After all the Pulsatilla people left, Mr. Kai's assistant also came out of the villa and asked the people to come in and talk.

"Kai is really a good means." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "this move is not an ordinary Yin."

Strive to tremble slightly on his face: "boy, don't rely on general Kai's appreciation to know your last name."

"Don't bother. I don't need you to remind me of my last name, and I don't need Kai to appreciate it." Zhao Xiaoyao is not used to trying to look down on people: "talk slowly. I don't have time to waste my time here. See you later."

Zhao Xiaoyao said that he really wanted to go. Anyway, he had a car sent by Kai, and no one could stop him.

"Mr. Zhao, please stay." the assistant hurried forward: "Mr. Kai specially ordered you to go in and talk in detail."

"What else can I talk about? It's all over." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "I shouldn't participate in the rest."

Li Wen came forward and directly grabbed Zhao Xiaoyao's shoulder and put on a close look. In fact, he controlled Zhao Xiaoyao: "brother Xiaoyao, Kai is always invited. Why don't you give this face? Let's go in and have a cup of tea together, just take a break."

Zhao Xiaoyao looked at Li Wen, then glanced at him and said bluntly, "brother Li Wen, you can be a man than brother Zheng."

Although there is fire, he doesn't easily vent to Zhao Xiaoyao. Although he is impulsive, he is not a person without a brain.

From Li Wen's attitude towards Zhao Xiaoyao, he has seen some clues. He knows that the young man is terrible. He still doesn't provoke easily.

"Come on, let's go in quickly. I guess Kai is in a hurry." Li Wen said: "the Pulsatilla is really a difficult guy. It's like a dog skin plaster to chase him home."

Try to listen to the Pulsatilla and be angry: "brother, don't pay attention to him in the future, and he doesn't see what he is."

"Well, the Pulsatilla is also the business partner of President Kai. We should give him some respect." Li Wen said faintly.

"Respect a fart." strive to wave your hand and stride forward.

Zhao Xiaoyao said to himself, the sooner a bull like you dies. People who mix in this circle can eat like this. They talk to people and talk to ghosts. They know when to be a man with their heads down.

Striving is different. Unless president Kai is always plain sailing, once this master loses his power, this kind of person will be reduced to a state of being bullied by dogs.

This is an indisputable fact.

Say it thoroughly, and strive to know what kind of result it would be if you put your temper and character outside.

But now he doesn't care, and he doesn't think Kai will always lose power.

Nowadays, there are so many deep-rooted forces in Tianhai city. Even if Kai is one, how can he be twisted by the clowns like the Pulsatilla.

Zhao Xiaoyao was brought into the villa by Li Wen.

Mr. Kai has asked someone to prepare tea for them. Pointing to his assistant, he said to them, "sit down and have some tea first. If anyone is hungry, tell him and let him tell the kitchen what to eat and what to do for you."

Li Wen and Li Qiang shook their heads to show that they were not hungry, but Zhao Xiaoyao was impolite: "even if you have rice, make a soup to nourish your stomach."

"The soup in the middle of the night, even if it is cooked, will be in the daytime tomorrow." Li Wen smiled: "brother Xiaoyao really likes to joke."

Kai always smiled: "it's good to like joking. People with a bright heart must be bright. I like it."

Strive to look at Zhao Xiaoyao a little unhappy. He thought that the boy didn't make any contribution. Why can he be appreciated.

"Mr. Kai, if you appreciate Xiaoyao so much, aren't you afraid of his pride?" Li Wen reminded him half jokingly and half seriously.

Every sentence of this guy is basically "something in the words", and there are other meaningful words that make Mr. Kai have to think about it.

Zhao Xiaoyao was too lazy to collude with them and couldn't commit: "Mr. Kai, it's getting late. If you have anything to say, I have to take care of Kaixin when I go back. It's meaningless to waste time."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll come back after making proper arrangements." President Kai said, "I'll send someone to make soup for you now."

"Mr. Kai, I'm just kidding." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "I'm watching brother Zheng return without success today. The atmosphere is a little depressed, so it eases the atmosphere."

I tried to listen to the boy's direct hatred against him. At that time, I was unhappy: "what are you talking about? I didn't make it today. Naturally, I will admit my mistake with President Kai. I don't need your reminding."

Kai always raised his hand and tried not to be impulsive: "carefree doesn't mean that. Don't think too much."

"Mr. Kai, they are well prepared today. If they hadn't been stopped twice on the way, I wouldn't have let them escape." he said reluctantly.

"Now that we've run away, we don't need to continue blaming ourselves." Liwen said, "think of other ways."

Mr. Kai didn't investigate this. After all, this was originally gambling today. Moreover, now he has successfully turned the yellow birch into the target of the Pulsatilla. The Pulsatilla is a master who won't let go if he bites someone. Of course, he has nothing to worry about if he has such a guy to help him deal with this matter.

"Give up? You're too casual." Zhao Xiaoyao suddenly smiled: "if it were me, I wouldn't give up so easily."

I tried to be a little angry: "what do you mean? Do you mean if you deal with this matter, you can definitely catch up? Hehe, everyone will say such words after a horse. Really, I'm more beautiful than you."

Zhao Xiaoyao cut: "what I despise most is the afterthought. Don't give it to me before. Even if it's given to me now, I can go to the scene and smell the smell to dig out the hiding place of Huang Hua and them."

As soon as he said this, the room was silent.

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhao Xiaoyao.

Although this is a very boastful word, Zhao Xiaoyao gives people a different feeling.

After all, no one knows this guy.

"Xiaoyao, some words are not spoken casually." President Kai said lightly: "my brothers here don't like people who talk empty words. If they can't do some words, they'd better take them back, otherwise they will be misunderstood as a useless' mouth gun '."

Zhao Xiaoyao refused: "Kai always thinks I'm a mouth gun?"

"I didn't say that." Kai said faintly, "it's just that if you can't do what you say, you'll be a little suspicious."

"Today, I tried to say that I would be able to track people down, but I didn't succeed. Is this a mouth gun?" Zhao Xiaoyao said.

Kai always didn't answer. He knew to strive for victory and face. He had a reason for this. It can't be regarded as a mouth gun.

Strive to be a person who wants face: "Zhao Xiaoyao, if you can find the hiding place of Huang Hua, I will admit that I am a mouth gun!"

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