The two brothers of the Li family have been with President Kai for a long time. It is impossible to say that they have no ambition at all.

At that time, Liwen also thought that he could change a higher status with his brother at Kai's house. He paid too much, and he was confident that he had the ability to be appreciated by Kai.

It's a pity that President Kai has never given him any hint in this regard, which also makes Liwen slowly give up his idea.

But he gave up the idea entirely because he personally thought that Kai would not interfere in Miss Kaixin's personal feelings. It was not his luck or that Kai would not give him a chance. He had no chance to contact Kaixin himself. No wonder others.

But now it seems that Mr. Kai doesn't want to interfere in his daughter's personal emotional problems.

This makes Liwen feel a little unhappy.

If Kaixin is really robbed by the hairy boy on the way, there is no possibility that he wants to further improve his identity in Kaixin's house.

So many years of efforts, so many years of pay, so many years of conscientious work for the Kai family can only become a "credit".

If Kaixin really follows others, Liwen will lose her greatest motivation.

Although power is invisible and untouchable, it is indeed indispensable to anyone.

Once people have no motivation, they will feel powerless to do anything.

It's really boring at this time. I smell that everything I do without that power feels like making wedding clothes for others.

When general manager Kai arranged Liwen to rectify the team and prepare to start, Liwen seemed a little in a trance.

"Brother, why aren't you in a state?" I tried to know my brother too well. When I saw Li Wen, I asked immediately.

Li Wen shook his head: "it's all right. You must be careful about the tracking task tonight. Don't lose it or be found."

"Don't worry, brother. This little thing is not a matter for me at all." strive to ha ha with a smile: "as long as the Huang dares to find trouble, I will never let him go."

Just as the two brothers were talking, Zhao Xiaoyao also gathered together: "what do the two brothers say? Why don't you share it with my brother? Who is brother Zheng going to follow? Does Kai always want us to eat black?"

I didn't expect Zhao Xiaoyao to have such a good ear. Their voice was light enough, but he heard it.

"What have you heard?" he asked angrily, "boy, I warn you that you'd better not stretch out your hand."

"Of course I know this truth." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled. "I just want to know our next action now. Since we are going to have a task, I don't know what we plan. As a participant..."

"You just need to stay with President Kai to ensure his safety. That's enough." Liwen didn't give Zhao Xiaoyao the chance to finish his words: "go and prepare for standby now. When it's time to start, I'll arrange for you naturally."

Zhao Xiaoyao was stunned: "I'll wait there and have nothing to do. What can I do now?"

Li Wen shook his head and simply refused: "No."

"Don't find any reason to post around us to inquire about the news. I'll tell you, it's useless." he tried to say, "hurry up and get away from me."

"Brother Zheng is too angry." Zhao Xiaoyao left with a smile.

After leaving a certain distance, Zhao Xiaoyao dialed the mobile customer service phone. After hearing the voice, he immediately pressed a series of numbers.

Immediately after, the wind at the other end of the phone answered the phone.

"What's the trouble with calling at this time?" Feng answered the phone and knew what was going on.

"In the evening, I'm going to follow president Kai on a mission. If I guess correctly, it should be the game they did in order to lure the snake out of the cave and catch the yellow birch." Zhao Xiaoyao said: "just now I heard them say 'tracking', so if I guess correctly..."

"I see." Feng Yu nodded: "I'll track your cell phone in a minute."

"Elder brother, I guess my mobile phone will be put away in a moment." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "I'm afraid they won't allow me to take a mobile phone to work with them yet."

"I see. I'll go to your place now." Feng Shuo paused: "it takes up to twenty minutes."

Zhao Xiaoyao understands what Feng Xun means. It doesn't matter if they start in 20 minutes. Feng Xun will follow them at the moment they start, but if they start in 20 minutes, Zhao Xiaoyao needs to stop and buy feng Xun some time to get here.

When Zhao Xiaoyao hung up the phone, he tried to rush forward with an arrow.

Although Zhao Xiaoyao was aware of it, he still deliberately let him try to take away the mobile phone.

"Who are you calling?" he said with a gloomy look on his face. "I'm going to work soon. Who are you calling at this time? Do you want to send a message or what?"

Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "brother Zheng, I'll just check how much money I still have."

How can I believe what he said and open the call record immediately, but the call just now was really the number for me!

Strive to some do not believe their eyes, and then redial, the result is indeed the voice of mobile customer service.

"Brother Zheng, who can I call at this time? Although I haven't participated in our task, I know when and what to do." Zhao Xiaoyao said with a smile: "if I call at this time, I must be suspected of collaborating with the enemy."

"Then what are you doing on the mobile customer service phone?" he glared.

"I just check my phone bill. Today is my phone bill settlement day." Zhao Xiaoyao said innocently: "I'm afraid of shutdown. In case something needs to contact us later, I'll be in trouble if my phone stops."

Strive not to return the mobile phone to Zhao Xiaoyao: "you think too much. You are not allowed to bring a mobile phone when you have a task."

Although Zhao Xiaoyao had guessed for a long time, he still pretended to be surprised: "how can we contact without a mobile phone?"

"You don't need to contact anyone." he tried to say, "you just need to stay close to President Kai. We deal with other things. We will arrange you when you need to do things. When you don't, your only task is to ensure president Kai's safety."

"This is necessary." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "even if someone steps on my body today, don't want to hurt president Kai."

He snorted with disdain and left with Zhao Xiaoyao's mobile phone.

"Brother Zheng, I just bought this mobile phone. Don't lose it to me." Zhao Xiaoyao stood behind to remind me, but scolded in his heart: do you know how long it takes me to refit such a mobile phone? If you dare to damage me, I will spend you!

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