The next day.

When Zhao Xiaoyao opened his eyes on the sofa, it was already dawn. Chen Yuyue and Feng Yu were sitting in front of him and staring at him.

"Brother, what are you two doing? I fell asleep." Zhao Xiaoyao frowned. Maybe he was really tired yesterday, so he slept very well even when he slept on the sofa. Zhao Xiaoyao stretched his waist hard and was a little stunned.

But a few seconds later, he suddenly got up, fiercely sat up from the sofa, stared at Feng Yu and said, "did you catch up? Didn't you lose it!"

Feng Yu smiled: "what do you think?"

"Brother Fengyu, I'm sure you can do things at ease. There's absolutely no problem." Zhao Xiaoyao smiled: "I boasted to them that I can find Huang Hua's hiding place within 24 hours. If you don't keep up, I'll lose my face completely."

"How dare you say that you can find it in twenty-four hours?" said Feng.

Zhao Xiaoyao waved his hand carelessly: "I don't have you to help me. There are no people in the world you can't keep up."

Feng Xun suddenly lowered his head and shook his head helplessly.

Zhao Xiaoyao was silly at that time: "Feng Yu, don't joke with me. It's not a joke. Can't you even keep up?"

"Don't scare him." Chen Yuyue said, "I don't know what I said when I boasted with others. If I can't find someone, I think I can throw my face into my crotch."

"Elder brother, you're right. If I don't track the place, I'll really lose my face." Zhao Xiaoyao said: "even our dragon group's face has been lost together."

Feng Xun glared at Zhao Xiaoyao: "don't stick your own business to our big guys. Don't blow with people in the future."

Zhao Xiaoyao flattered with a smile: "brother Feng, isn't it because of you? If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't dare boast. It's because of you that I dare to boast with people so recklessly. I'm sure there's absolutely no problem with your ability."

"Don't do this." Feng Yu said, "just now I heard it was going to die. Even my brother stopped calling and called me by name."

"No, I was just excited for a moment. How dare I not respect my good brother." Zhao Xiaoyao flattered.

Chen Yuyue smiled: "Feng Yu, I'd better teach him a lesson this time. You'll tell him the place after 24 hours and let him know the end of boasting first, otherwise you won't remember it in the future."

"Brother Yu, aren't you kidding me?" Zhao Xiaoyao cried and laughed: "Oh, my two brothers, don't play with me. I really can't afford to lose this man."

"If you know you can't afford to lose this person, don't blow that kind of cow." Feng Yu said, "anyway, those grandchildren can really hide. If I hadn't followed all the way and killed them, I wouldn't have thought they would hide in that place."

Zhao Xiaoyao's curiosity was completely aroused: "my brother, please tell me quickly. Where are those people hiding?"

"It's in a village not far from the city. I heard about that village when I studied Tianhai city." Feng Xun said: "There are no young people in that village, but there are a group of old people who don't like to accept new things. Those old people are people who didn't go out of the village to accept the new world decades ago. Because the location of that place is remote and Feng Shui is general, they haven't been developed. Those people have been slowly getting old in that place."

"You're not talking about the lonely old village? The village is really famous in Tianhai." Zhao Xiaoyao said, "I've heard of it, and I've also heard that there are some infectious diseases in the village. If there weren't volunteers to go in and treat them, those people might have disappeared."

Feng Yu nodded: "that's the village."

"No... Huang Hua hid in that place with people." Zhao Xiaoyao couldn't help exclaiming: "it's OK enough. Most people don't want to get close to that place because of infectious diseases."

"As long as the disease is cured, it won't be infected again. It's not so evil," Feng said.

Having said that, people who know this situation will not like to be close to that village. Even if the infectious diseases in that village are cured, the existence of that village is originally a "tumor" in a city, which may not be malignant, but it will still make the city look less perfect.

"I guess after you tell president Kai the news, President Kai will surround the village at the first time." Chen Yuyue said: "at that time, the village will really be unable to fly out."

"Elder brother, we really let them eat black?" Zhao Xiaoyao asked Chen Yuyue for his opinion.

Chen Yuyue has no opinion on this: "Huang Hua, we have been in contact with a despicable and sinister villain. Only black eating black can let him get his deserved retribution. Otherwise, he will find a way to get rid of his crime."

Zhao Xiaoyao nodded and felt that this was very reasonable.

"Whether he eats black for nothing or black for black, it's the same as white cats and black cats. As long as he can catch mice, he is a good cat." Feng Yu also agreed: "If President Kai has the strength to do this, why bother the people's police? The police comrades are also very hard. You see, Captain Su is so hard every day. How can he bother them again?"

"I love to hear that." Chen Yuyue thumbed up.

"You all agree, I don't mind." Zhao Xiaoyao grinned. He can imagine the surprise of the two brothers in front of him.

And this time he can definitely surprise president Kai and completely shock him.

After all, this is the news that his Kai family can't find out in three days, and Zhao Xiaoyao only took one day.

No, to be exact, it's only a few hours since the incident last night.

Even if he went to Kay's house at noon to announce the news, it wouldn't take more than ten hours.

Of course, now Liwen and strive still don't believe that Zhao Xiaoyao can solve the problem in one day. You know, they haven't had a rest since yesterday. They have been organizing people to find people in a big way, and they haven't been idle for a moment.

When it comes to the dedication and dedication to Kai's family, the two brothers have definitely made great contributions.

However, no matter how much credit they have made, I'm afraid they can't compare with this one. This is also the reason why their brothers tried so hard to find clues and judge the hiding place of Huang Hua.

If this credit is won, it is definitely the greatest credit they have made in Kai's family.


No one wants to give up this opportunity, but no matter how hard some people try, they can't get it as easily as others.

This applies to many people and many things.

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