The same thing happened in many suites of the hotel as ye Xuefu's room, and the result is of course very different.

Computers and information in some rooms were robbed, and bodyguards in some rooms reacted quickly, preventing some things from happening.

In another room, it is because the meat and spirit trade is going on. There is no resistance against the invaders at all. No matter what the other party does, they cooperate very well.

The target of the intruder is the information in the suite. It doesn't mean to hurt people, but some bodyguards were hurt because they were too useless.

Of course, such a serious thing shocked the hotel for the first time, but even if the hotel immediately blocked it, it still didn't catch any intruders.

Obviously, this is a planned invasion. There are clear instructions on the time to enter, the route to leave, and what to get.

In addition, Chen Yuyue also noticed that all the invaded rooms had been checked in, and several Suites had not been checked in, nor had they been invaded by unidentified persons.

So Chen Yuyue felt that the people who arranged all this knew the situation in the hotel and who checked in.

After the incident, ye Xuefu has been in a muddled state. She doesn't know whether she was frightened by the invaders or was blinded by Chen Yuyue's naked appearance, so she won't be sober for a while and a half?

In a word, after the accident, Xiake and Luyuan rushed over for the first time, and both Michelle and Muzi were present.

However, they did not see the intruder, only Chen Yuyue wrapped in a bath towel.

Of course, this picture will make people think. Chen Yuyue knows that it's useless to explain. He's simply too lazy to explain. Whatever they think.

At first, ye Xuefu didn't feel much. Later, she realized that this situation was too misunderstood.

But now she has no energy to think about that. What she is worried about now is whether the invaders have taken anything.

Michelle and Muzi hurried to sort out the documents and checked them carefully to make sure that nothing was lost.

"Brother Yu, who is the other party? If he is so bold, he will rush directly into the hotel." Xia Ke clenched his fist and said, "if I catch him, I will break his son and grandchildren."

"The other party is a woman," Chen Yuyue said.

Shako was stunned.

Lu Yuan also looked incredible and said, "women? Isn't it? Do women have so much courage?"

"If it were a man, I wouldn't let him run away." Chen Yuyue pointed to the bath towel: "But the other party is a woman. I tore away all the things left on me at that time. I can't just control her? Let's not say whether I will convict her. I will certainly be charged with molesting a woman. What if I'm locked up? We have to go out and even find a relationship."

Lu Yuan thought, "brother fish, you were naked when you fought with that woman?"

"I had an accident just after I took a bath. I don't have time to dress." Chen Yuyue said nothing.

Xia Ke said: "if you say so, you don't plan to go back to sleep with us after taking a bath... Hey, brother Yu, you're too good. Let's pay attention just now."

Chen Yuyue has a black line. He doesn't explain at all. He can't explain clearly. Whatever they think.

He didn't intend to go back anyway.

"Mr. Ye, no wonder it says that it's very dangerous for us to come out this time." Muzi said, "I didn't believe it at first. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

"Yes, it's too exaggerated. I suddenly feel that I don't have a sense of security at all," she said with a smile

"I don't think we should go back at night and stay here." Muzi thought for a while and said with great worry, "who knows if those people will come back?"

"Well, I think so," said with a smile.

Lu Yuan came forward and motioned them not to worry: "do you think it's meaningful for you to stay here?"

"What do you mean?"

Xia Ke answered, "it's meaningless for you to stay. If someone with planning and organization wants to come in and rob things, can you stop it? You can only watch each other take things away."

Although their words pierce their hearts, they are realistic.

It's true. It's meaningless for them to stay.

"I'll keep it." Chen Yuyue said silently, "and they have come once today and have raised the vigilance of the whole hotel. I believe they should not come again. You have a good rest and have to work tomorrow."

Shako and Lu Yuan both strongly supported: "it's better for brother Yu to stay here, so we can rest assured."

"Well, that's hard. Minister Chen helped us take care of President Ye." smiled and thanked.

"My job is to protect you." Chen Yuyue said, "don't worry. With me, ye will be fine. It's your own. When you go back to your room, you must lock the door and buckle the safety lock. In this way, you won't give people an opportunity."


After Chen Yuyue's simple explanation, the hotel gradually returned to normal, and several of them went back to their rooms.

After they left, ye Xuefu asked, "who do you think were just now?"

"There are two possibilities, the first is the unknown forces who want to get all your information, and the second is that one of the participants in this seminar wants to take advantage of the opportunity." Chen Yuyue said: "I prefer to doubt the latter because the latter has the opportunity to find out whether there are people in your room."

Ye Xuefu frowned: "but the information we brought will be shared tomorrow. He doesn't have to take it like this."

Chen Yuyue nodded: "yes, I really don't understand this. Does he just want to know? Don't want others to know? I didn't understand this."

"I didn't expect that we were immediately defeated as soon as we arrived." Ye Xuefu smiled: "it seems that this trip to the river is more troublesome than I thought."

"Don't worry, with me, you won't be in danger at any time." Chen Yuyue said, "you should be more careful and keep yourself in my field of vision as far as possible. If their first goal is information, the second goal is people with something in their mind."

The smile on Ye Xuefu's face disappeared.

"Compared with those fat guys, you are obviously the one with the most things in your mind." Chen Yuyue said helplessly, "so I think you are more dangerous than any of them."

"I'm afraid it's really going to trouble you." Ye Xuefu said shyly.

Chen Yu jumped to indifferent: "otherwise, why should I come out with you? I come out to do things."

"It's nice to have you." for a moment, ye Xuefu didn't know what she should say: "don't say it yet. You haven't finished taking a bath. Go take a bath."

Chen Yuyue realized that it was really hot to stand in front of Ye Xuefu with a bath towel wrapped around him, and hurried into the bathroom.

In fact, for ye Xuefu, it is not spicy at all. On the contrary, Chen Yuyue is still very ornamental. For ye Xuefu, she even feels that she has a heartbeat by pretending to peek at it unintentionally.

This is a stimulus that ye Xuefu has never had before.

Chen Yuyue soon took a shower. Although Ye Xuefu had not yet fallen asleep, she also closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

It's not that she doesn't want to talk with Chen Yuyue for a while, but that she really doesn't know how to deal with the little embarrassment now.

Seeing that the bed was so quiet, Chen Yuyue smiled and lay down on the sofa. Of course, he knew that people who really slept would not be so quiet. They even held their breath. How could ye Xuefu fall asleep?

Lying on the sofa, Chen Yuyue couldn't sleep. His mind was full of what had just happened.

The intruder was a girl, with extremely light steps and quick movements. It was obviously a trained person.

This seems to be a method of training ninjas in Japan, but it's not a traditional Japanese ninja.

After thinking for a long time, Chen Yuyue finally thought of an organization, an organization active on the whole eastern coastline of China. Chen Yuyue can't remember the name of this organization, but he can be sure that the woman he just fought with matches the people trained by that organization in all aspects.

Although Chen Yuyue can't remember the name of the organization, he knows something about the organization.

This is an organization that exists only for interests and does not involve any forces or purposes.

In other words, they are not interested in biological genes, they are only interested in money.

Someone hired them and committed crimes by taking advantage of the grand event of China's top biological gene research companies.

This does not rule out that it was done by the people participating in the meeting, nor does it rule out that it was arranged by someone outside who got the news. Chen Yuyue thought for a while and still had no clue.

There are too few clues left by the other party, and the escape speed of all intruders is too fast. The planning is so perfect that no bodyguard can detain an intruder for a good trial.

Chen Yuyue was very upset. He knew he didn't care about his image. Although it was too domineering to catch people naked, he could catch at least one. Unlike now, there was no progress.

Just as Chen Yuyue was lying on the sofa tossing and regretting, ye Xuefu suddenly sat up in bed.

Hearing the sound, Chen Yuyue closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. He was completely thinking about ye Xuefu for fear that she would feel embarrassed. He didn't care. Anyway, he was wearing a bathrobe, which was much better than the light image just now.

Chen Yuyue didn't realize that when he was thinking about problems, time passed quickly, and an hour passed in the twinkling of an eye.

Ye Xuefu thought Chen Yuyue was asleep and found that Chen Yuyue was so stupid that he didn't even cover the quilt. Then she got up, took out a spare quilt in the cupboard and walked over to help Chen Yuyue cover it.

Chen Yuyue felt a warm current in his heart. Ye Xuefu made him feel the tenderness that women should have.

Ye Xuefu and long Yueling are completely two extremes. If it were long Yueling, it is estimated that the whole quilt would fall directly on his face. How could he cover it so gently.

Somehow, Chen Yuyue will suddenly think of Yueling. This time, Chen Yuyue and several brothers thanks to her plea. When Chen Yuyue left, long Yueling personally said that she would definitely bring the truth to light with the reputation of the leader of Tianzu, and give Chen Yuyue a justice to their brothers of longzu.

No matter what the result is, Chen Yuyue is very grateful. At least long Yueling's words represent her brothers who believe in the dragon group.

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