The rainstorm immediately covered the car on the road, and Chen Yuyue immediately slowed down. This weather with visibility of less than five meters is simply hairy.

"Slow down, we're not in a hurry anyway." Ye Xuefu reminded Chen Yuyue to be careful and cheer up to help Chen Yuyue observe the road conditions.

Chen Yuyue was obviously 100% vigilant in the face of this situation, but he couldn't help being distracted and asked, "who was that guy just now? It's really sticky."

"The owner of the manufacturer who provides Tianya pharmaceutical with some raw materials." Ye Xuefu said: "I really don't remember his name. Tianya calls him Lao Wu if he is familiar with him, and boss Wu if he is not familiar with him."

"That grandson is trying to plot something wrong tonight." Chen Yuyue said, "I want to take advantage of this weather to create an opportunity to get along with you alone."

Ye Xuefu certainly had this vague feeling in her heart, but she was still embarrassed to admit in front of Chen Yuyue: "go to you, don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense. He just wants to take you home. It's raining so hard. Then you must politely say to come in and sit down for a while, wait until the rain stops, and then he can sneak in and don't come out." Chen Yuyue said: "don't blame me for looking down on him. It's a little mean to show off. I'm also drunk."

"Anyway, I already know you're waiting for me outside. There's nothing to worry about." Ye Xuefu said, "what he likes to think is his business. We can't control it."

Chen Yuyue was worried or jealous. He couldn't help saying, "you'd better not participate in this kind of entertainment in the company in the future."

Ye Xuefu was also helpless: "I don't want to participate in these entertainment, but all their supplies must pass my inspection, and I have to make it clear to him."

Chen Yuyue was quite dissatisfied with the behavior of having to solve problems at the wine table in China's business market: "then let such people go to the company to find you during working hours, and don't make an appointment after work."

"Are you worried about me?" Ye Xuefu said curiously, "I have so many things to deal with in my working hours. I really don't have time to talk with them who supply raw materials. They are all in charge of the procurement department."

"Yes, it's OK to throw such things to the procurement department in the future." Chen Yuyue said: "if the Minister of the procurement department can't do such things, what else can I do with that salary? Don't come to work at all, I'll do it."

Ye Xuefu was stunned and suddenly asked, "are you really interested in the purchasing department?"

Chen Yuyue immediately shook his head: "I'm just talking casually. I'm really not interested in the procurement department, because my willpower is too weak and I can easily be defeated by sugar coated shells."

Ye Xuefu was angry when she saw that he was not serious: "don't come here. I'm serious with you. If you are interested in the procurement department, I'll apply for you to change your post."

"You can solve this?" Chen Yuyue carefully looked at the road condition where he could hardly see anything clearly: "people are doing well now. It's not appropriate for me to grab the position?"

In fact, Chen Yuyue doesn't want to change the Department, but he also knows that if he doesn't change the Department, he will always occupy the position of security minister.

If he can move away, Lao song will have the opportunity to bring it up, Lao song will bring it up, and Xia Ke and Lu Yuan will have the opportunity to move to the position of vice minister.

Therefore, if Chen Yuyue leaves the security department, it will be good for his good brothers.

Anyway, Chen Yuyue doesn't care what he does in Tianya group. What's more, everything in the security department is basically arranged by Lao song. Xia Ke and Lu Yuan support Lao song's leadership.

Whether there is Chen Yuyue in the security department is not interesting at all.

Chen Yuyue took the highest minister's salary, but he didn't do anything. They worked hard. Lao song and them, Chen Yuyue was also sorry.

"I'll ask you if you want to change it." Ye Xuefu said.

Chen Yuyue thought that for the further development of his brothers, he should give up his position: "I think it's just because I'm afraid it's a little unkind to run on others."

"If the current procurement minister is a kind person, I'm really embarrassed to run on him." Ye Xuefu sighed lightly: "the current procurement minister has been working for a year and a half. In this year and a half, he has abused his power."

Chen Yuyue was stunned: "what have you done?"

"At the beginning of the first year, there are still principles. You know not to do what you shouldn't do, but you obviously can't control yourself in the past six months." Ye Xuefu said: "this post is very sensitive. Some things in the company will turn a blind eye, but some things are done too much, which is still inappropriate."

"Listen to what you mean, there is enough evidence to make the current procurement minister abdicate." Chen Yuyue smiled.

Ye Xuefu nodded: "since he can't control himself, he can't blame others."

"OK, look at the arrangement." Chen Yuyue said, "I've had enough free time in the security department. It's time to do something serious."

"You don't need to worry about many things in procurement. They are all fixed patterns." Ye Xuefu said: "it should be easier for you to go, but you just need to control some things in principle."

Chen Yuyue touched his chin. What's the matter in principle?

According to Ye Xuefu, it should mean that you can't use the purchasing power to do hidden rules. What else does he mean by going to the purchasing department.

"What do you think?" Ye Xuefu interrupted Chen Yuyue's thinking: "if you go back today, prepare the possibility of adjustment at any time."

"You said, if I really went to the purchasing department, would I directly meet the guy surnamed Wu today?" Chen Yuyue said: "will he feel particularly embarrassed when he sees me? Hehe, his power to make money will fall into my hands. At that time, he must have the heart to cry."

Ye Xuefu really doesn't understand the mentality of boys like Chen Yuyue: "if there is no problem with the things supplied by others, the goods are good and cheap, you can't abuse your power to make it difficult for others."

Chen Yuyue patted his chest: "don't worry about this. It must be no problem."

"Hold on to the steering wheel. It's too dangerous." Ye Xuefu worried. It's raining harder and harder outside. Looking at the situation, I'm sure I can't go out tonight.

At this moment, Du powu finished his noodles with Lu Xue and just sent Lu Xue home. Because the rain was too heavy, Lu Xue and his mother left Du powu to spend the night directly at home. Du powu refused many times and failed to refuse Lu's mother's kindness, so he had to stay.

Zhao Xiaoyao and Kaixin are also trapped at home and can't get out. Originally, they planned to go to a bar for two drinks at night. Now they can only stay in front of the bar on the top floor of Zhao Xiaoyao's new home.

The continuous rain seems to want to completely submerge Tianhai city in one breath.

Half an hour later, no moving vehicles could be seen on the crowded streets of Tianhai city on weekdays.

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