After some tossing, Mr. Kai finally didn't get any clues about Huang Hua, and he knew that Huang Hua would definitely entangle with him with the current batch of goods in his hand.

What Huang Hua wants is this batch of goods, so Kai always has the simplest way to lead Huang Hua out.

"Tell the brothers to do something tonight." President Kai lightly ordered Liwen: "shipment."

He looked at Mr. Kai in surprise and asked, "do you ship now? Mr. Kai... Will it be too risky at this time?"

Kai always said, "I just want to take risks."

Li Wen looked at his brother and whispered, "Kai always wants to lead out the yellow birch."

Then I realized: "I see... Well, this method is good. As long as he dares to come out, I will not let him go back alive."

"Huang Hua is really too careless." Li Wen also said: "the agreed price has changed halfway. Just because the international situation is a little tense and the arms price fluctuates slightly, it will tear up our cooperation so many times. It is by no means a person who can achieve great things."

"How can it be done at his level." Mr. Kai slowly closed his eyes and put his back on the back of the highly wrapped sofa as much as possible. It seems that only in this way can the body be completely relaxed.

Li Wen said, "if Huang Hua hears the wind and grass, she will show up. Mr. Kai, I'll arrange someone to let out the news of the transaction tonight."

"No." Mr. Kai said, "there's no need to arrange someone to release the news. Just tell the person in charge of the outreach transaction. Remember, emphasize more times and keep his mouth shut."

After hearing this, he didn't understand: "Mr. Kai, if the news can't go out, how can we attract yellow birch?"

"What do you think?" asked Kai.

Strive to look blankly. He doesn't think it's possible. If there's no news, people under his hand don't know to trade. How can Huang Hua know?

If Huang Hua doesn't even know the news, how can this be done?

"Mr. Kai, I really don't understand. If the news is not released, Huang Hua can't come even if she wants to come." he tried to shake his head: "do you want to attract people or really sell the goods?"

Without waiting for president Kai to speak, he tried to add: "if we want to sell the goods, now is not a good time. If we suppress the goods a little for two months, the price may increase exponentially. President Kai, I think we'd better not act rashly..."

After that, he tried to look at Mr. Kai seriously, and winked at Mr. Li Wen, indicating that he would help him persuade Mr. Kai not to make a wrong decision.

But Kai smiled: "you'd better learn more from your brother in the future."

Trying to understand what President Kai said at all, he looked at Li Wen incomprehensibly: "what does president Kai mean? What do you want me to learn from you?"

"Learn to use your brain," Li Wen said.

I'm not satisfied. It's because he's using his brain now that he thinks it's a wrong decision.

"Kai always has skeptics." Li Wen said faintly: "the situation on our side has always been revealed."

Strive to be even if he widened his eyes: "who did it!"

Li Wen wrote lightly: "Whoever Kai always tells this news is a 'ghost'..."

At that time, I almost turned against my brother: "brother, what do you mean? Kai always told us about it. Are we two 'ghosts'

"Hey." Kai sighed and shook his head. "You are really far from your brother."

"Mr. Kai! Are you doubting me?" I'm really angry. He didn't expect this to happen.

Li Wen was also very helpless: "your IQ really made president Kai speechless. President Kai just said and told the person in charge of outreach trading."

Strive for this to suddenly realize, followed by their own stupidity feel helpless.

"I'll deal with that bastard now." I'm a little angry and have to blame others.

"If you kill someone now, who will bring news to Huang Hua?" Li Wen said again: "calm down first. Don't always think of things as simple."

That's not the word.

"Well, strive, you'll always be with me from now on." Mr. Kai said. He was worried that striving would behave differently in front of others. If people noticed, his plan would be broken.

Try to nod his head. He won't argue about it. He didn't understand the boss for a moment. It's his own brain that can't turn.

"All right, I'll take care of it." Li Wen said, "Kai, don't worry. He will lead out the yellow birch at that time."

"We still need to deal with the aftermath of this matter." President Kai said faintly: "the transaction is empty. I won't really take the goods out. When the matter is over, we need to explain to our partners. It's best to let Huang Hua take the 'empty goods' we took to the transaction, and we can explain to our customers."

Li Wen nodded. He knew what Kai meant.

Let Huang Hua steal the goods, and then focus on Huang Hua to mobilize greater strength to solve the problems in Huang Hua's hiding place, rather than at the trading scene.

"You don't have to explain this, I can understand it." he tried to smile: "it's just to buckle the excrement basin on the bastard surnamed Huang. Since we can secretly leave that batch of goods waiting for appreciation, we can also let the bastard surnamed Huang curse on his back."

"Finally use your brain this time." Kai smiled. "OK, good. I need you to use your brain more in the future."

"Mr. Kai, I don't rely on my brain to eat with you." strive but disagree: "my brother is enough to use my brain. Besides, there are so many smart people around you. I eat with you with my life."

Kai didn't say anything. He really appreciated him.

Although the performance of striving for many times is not so smart and even a little silly, it is this kind of person who is really loyal and can come out to block bullets for him or even replace his life at a critical moment.

So over the years, Kai has always taken special care of him.

If other people didn't understand these things, Kai would have been angry for a long time, but he was very patient with striving. He wouldn't blame him for trying to understand something wrong. Even if he did something wrong, Kai would forgive him unconditionally as long as he understood it wrong.

Everyone has different characteristics.

"I'll get the news first." Li Wen got up and left the room first.

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