Identity is often given by people themselves. When there is no liberation, even if the eight flag disciples have not built a dog kennel at home, all their things are pawned, and they should carry identity and posture outside, because they think they have identity.

After liberation, the superiority of those high-ranking cadres' children in the courtyard can not be understood by ordinary people and children born in mud legs' families.

This is a sense of self.

Although the Pulsatilla is not a child born in an identity family, when he realizes the importance of "identity" and "class" to a person, his mentality has completely changed and he doesn't want to go back to being the so-called "inferior" anymore.

Although today's society has basically lost the title of "inferior" and class, it is not so in fact.

As long as there is an "upper class" class, it means that all except those in that class are "lower class".

It sounds very unpleasant. After all, there are very few people in this society who can really be regarded as "upper class society", but this is the truth.

Ordinary people don't think that "upper class society" can be more upper class than themselves. It's not because they are too kind, but because they haven't touched the so-called "upper class" things at all.

If ordinary people really experienced the luxury life of the so-called upper class society, they would not think so.

Anyone who knows that a cup of mouthwash of some people may be his monthly salary will be confused. Anyone who knows that the so-called aristocratic meal is enough for them to earn more than half of their life will be silly. Anyone who knows that the top luxury consumption is the money earned by their ancestors for eight generations, which is not enough, will be crazy.

Therefore, the Pulsatilla vowed that he would never lower his status and must make himself a person of "upper class society".

There is a description in the works of a favorite author he has seen, that is, there are only two kinds of people who say that too much money is useless. One is those who have not been short of money since birth, and the other is those who have never had money.

In the past, the Pulsatilla had been a grandson without money. If he had never had the opportunity to make the first money through criminal acts, he certainly wouldn't care about money and identity.

But he enjoyed the taste of money and tasted the life that the emperor could have. Of course, he wouldn't want to go back.

Today's society is different from before. As long as you have money, you can enjoy a life better than that enjoyed by the emperor.

Therefore, with identity, the Pulsatilla will completely draw a line from its past self.

From that time on, even the more capable people, as long as they were not in the status of "upper class society", they ignored the intersection.

That is, from then on, the circle of the Pulsatilla has completely changed. Until now, he is surrounded by people who he thinks are "upper class". No matter whether that person does "dirty" things or not, he will recognize that person as long as his quality of life and status are the standards of upper class society.

Those who do noble things but have no status are also worthless feces in his eyes.

"Brother Liwen is so valued in front of President Kai. I didn't expect anyone to look at you." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled. At this time, Zhao Xiaoyao can be sure that Liwen absolutely hates him because President Kai treats them differently, which has become two extremes in other people's eyes.

Li Wen smiled. It's really not easy for such a patient person.

"Brother Baitou is right. I can't compete with brother Xiaoyao." Liwen admitted lightly.

Zhao Xiaoyao really admired this guy more and more: "but I don't think so."

The Pulsatilla frowned, looked at Zhao Xiaoyao, and wondered what this guy would say.

"They are all human beings. What is the difference between high and low?" Zhao Xiaoyao said disdainfully: "turn over several generations to your ancestors. They are all children with mud legs in the countryside. Who is more noble than who, and what noble to pretend to be."

This is basically pointing at the nose of the Pulsatilla.

Liwen obviously didn't expect Zhao Xiaoyao to say such words.

The Pulsatilla's face changed, but Zhao Xiaoyao didn't mean to stop: "It's all evolved by ape people. Who can be more noble than anyone in the ancestors? People are not divided into three or six or nine grades. Animals can be divided. Why are purebred horses and purebred dogs worth money? Because they are pure. But people are different. Mixed blood children are popular these days, but in the past, mixed blood children didn't have such a beautiful name. It's called hybrid."

"That's too much." Li Wen smiled. "You can't use the word hybrid to describe other people's mixed race children."

"I don't mean to insult. I'm just saying a fact." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "that's not the case if we turn forward for hundreds or thousands of years. Now society is advanced and mankind has made progress, so there are no such things."

The Pulsatilla suddenly said, "listen to Xiaoyao, do you look down on my descendants of mud legs?"

"I don't dare to turn up for several generations. My ancestors were also mud legged children, and no one was qualified to look down on anyone." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "I'm afraid brother Baitou and I are different and don't plan on each other."

The Pulsatilla wanted to say something, but his men suddenly rushed forward: "a car is back!"

"Put it in!" the Pulsatilla immediately ordered.

Liwen realized that he was trying to come back. He raised his hand and looked at his watch. He thought he would come back so soon. I'm afraid it's not good news.

The Pulsatilla won't think so much. As soon as the car came in, he immediately ordered his men to surround the car.

They are twins, but their personalities are completely different.

The people of the Pulsatilla surrounded and tried to have a fire before they got off the bus, so they started at the moment when they stopped to open the door, kicked one person fiercely, and angrily scolded: "when this is a place, they dare to come here to be wild!"

Even the Pulsatilla did not know that Kai was surrounded by twins, let alone others.

Basically everyone was dumbfounded and looked at me in surprise.

The Pulsatilla was stunned for a long time before he realized it. He thought that Kai was really not simple. He hid so deeply. If he hadn't stayed here today, he wouldn't know such a big secret of Kai.

"Brother! You just watch them go wild here?" the people in front of you spread out one way and strode over: "people, don't do it at this time. President Kai raised you for free!"

Hearing his brother's excitement, Li had to come forward and persuade him, "this is what President Kai meant. Don't mess around. Since brother Baitou is here, he is a guest."

Trying to listen to it was president Kai's intention, which made him lose his temper, but he still stared at the Pulsatilla very upset. His attitude towards the Pulsatilla was not as good as his brother.

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