"Mr. Jin?" Xiong q long looks ugly. As q long of Yuhua District, he can't help taking a businessman“ This Jiangzhou group must be removed. I'll get in touch with Mr. Jin. Didn't you read the newspaper? Now this storm can't immediately reply to Jiangzhou group for a breath. "

"But Mr. Jin gave the order to die." Mr. J of GS Bureau was embarrassed. It was obvious that Mr. Jin's words were more effective than Mr. Xiong's.

"As staff members, we work for the people. If this kind of thing gets out, won't we say that GS Bureau people have problems with their work?" Xiong q long's voice was extremely angry and indignant, but immediately changed a tone, "Mr. Jin's emotions really need to be taken care of, but Mr. Jin just told you to let Jiangzhou group resume manufacturing, didn't he say when?"

Bear q long words a just a soft, just let GS Bureau J long this kind of weeds have no idea“ How do you say to do that, q-bear? "

"Since Mr. Jin didn't say the time, we'll put it off for two days. You're sending someone to make it in Jiangzhou and tear the seal. It won't be long before it's ready. I'll call Mr. Jin, too. It's all in the newspaper. Is it still a joke? " Bear q long eyes around, do not know what bad things are planning.

"Well, I used to ask people to go there in the afternoon. Now it seems that I can delay as long as I can."

Xiong q long hung up, but after solving the GS Bureau's problems, it's obviously not the end. His biggest trouble now is still in Jin Laoer's place.

Although Jin Laoer's factory is in their Yuhua District and under his management, Jinshi Group is the largest manufacturer in the whole Yuhua District and the pillar of the whole Yuhua District's economy. Director Xiong q is not qualified to offend Jin Laoer.

After a long silence, Xiong q is still planning to contact Jin Laoer directly and talk about their love. They have been meeting for many years. Can Jin Laoer tear his face because of a young man?

The more Xiong Q thinks about it, the more he thinks about it. He gets through to Jin Laoer.

"Hello, Secretary Li." Xiong q long listen to voice know is secretary Li answered the phone.

"Bear q is long." How could Secretary Li not know the phone call of the chief Q Xiong that he often deals with? The master is having a meeting and it's almost over. I don't know what's the matter with Mr. Q. Xiong calling now? "

Secretary Li, who is close to Mr. Jin, doesn't pay attention to Mr. Xiong Q at all. It's not polite to ask.

"Secretary Li, that's right. I'd like to ask you about yourself first. Is it convenient for me to know Xiong Laoer is also polite to Secretary Li. I think he is used to Secretary Li's speaking temper.

Where can Jin Laoer have a meeting again? In front of secretary Li, Secretary Li looks at Jin Laoer and indicates that things are as expected.

"Bear q long, you say straight, I certainly know everything."

"Secretary Li, it's like this. A while ago, Mr. Jin and I talked about the Jiangzhou group. What's the relationship between Mr. Yang Xiao and Mr. Jin? Does Mr. Jin seem to take special care of him? " Xiong q long said not obscure, most people can understand his voice.

"The master has nothing to do with Yang Xiao. He is just a young man. The master is very optimistic about him. Why is Xiong Q also interested in this man?" Secretary Li seems to be joking.

Jin Laoer points to Secretary Li with his finger, indicating that Secretary Li should be careful, but he doesn't care about Secretary Li's attitude towards director Xiong Q at all.

"Oh? Yes When Xiong Q heard Secretary Li's words, he sighed. As long as he was not a close relative of Mr. Jin, but a promising younger generation, he would have a way to deal with it.

"The master has already held a meeting, q-chief Xiong. Would you like to hand over your call to the master?" Secretary Li pretended to be in a hurry.

"Secretary Li, please." Bear q long think, words in the base of the gas and enough a few minutes.

Secretary Li pretends to trot a few steps, walks up to Mr. Jin and hands his mobile phone to Mr. Jin.

"Master, bear q is long." Secretary Li's little actions can be transmitted to the other Kim's ears through the phone.

"Lao Kun, what's the matter? I want you to call in person now and let the people below give me a call." Jin Laoer laughs, listening to the last time, he received a phone call from Xiong Q, looking very happy.

"I really have to call myself this time." Xiong q long voice is full of helplessness, "are my son who is not promising, did not listen to my advice, to provoke you last time personally called to talk about the Jiangzhou group of Yang Xiao."

Jin Laoer pretended not to know what happened. "Oh, what's the matter?"

"It's like this. Last time you told me about the advantages and disadvantages of Nanhai, I told my smelly boy, but he just couldn't listen. As a result, he found someone to deal with Yang Xiao." It's the first time Xiong Q has contacted Jin Laoer because of this. He doesn't dare to speak too clearly.

People like Yang Xiao must have some strength behind him. Otherwise, he can't even give his face away. What the head of Xiong district wants is to knock out the energy behind Yang Xiao.

"Oh, and that?" Jin Laoer's tone was so flat that he couldn't hear any emotion from his mouth.

Bear q long naturally don't think that Jin Laoer doesn't know anything, but Jin Laoer's lack of emotion is that he receives the best news.

"It's just that, unexpectedly, Yang Xiao's method is very powerful." Bear Q sighed a long time, but had to say“ My son and a group of friends were almost disabled by him. "

"How could that be?" Gold old two tone a hard, "don't he know is your old Kun's son?"

Xiong Q listen to the tone of old two, heart a joy, "you don't know, not only my son was beaten like this, even army Q Shao's son, Shao Tianyi, also was Yangxiao hit whole body fracture, this matter is temporarily concealed by me down, if Shao know, things can't imagine."

Bear q long put on a pair of listen to the arrangement of gold old two appearance, very clever.

Jin Laoer was silent on the other end of the phone. "I'm afraid it's not so simple, is it? If your son doesn't go too far, according to Yang Xiao's temper, he can't do this. "

Bear q long heard the words of old two, originally thought there was no problem, now heart suddenly raised up, old two this sentence is really some elusive.

"Mr. Jin, although my son was at fault, he did not cause any harm to Yang Xiao at all. As a father, I can not tolerate such harm to my son and his friends." Xiong Fugui simply and directly explained his attitude.

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