The Pulsatilla gritted his teeth and stared at Su Qing leaving. He said in his heart, don't let me seize the opportunity. If I seize the opportunity, I will kill you and make you regret it!

Zhou Chengxuan still stood in front of the Pulsatilla, and his sharp eyes seemed to penetrate the Pulsatilla's mind at any time.

"Don't dream, you have no chance." Zhou Chengxuan's words interrupted the Pulsatilla's Fantasy: "this time you fall into my hands, I will never let you get rid of your sin easily."

The Pulsatilla secretly bared his teeth to ease the huge pain in his back, straightened his body and said, "team Zhou, don't be so full of words. I'm a good man and a philanthropist. I came here to visit the widowed and widowed elderly. As a result, I was involved in this dangerous thing. I think your police should give me a statement instead of trying me."

"You want the police to tell you, hehe, you think too much." Zhou Cheng declared: "today we have evidence, you don't want to deny it."

"Your so-called evidence can't really hammer my crime." the Pulsatilla is really not a good stubble. He had made this plan before coming. He has explained all those who came. When the police asked, the same confession can't betray him.

The Pulsatilla is very confident in his brothers. This is not to say that his brothers have much handout spirit, but that he has made a guarantee to these brothers. As long as his Pulsatilla can be safe, he will do his best to protect the brothers. Even if he can't, he will also guarantee the families of the brothers sentenced.

At that time, if anyone dared to betray him, the end would not be so happy. Even if his sentence was commuted for confessing something, he would live in fear for two or three years.

As long as you don't take a confession according to the wishes of the Pulsatilla and betray him, the Pulsatilla will bring bad luck to the whole family.

So even if these people don't think about themselves and their families, they certainly don't dare to easily betray the Pulsatilla.

As for the confession, the Pulsatilla had given them what to say before. At that time, they all agreed that they didn't know the Pulsatilla at all. They said that the Pulsatilla came here to visit orphans and widows for public welfare, and then they took him hostage.

In this way, the Pulsatilla is not only not a bad man, but also a public figure who transmits the positive energy of society. It's ridiculous.

Anyway, this is already the case.

The Pulsatilla has such strong self-confidence that Zhou Chengxuan is naturally quite upset. He immediately ordered several colleagues to ask to see if the people under the Pulsatilla have unified their confessions.

Sure enough, Zhou Chengxuan soon got a reply.

Those guys have already prepared a unified statement.

"Pulsatilla, it seems that your grandson has long realized that he is going to plant." Zhou Chengxuan said unhappily.

"Oh, team Zhou, it seems that you already know that I'm 'innocent'?" the Pulsatilla smiled and said: "if there's no way, don't force me. I'm the one who should have my share. If team Zhou let me go earlier, I'll have my share. Thank team Zhou. I won't let team Zhou down."

Zhou Chengxuan kicked it up!

This foot hit the big face egg of the Pulsatilla, and kicked a black footprint on the fat face of the Pulsatilla.

"Remember, Pulsatilla, if you can get rid of your crime, I will try you myself." Zhou Chengxuan trembled all over. What he was most helpless was that this scum had a way to get rid of his crime.

Although the law is very rigorous, sometimes it is rigid and inflexible.

The Pulsatilla smiled like a flower: "team Zhou, do you want to abuse lynching? Hehe... I dare not resist you now, but you wait. When I regain my freedom, even if you don't visit me, I will visit you... I will not only visit you, but also visit your whole family, hehe... Team Zhou, wait!"

This bastard is too brave to threaten Zhou Chengxuan!

Zhou Chengxuan didn't know what he grabbed. Without saying a word, he smashed into the head of the Pulsatilla.

The Pulsatilla quickly lowered its head and lit its back to block it. With a crash, a wooden chair fell on the Pulsatilla and fell apart.

Zhou Chengxuan threw the chair leg in his hand and was about to punch, but he was stopped by several colleagues who hurried over.

"Team Zhou, what are you doing?"

"Calm down, team Zhou! We can't abuse lynching!"

The Pulsatilla was dazed by the chair just smashed by Zhou Chengxuan. He just threw up a mouthful of blood on the ground to slow down.

He didn't expect Zhou Chengxuan to be so cruel without the slightest pity.

The Pulsatilla certainly couldn't swallow it. He told Zhou Xuanxuan that as long as he had a chance, he would have to kill the whole family surnamed Zhou in order to get rid of his hatred!

"Don't worry, Pulsatilla. I will never give you the chance to hurt my family. Have a dream!" Zhou Chengxuan said sternly: "everyone will collect evidence immediately! Prove that this bastard is one of the main initiators of today's fire!"


Zhou Chengxuan urgently needs enough evidence to hammer the evidence of Pulsatilla!

Now he really can't get a witness. Those bastards didn't stand up to testify against the Pulsatilla.

How can justice and truth be reversed by those who don't distinguish between black and white!

Zhou Chengxuan will never allow this kind of thing to happen under his eyes. He must really hammer the criminal facts of the Pulsatilla and let this guy bear the legal consequences and punishment!

"You look for it slowly. I'm not in a hurry. I'll be here with you. Team Zhou, if you can still play, hit me twice more." the Pulsatilla is still provocative: "I'm afraid you don't play more today. You won't have a chance to play in 48 hours."

Zhou Chengxuan knew that the Pulsatilla was exciting him and wanted to make him angry and lose his mind. As long as he lost his mind, everyone would lose his rules.

After calm thinking, Zhou Chengxuan chose silence.

"Baitouweng, evil can never defeat justice, so you will never win." Zhou chengxuanyi threw his last sentence to Baitouweng: "maybe you have won a short victory before, but this time you will lose completely."

"I'll wait." the Pulsatilla doesn't think he will plant this time. He is so prepared. Some people carry thunder on top of bags. What is he afraid of?

Zhou Chengxuan didn't say a word and turned to leave. He didn't believe it. He couldn't make this bastard this time.

Su Qing, who is next to her, sees everything in her eyes. She knows that some things will be quite helpless. If these guys help the Pulsatilla perjure, team Zhou really has nothing to do with that bastard.

However, she could not help in this matter. The only thing she could do was to step forward and kick like just now and spread her anger, that's all.

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