?"

"There's no need for you to worry! My father still has power to smell and strive, and they can ensure my safety." Kaixin said confidently: "don't think you're the only master in the world."

"Of course I know I'm not the only expert in the world." Zhao Xiaoyao nodded, "but if Li Wen and strive to protect you, who will be responsible for your father's safety?"

Kaixin was stunned: "isn't it enough for them to protect me and my father?"

"If as like as two peas, take charge as chief of the two people, why did your father make them look the same?" Zhao Xiaoyao smiled.

Kaixin didn't understand what Zhao Xiaoyao meant: "what's wrong with twins wearing the same?"

"Of course, but your father asked them to do so so so that outsiders would not know that they were brothers." Zhao Xiaoyao said: "The critical moment is that they need to be surprised to win. If they separate their brothers, not only your safety can not be guaranteed, but also his own safety can not be guaranteed. He must need a person who can trust to ensure your safety alone. If not, he can only arrange twins for you, so he needs to carry the danger and solve the matter. If not, he needs to solve it If you lose, you will lose completely. "

Kaixin opened her mouth slightly when she heard the speech. She couldn't speak for a long time.

Zhao Xiaoyao's words made her think deeply. Her father wouldn't tell her many things, but Zhao Xiaoyao is different. He can say anything.

The more Kaixin knows, the more uneasy she is.

"Although the world is not particularly complex, it is definitely not as simple as you think." Zhao Xiaoyao said faintly: "don't think things too simple."

Kaixin tried to stop talking several times and finally said, "then why are you willing to involve yourself? If you just want to repay human feelings, now you have done it, why do you have to involve yourself in danger?"

"Return the favor?" Zhao Xiaoyao was stunned: "do you really think I'm just returning the favor?"

Kaixin was stunned and couldn't speak for a long time.

"If I just want to repay the favor, do I care about you so much?" Zhao Xiaoyao rolled his eyes. He shouldn't have said something, and he didn't want to say it, but now he doesn't know how to say it.

Although he regretted after saying these words, there was no regret medicine in the world. If he said it, he would bear all the consequences.

Kaixin's face is a little ruddy. Only she knows what she understands.

"I don't want to stay here," Kaixin said. "I want to go back to my own side."

"Are you going back today? Do you want to die?" Zhao Xiaoyao said silently: "anyway, you should stay here today. It's safe here. As for others, wait until your father gets back today's account first."


Zhao Xiaoyao waved his hand: "it's just a metaphor. In a word, you must have been surrounded early today. If you don't want to make trouble for yourself, stay. If you must make trouble for yourself, go back."

"I don't want to stay or make trouble for myself." Kaixin said, "what should I do?"

"Then come with me." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled.

"You smile a little obscene." Kaixin glared, "what do you think? “

”Molesting your sister! "Zhao Xiaoyao was speechless:" if I have evil thoughts, I will admit it. Now I'm not in the mood. You'd better not wrong me. "

Kaixin snorted: "just, it's up to you. In short, I don't want to stay here. It's too depressing to stay here."

"It's OK to go. First let your father's people return my 'killing Immortals' to me, and then remember to remind him to compensate for my car." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "otherwise I won't go. As for the labor costs required to protect you, you can go back and calculate separately, but what needs to be solved in advance still needs to be calculated."

Kaixin turned his eyes: "the car must accompany you. As for what is' killing Immortals'

"My dagger." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "it was taken away by your father's people. I didn't mean to do it, so I put up with it, but you can't refuse to give it. If you don't return it to me, I'll overturn it and dig the ground three feet to find it."

"It's just a broken dagger. Who wants yours." Kaixin gave Zhao Xiaoyao a white look: "give it back to you. If you like daggers, I'll give you dozens more."

Zhao Xiaoyao just smiled. Things are different. Of course, they are not the same. Even if he exchanges 10000 daggers for killing immortals, he will never change them.

"A dagger also has a name. It's so immortal. What kind of cultural person do you pretend to be?" Kaixin turned her eyes again, but she really liked the name of the dagger and felt very powerful.

Kill immortals.

That means even immortals can be killed?

This analysis shows that the dagger is too loaded again.

"Why do you have such a name?" Kaixin suddenly wondered, "did you do it yourself?"

"I don't have that level of education." Zhao Xiaoyao shook his head. "This dagger was originally called killing immortals. As for why... I explained that you don't understand. Girls don't ask. Hurry up and let your old man compensate for my car. This is the business. Otherwise, you won't have to go if you want to go later."

Kai Xin thinks so. She has an Australian driver's license and can't be used in China, so she can't drive all the time.

If you want to drive in China, you need to apply for and change your license, but she doesn't have time to do these things, so she has been delayed.

"Then you come with me and go to the garage to see which car you want." Kaixin said, "and my car, you can drive at will."

"Get the domestic driver's license as soon as possible." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "save trouble in the future. In fact, this is what your father said. Just talk to him."

"Let's go and choose your car first." Kaixin said, "just drive away if you like. I'm sure my father won't stop you."

"What if there is a limited edition in the garage that I like?" Zhao Xiaoyao smashed his mouth: "wouldn't he be distressed to the point of meat pain."

Kaixin gave Zhao Xiaoyao a white look, ignored him and walked directly to the garage.

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